Part 11 'Cry If You Need, Don't Keep It'

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Hwayoung's POV,

I can't concentrate at all. The teacher will enter our class soon. I can't be like this. Weak. I saw Taehyung enter the classroom. Directly I take out my book out and do something with it, "Yah!" I shocked. I mean, WE all shoked by Taehyung. Why did he mad at me? I almost threw my book. I try to calmed down. "Why are you here? You're suppose to bring me some drink and hangout with me for a while! Where are you?!" I'm stuck! Please.... someone, help me to stop him from continuing to ask where I was. "Kim Taehyung! What are you doing? Get back to your sit!" Mrs. Shin enter our classroom and makes his word stop. I'm relieved.

He sit besides me where is his place. We're not talking to each other.


"Yah, Lee Hwayoung." Someone calling my name. I know the owner of that voice, It's Kim Taehyung. My leg, I can't stop from keep walking faster. "Yah," He ran to me and stop me from walking. He touch my shoulder. I barely shocked by his hand, I feel like it has electric on his hand.

"Ah!" All my books at my arms, it fell. All eyes on us. In panic, I directly kneel down to pick up my books. He took my wrist rudely. "Yah, What are you doing? It hurts. Let me go, I warn you." He walked. "Yah Kim Taehyung!" He ignored me. People start talking about us. My book, It still on the floor along with my other stuff. He drag me to behind of our school. So that no one would hear our conversation.

"Yah, stop it won't you?! It hurt! My hand! Let me go!" I keep on yelling.

He stop and let go of me. I hold my wrist. It's red. "What are you thinking? What makes you so mad about me? Is it because I left you behind? Are you crazy?!" I look into his eyes, then look down. I do not have the courage to look at him.

"Yes! Where have you been? I've been waiting for you at the rooftop. And here you are?! Did you just left me behind? Oh?" He mad at me.

Tears about to fall, but I hold it up. "Why are you mad at me? Aren't you with lee Hyeri just now? I don't want to disturb both of you. So I left." Eyes on the ground, I can't look at his eyes, then he'll know that I'm lying about I'm leaving just like that.

He harshly grab my arm, so that my eyes on his. He look through my eyes with anger on his face. "What are you doing?! It hurt!" I try to escape, but I couldn't against him. He's hand to strong for me.

"You're lying just now." On sudden his face from mad turn into sad. "I know you, and you wouldn't just leave us like that if you saw us." I couldn't hold my tears. Then it flows at my cheek.

"It's true that she saw you just now. And you know what? She's hiding from both of you for not disturbing you. What a nice friend you got." Someone answer it for me.

"Jeon Jungkook?" I fell uneasy now.

"What do you mean?" Blankly Taehyung ask Jungkook. "I was there, with her. Watching you were hugging with Hyeri." He sigh before he continued his word "She didn't want to disturb you. She saw me and she know that I've followed her, she took my hand and we leave the rooftop together." Jungkook seems serious.

"Jungkook-ssi, Stop it." I speak. "Taehyung-ah, I'm sorry, I didn't meant to leave you behind. But, I don't think I've got the right time to join you and Hyeri. It seems like important thing. Don't wait for me today, I've got something else to do. Mian." Slowly he let go of his hand at my arm. I left both of them with a bitter smile.

I took my stuff that been abandoned on the floor and walked out from this school. Besides, school's over. It's time to go home.


I lied to him because I was still in shocked by Hyeri's action towards him. I know he deserves to hug anyone else, but it is offensive seeing them like before.

I'm now all alone at the park, there is no one else here except for me. Sitting on the bench, thinking about the incident. I'm the one who's being pitiful to myself.

I'm the one who's been doing some ridiculous thing that could harm myself. It's nobody's fault that I'm being like this now.

Crying alone in school's uniform, why do I need to suffer through my own imagination.

I heard a footstep by the sound of the small rocks. "Here you are. I was looking for you." He say "Why are you looking for me?" He paused. "I know, that you would cry by your own. I don't know why. But I don't want you to be sad, or crying by yourself." He look into my eyes sweetly.

"Jungkook-ah, why did you lie just now? You lie that I took your hand and run away? Why did you do that?" I ask him curiously. He smiled "I don't know." He sigh. "Hwayoung-ah..." I look at him with the remnants of tears on my cheeks. "From now on, I will take a good care of you. I will protect you from everything." He wipe my tears. "You can cry when I'm with you. Now, cry and remove all what you think." I moved by him. I start to cry back.

Slowly... he hug me tightly. I let he hug me.

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