Part 6 'We're Not Siblings'

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Hwayoung's POV,

"Hwayoung-ah~" Taehyung called me. "Yes?" I looked for the owner of the voice. "Who's-" He stopped his word after he saw Hyeri. "Come sit with us." I continued. "Oh?! You're the new student right? but, wae-wae-" I was about answer his question, but then suddenly Hyeri answer his question faster than me. "I live not far from here. Not to near, but yeah it's still near for me." She smiled "I saw you both yesterday. So I came here, visit my new friend with pancakes." she said kindly.

"Brother? But both of your had a same age." The question that almost makes me chock from drinking a water. "No, haha. We do look like a brother's and sister's but nope." Taehyung said to hyeri. "Uhm~ but why are you here?" Oh god! Please just stop asking about us. It's not your business. And who's house is here? Are you her boyfr-" "No!" We both shocked that Taehyung shouted to denied about hyeri's question. It's correct that we're not siblings and we don't have any kind of special relationship. But, why did I feel hurt? "Yah, why did you shout? She didn't even finished her word." I said to him.

"He's my bestfriend, from childhood till now. He live's here for just a moment because of his parents are not at home." Awkward voice. "Ah~ hahaha." she smiled, relief. I find that smiled different. Is she happy that we're not in a special relationship? Yah hwayoung-ah, think positive. Then, I back to reality world and smiled at her.

Hwayoung POV's

'Zzzt~ zzzt~.' My phone vibrates on the table. Taehyung behind, I didn't seem to care about him. It is a voice message from Jungkook. 'Oh. He sent a voice message? Taehyung behind, I can't let he hear it.' I maybe look like a fool. But opening the message in front of Taehyung is not going to be fine. I don't like my private things be known by other people, including him. I turned off my phone, just for awhile.

"Er, I got to go now. See you later. Bye." I just walk out from the room. Ignoring him, that is not as usual, but why do I feel like this. I hate it when we talked before, with Hyeri. I hate the way he mentioned that we're just friend. I sigh. But sadly, that's the truth.

"Eomma, I'm going now, I'll get home early okay. Annyeong~" I kissed my mom's cheek before going out from the house. Thankfully, Hyeri is gone.

I look down to the clothes that I'm wearing, a pink miniskirts and plain white tee, plus my lovely turquoise hanging baga and sandal. It is a nice clothes matches for me. I like bright colors. It suits teenagers like me.

I opened the voice message that sent by Jungkook earlier, "I'm waiting in front of the Hats shop. I'll wait you there.. be careful." His sweet voice could be heard as I tap on the play.

"Why is it so loud?!" I mad about my phone's sound. Well, it is obviously my fault. I got myself a taxi. Along the ride, all I could think is about that punk. Who else it would be, it's 'Kim Taehyung'.

"I just need to guarantee that you safely arrive. Don't mad at me." I give him the sweetest smile. He grin. "Stop talking or you will regret about it." I smile showing my whole teeth to him.


I'm standing at the front shop, as he told to meet up here. Am I doing the right thing? Go out with him. I can't stop thinking about it since last night. "Aish, so cold, why did I pick a thin kind of cloth." Then someone wrapped a scarf around my neck. The person is Jungkook. Smiling at me, then take my hands as he blows it. I felt like I was being in slow motion. I can see his face so clearly.

"Are you okay now?" He ask, but I can't get rid my eyes from his facial features. It was fantastic yet, couldn't get my heart beats faster, like the other one did. "Hwayoung-ssi~" He called me. "Oh, I... I'm okay. I'm not deserved to get-" When I'm about to unwrapped the scarf and give it back to him. He stopped me. "You can have it, you're cold right now." He said. Then his hand moves to the scarf. He open it as the scarf spread wider, he tied it up around my waist.

"There. You're safe now." He laugh. I look down and start to laugh at it. The way he wrapped it is the same like I'm wearing a skirt before, but this time, it is way more longer and warmer.
"Gomayowo, Jungkook-ssi." I said with gladness. He takes my right hand, "We should have start the journey now~" I let he hold my hand. The way he said it makes it more interesting. I smiled happily.


I've been busy for school today. Hope you enjoy it. Tysm ;*

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