Part 2 'Hiding The Truth'

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"My Secret... Kim Taehyung.." I said

The first words that I wrote. As I opened it, on the centre of the book. There's so much secret about him, that I keep.

"Huh... Almost. I wish it would never happened again." I sigh deeply, " I know, it would never going to make it up, between us. 'He is the one, my first love, Kim-" I was cut by a knock from outside.

"Yah, Hwayoung-ah why are you so late. Mom's waiting, c'mon. Let's eat." Sudden appearance from Taehyung in front of my room.

"Ah-uh-ye- yes. Okay." I hurriedly closed the book and throw it on my desk. "Let's go. Eat." I realize that my action is too weird for him. He looks at me, confused. Luckily, he just follow me from behind without saying a words.

I'm in my room, watching online drama in my laptop. Then I can feel the vibration from my phone, someone's calling. But I don't have attention to pick the call. So, I continued watching my online drama.
It has passed one minute, still my phone kept on vibrating.

"Uh! Who is this! I'm enjoying my drama time right know!" As I read the dialer's name, 'Alien'. "Yah! I'm watching my drama right know. Why did you always disturb me when I'm on my drama time?!" He didn't speak a words, instead of that, he laughed. "Really? If your oppa call's you, then you should pick it up faster. But you've denied my call for once, now you have to be punish. You know the rules, right~"

"Ugh, how can I forgot about the rules." I blame myself for being careless. "Please, don't do this to me right now. I'll buy you the coke after i'm finish with my drama. I'll promise." I beg

"No no no~ rules are rules. I want it right now" he said. "If you don't buy me a coke right now. Then you will be regret someday. About Jeon..." He threatening me

"Yah!" I close my eyes tightly and deeply sigh. "I got it, okay?! I'll go right now. Ugh" I hang up the call right away. Even though the truth about my feelings towards Jungkook are fales, but .... hu~

Kim Tahyung POV

"Hahaha. She's cute. It was fun to tease her. Now I get my beloved coke." I lay back on my bed. After a couple of minutes, I can feel the vibration of my phone. Faster, I pick up the call up.

"Yah, hurry up and get your ass down here. It's cold here." She said in the call, mad I thought.

Hwayoung's POV

It's cold at night. Even thought it's not winter yet. Perhaps I was too complacent and forgot to wear thick clothes. Because I was angry at him for stirring my drama time and I got my body heated from my anger. I left the house with clothes that can't cope with the cold. I'm waiting infront of his house after a call to let him know that I'm arrived.

"Sorry I'm late." Taehyung appears in front of his door house. "Yeogie." I gave him his coke. "Done? I'm going home now. Bye" I continued. Then he stop me as he catch my right hand. "Why is your face and nose are red? And, why you didn't wear any thick clothes?" He touch my face then hold my both hands "Your hand, its cold too. Let's go inside." He said worriedly. "Oh? I'm okay. I'm totally fine. Hahaha. I just forgot to wear some warm clothes. That's all." I said it as an excuse for going home faster and continue with my drama.

"No. Let's go inside" He insist. His face suddenly changed. He pull my hand to take me into the house. I'm just follow his footsteps as his hand grip are too strong to let my hand go from him and wasn't able to do anything.

Taehyung's POV

"Eomma! Hwayoung is here!" I shout from the living room. I was mad at Hwayoung. How can he be so default. It makes me worried about her EVE.RY.TIME!

"Aigoo, my daughter is here?" Mom smiled at her happyly. "Annyeonghasaeyo Emmeoni." she replied her politely. "We're going upstairs for a moment. She's just to default and forgot about wearing some warm clothes." I muttered as I led her upstairs.

"I'll be back soon eomma!" She shout from the stairs. Mom look at us weirdly. "Em~ arasso. Go warm youself." Mom shout from downstairs.

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