Part 9 'Rooftop School'

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Taehyung's POV,

I felt vibration from my pocket. I keep my phone in silence because I don't want to make any sounds since I'm with someone. I look on the notification, it is a message from Hwayoung, I opened it.

'Did you enjoyed, I hope you're... Good night, and sorry too. See you tomorrow. Annyeong. ♡H...'

I smiled the way she text me, it's cute. Haha. Maybe it's better if you're here with me.

Why am I feeling like this, my heart is attracted at the same time between Hwayoung and Hyeri... I sigh deeply.

Hwayoung's POV,

Am I doing the right choice? Yah~ absolutely... I throw my phone away and jump to my bed. Geurae, I'm doing just fine.


Taehyung's POV,

At school,
"Lee Hwayoung!" I called her name as I saw she enter into the classroom. She gave me a big smile and wave at me.

"Yo~ how's your night yesterday? You didn't text me back. How could you." She said, feeling sulky. "Yah~ mianhae, I haven't pay my phone bill yet..." I said and pat her head.

"Let's hangout at the roof after lunch, they said Ms Im is not going to enter our class, so we can escape for a while.. Okay." I said as I wish to give the gift to her today. She's going to like it since it is special from me.


Hwayoung's POV,

"Yah, Kim Taehyung! Hahahaha! Stop it would you?!" He is totally annoying. It's weird that he suddenly talking about his heart. About love. Yuck! He tickles me as I laugh at him.

We're having fun together, it's been awhile since he always have been with Hyeri. So, why not, I'm still enjoying our moment together. I take a deep breath.

"Ah, it is exhausting. Yah, go buy me some drink.." He pleaded. I shook my head. "No, I'm to lazy to walk." He seem pathetic. "Jebal~" He pleaded to me again. I find it's cute the way he pleaded to me. Haha. "There's only one way." I raise my eyebrow to him. He look at me weirdly. "Let's play Rock-Paper-Rcissor, if I lose, I will go buy the drinks. And if you lose... you will go buy it then. Ottae? Call?" "Okay, call!" He shouted. I nod as I agreed with him.

"I'm totally winning this..." I said in confidence. Cough* cough* "We haven't started yet~" He scoffed.

"Hana, dul, sae! HAHA, yes I won!" He shout for a win. It's like winning some trophy. "Ah~ yah~ one more time. It's not fair that we just play for one time. Let's make it three time. Two more to go" This time, I'm the one who plead to him. "Hem~, arassoyo. Let's see." He agreed. Yes! I'm going to win this time

Rock - Paper, Taehyung win.

"aish.." I sigh. He just chuckle at me.

Scissor - Rock, once again he win.

"Ah!" I screamed in frustration. Can't believe I would lost against him. "Go buy tha drinks, I'll be waiting here.. Hehe!"

Well, it's just a game. I chuckle, he's really good. "Ah, what should I buy?" I ask to myself as I got to the canteen and there are many kind of foods there, I decided to buy cola plus and some fried chicken breast.

Taehyung's POV,

I take out the tiny box, she'll be here in any minute, I hold it tightly. "Ah, I'm thirsty.." I murmured. I heard footsteps coming towards "Uu~ Lee hwayoung, you're so fast" I turn my face to the owner of the footstep, I thought it would be Hwayoung but.... it's not her. It was Hyeri.

"Are you waiting for Hwayoung? Mianhaeyo, it's me hyeri" She said, but his eyes on the ground. "Oh, Hyeri-ah?" I'm a little startled by her. Well, I didn't know if someone else would come here. Rarely students didn't go here.

"Taehyung-ah..." She said. She take a step forward. She's in front of me now, we're so close and I make a little step backward. "Er, what's the matter? How did you know that I'm here? You make me scared. If you have something to say to me, eyes on me." She makes me goosebump. Her face on the ground. She's not looking at me, even for a second. She just stood there silently.

"What's up with those expression?" I ask her once again. She take both my hands and hold it tightly. I startlet for a moment. "Taehyung, I..." Waiting her to finish her words..

Finally she look at me. "I... I like you.." She said. I don't know what to response to her. Speachless. "Hyeri-ah..." I stopped my words as she lean her head at my shoulder. Her tears start to fall down. She hug me. I can feel the warm of her body. I can't do anything.

"I really like you.... so much." She said.

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