Part 22 'The Night'

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Hwayoung's POV,

I look at Jungkook's eyes. It's happy to see him. We had a fight before leaving Seoul. He is the precious friend ever.

He took me to walk with him for a while. "I'm...." He look at me, "Forget about the past. Focus about what is going to happen in the future." I nodded with a smiled. "We're still a friend right?" I act innocent to him. "Of course! Yah, stop act like a innocent to me. They must be waiting for us. Kaja."

Yeah, it's good to be back to normal. It feels like my burden are gone.


Hwayoung's POV,

'Knock, knock' someone's knocking my door. I can see his shadow from inside my room. It's the traditional door and of course I can see him through the window. "Wae?" He slide to open the door and come in. He must loses his mind. "What are you doing here? What if halmeoni and Jungkook know that you are here?" He shut my mouth with his finger.

"You make them know that I'm here with that voice." I push his hand. I look at him with erasable eye. "What do you want?" He sit beside me and hug me. "Eomeo" Luckily Yeonhee's not here. She's at her home. "I miss you." HE IS really lost his mind. What do I do now? "Kids..." He release the hug and look at me with a annoyed face.

"Mian, haha. I need to sleep. I'm so tired." He pulled my hand and he thank me. He kissed my forehead smoothly. I was struck by his words. "Mianhae..." He kiss me again at my nose. I can feel the heat from my face. "Igeo...." He touch my forehead. "Thank you for making me realize that I love you." 'Shit' I froze myself. Lastly, he kiss my lips. "Thank you again.... for loving me." He said romanticly. I look through his eye. Deeply. He's too romantic.


Jungkook's POV,

"Ugh~" I keep remembering the scene that I saw this evening, when I was looking for Hwayoung. I can't stop thinking about it. I rub my face. I lose to Taehyung. He found her first. I was late by a minute.... Nope, by a second. If I could turn back time.... I need to let her go now. Annyeong... Hwayoung.... nae cheos salang.


Yeonhee's POV,

I ran to downstairs directly to the kitchen. Knowing that my mother is preparing for breakfast for the whole family. She is making some kimbab, "Eomma~" I whines to her. She smile and ask me to sit.

"Did you have fun last night with Hwayoung, she might living here for a month.. I guess." She ask with a bit curiosity about Hwayoung staying at here. I took a bite of kimbap which she placed in a tupperware. 'Ppak' "ouch!" "This is for Hwayoung, don't you dare to touch it." Aish, "Eomma! I'm your daughter!" She look at me with her sharp eyes. "This is your" she push the other tupperware. "Eomma choego!"

"Hwayoung probably staying here, temporarily. Oh by the way, Taehyung is here too!" Taehyung pop up in my mind, then it reminds me of Jungkook too. "Also, their friend." I added. Continues to enjoyed my food. Eum, yummy.

"A friend? He or she?" Well, mother is a bit concerned about them too. "His name is Jungkook, he's nice. Plus handsome." I said my own opinion about him. I can't say that I hurt him while cycling.

"Why are chuckling all of a sudden?" I choked myself.

"Eommeo~ look!" I point the clock "It's late now, haha! I'm going to change my shirt!" I close the tupperware and ran away. "Yah!" Phew, that was close..

Halmeoni's house isn't that far from our house. Many of our relatives moved to Seoul, including Hwayoung. So, I'm the only one who'd been with halmeoni. That's the reason why she was bored to me now. Everyday is Yeonhee's day! But now, she's back. Even though it is just for a moment. I sighed for that.

I walk to my desk. Where I secretly hid the photos of us together. I miss them so much. Including Taehyung. I chuckle. How I wish I could go to Seoul with them, but I couldn't. So I need to enjoy the time that God had gave me now.

"Eomma, I'll be leaving." I said as I closed the front door. I place the food in the basket of my bike and ride away to halmeoni's house.

5 minutes later...

"Joh-eun achim halmeoni" I greet while hugging her. She smile as I place the food on the living room's table. "This is breakfast that eomma made. She left some for you and Hwayoung." She nodded. I ask her about Hwayoung.

"She's still sleeping. Can you wake her up for me? I will prepare the plate." She tell me to wake Hwayoung up in her room.

"Aish this girl. It is almost 9 o'clock! Hwayoung-ah!" I opened the door. My eyes were wide awake

"EOMMA!" I screamed. I saw Hwayoung and Taehyung is sleeping together! They woke up and they were shocked too, of course they will. They drag me inside the room and closed the door. I mumbled as Taehyung's right hand is covering my mouth.

Jungkook's POV,


I woke up. Huh? What was that? I lift my body to a sitting position. I look around the room, as this were Taehyung's. But I didn't found him sleeping next to me. Where is he?

And who is screaming at this hour? Could it be Hwayoung? I rush outside and saw halmeoni is on her way to Hwayoung's room

"Yeonhee-ah! What's going on?" Yeonhee?

Halmeoni about to open the door. And....


It's been a while...hahaha...thank you for keep on reading my work! I appreciate that! I will try my best to keep on doing my work. Love you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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