Part 8 'He's Changed'

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Hwayoung's POV,

The midnight passed, I woke up with swollen eyes. "Aish, I shouldn't cried last night."

I go to the kitchen and take out the spoon that I kept in the refrigerator overnight. It'll reduce the swelling of eyes.

Taehyung didn't sleep here yesterday. I look at the clock, in hours I have to get ready for school. As always, I have to walk by myself to school today.

My phone rang, 'BTS-RUN' played as I set it as my ringtone,
"Oh, wae?" I said as I answered Taehyung's call.
"Did you sleep well last night?"
"Of... course, wae?" I lied.
"Well, I'm just asking, cause you seem lifeless when you got home yesterday. HAHAHA!"
"Yah! Did you call me to say those words?! I'll hang up." Disappoint with his words. It seems that I'm too emotional for this early morning.
"Haha. Yah, I'm joking. It's just a joke. See you at school!" Tut... tut... tut..... He hang up.

"Oh?! It should be me who hang up his called! Ugh" I wore school's clothes to my body while my mouth blabbering about Taehyung.


"Hwayoung-ah!" Someone shout my name from behind. It is Taehyung, he rides his bike to school, oh well. Since his house is far from our school.

"Why are you so loud.." I said after he parked his bike and locked it. "I'm always being loud. Gaja~." He pulled my hand.

In class,
"Annyeong~" Hyeri greets us. Moreover to Taehyung. I just smiled at her. Taehyung did the same. "Taehyung-ah, I got your text last night. Thanks for the wishes." She is happy when she said that and walk away.

I look at him, knowing my heart is aches by her words. I just let it go. "What wishes?" I ask him. He smiled at me, but I don't respond to it. "Erm, I just message her to thank her for accompanying me last night. That's all." I nodded. I push away my jealousy. It is nothing for me. Act normal.

"Erm, Hwayoung, I want to talk with Hyeri for a moment, okay?" He ask me. I scoffed, "Why do you need to ask me for a permission? Just go~ I don't care about it." Then he sit besides Hyeri. I look to my maths work back, continue solving the problem that I paused before.

But I'm totally distracted by the two. I can't even focused on what I'm doing here. I watch both of them from the tip of my right eye. Taehyung is enjoying his talk. I shouldn't bother him anyway.

I sigh. Looking at the maths question making me feel dizzy. So I sleep for a moment.


"You can go." Mrs. Shin said. "Lee Hwayoung." I look at him. "Let's go now." He said. Of course Hyeri is coming with us. Then I saw Jungkook, waiting at the door.

"Annyeong!" He said happily to me. I smile and greet him. "What you're doing here?" Taehyung ask him, and I look at Jungkook, waiting for his answer. He smiled "I was planning to join you for a recess. I want to hangout with you." He actually referring to Hwayoung. They just nodded.

On the way to the canteen, Taehyung doesn't seem want to get separate from Hyeri. I feel a bit anxious, but it's not a big deal. Hyeri is one of us right now, Jungkook in addition. It feels good having other friends since we're always stick around.

"What's the matter?" Jungkook ask, broke the silence between us. I realized that we're left by the two behind. "Oh, ah nothing... I'm just hungry, and the canteen is so far.." Giving him a plain smile.


"Argh~" I heard him stretching out. I got my eyes on him. We're packing up our things on the desk. "Hwayoung-ah, I have promised with Hyeri before, we're going out tonight. Want to join us?" He ask. I'm a bit startled by that.

"Erm, I'll consider about it first.." I answered him. "Kaja~ let's go home." I take his arm to walk together. Then his mouth start to say something "Err, Hwayoung-ah, today i'm not going home. Mian, I've got something to do..." I release his hand. "Oh? So, you want me to walk home by myself?" He nodded. "Yah~" "Mian" He pat my head before he leave.

He leave me alone. For the first time. I deeplh sighed. He act weird lately.

Taehyung's POV,
I grab my casual outfits and place it on the bed. A bit excited about going out. Plus there's something I want to give her.
I check my desk, it is in a tiny box. It is for Hwayoung.

I really hope that she will come with me tonight, even Hyeri said that we're just going out together without anyone else joining us, I refused to. Because I don't want it to be awkward for sometime.

Besides that, Hwayoung is part of my life. She must have always been on my side. I look at my phone, waiting for Hwayoung's answer.

'You've got message~' I open it and it's from Hwayoung.



Thank you for reading my story! Will publish again tmrrw!

Xoxo, Row199♡.


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