Part 3 'Taking Care Of Me'

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Hwayoung's POV

He sit infront of me while I wrapped myself in blanket. He's calling someone and it's my mom. "Eommeoni, Hwayoung is going to be home a bit late. She's in my house right now. She got cold. I'm going to wait her to warm up first then I'll send her home." I heard that my mom nagging about me in the phone.

"Huh~" He deeply sigh. "How can you go out without thick clothes to cover your body from cold you punk. How careless you are." I look down. "I think I know the reason. From now on, you can't watch drama on your own." He said. I was shocked. My mouth was about to open to say something. He cuts me,

"No excuses, tomorrow I'm going to take your laptop away from you. If you want to watch drama. Watch it with me. If I let you watch it by yourown, you will lack at your own world. I'm your oppa. Listen to my words." He said coolly. Then he sat beside me. Who he think he is? Like, duh... I'm a teenager, not a little girl who need a lead. Okay, I'm being a rude. Just a little rude. Don't mind me.

I can't denied his verse. My eyes wide open. I look into his eyes, and I can see how much he worried plus mad at me. "Arasso, but it's not a big dea-" Quickly he cut my words, "Shut your mouth. Be quiet and warm your body first." He take my hand and blow it as he help me to warm my hand.

"I'm okay now." I said to him. I don't like how it feels right now. Awkward. My heart can't stop from beating faster. I pulled my hand slowly. He look at me.

"Wae?" He ask weirdly. I just about to open my mouth then suddenly Taehyung's mom, Mrs.Kim come in our room. "Hwayoung-ah, are you alright dear?" She ask. I smiled at her as a answer that I'm okay. "Here's some soup to heat your body. I've called your mom. And I want you to sleep here today. It's late and cold outside. Plus, your not that well." She said. Taking care for me. I felt really thanked to her. She kissed my forehead before going out of the room, leaving both of us alone.

"You stay here. Sleep here in my room. I'm going to sleep at your room. Don't move, don't think about going anywhere." He said. He help me to lay on the bed before he leaves me.

"Tsk. Why am I like this. He's an oppa to me. How can I got this kind of feeling. Aish~" I hit my own head. "Awwww!" It hurts. I sigh deeply. Just let it over. Then slowly my eyes closed to sleep.


I wake up because of the smell of food that Taehyung's eomma cooked. "Em~ The smell. Ah~. Eommeoni~" I called her from upstairs.

"Eommeoni~" I hug her from behind as I got downstairs.
"Your awake. Go and wash yourself. Don't be late or you're going to be late for school." She said lovely. "Ah, and please help eomma to wake Taehyung up" she continued. "Oh my god! I forgot about the school!" I ran to upstairs.

I go to Taehyung's room which is my room that he's staying last night, to wake him up. Without any hesitation on opening the door, I just push the door knob.

"AH!" I screamed. Then I closed the door back. "Di-did I just saw... Him topless?!" Suddenly I can feel the door open from inside.

"Yah. Can you please knock the door before you come in? And why did you shout? You used to not shouted before. But why did you shouted today? You look weird since yesterday." I just shut myself.

He's right. I act weirdly this lately. I can't help myself, "Huh... Whatever." He walked pass me after there was no answer that came out from my mouth. "Ugh.." I ran to my room to wash myself.

"Eomma, we're going to school now." After we finished our food, we're going off to school. "Be careful~ ride the bike carefully. Don't make Hwayoung fall, okay?" Mrs.Kim said worriedly. "Ah yes. I got it." Taehyung replied. He starts pedaling the bicycle. I back hug him, I'm afraid that I might fall to the ground.

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