Part 17 'Home...'

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Hwayoung's POV,

"Taehyung-ah..." I called his name. He's reading some books at the branch of our school. "Aigoo~ you're reading? Haha, of course you are." I laughed but he didn't. He close his book and looking serious to me. "Why are you alone, here? I saw your friend just now, they all heading to somewhere and you? Why are you here?" He stare at me. "What about you? Why are you here? Alone too." He ask me. "Haha, they went to karaoke." I sit beside him. "Why don't you joint them?" He continue reading his book. "I just.... just... you know me. I want to rest for now. Besides, I don't like going to karaoke and I'm okaywith it. I...."

"Don't pretend to be okay! Just say that you hurt instead of being happy. You make me more worried about you. It hurts me to see you like this. You make me confuse with your reaction. You always called the wrong name to me, i'm Jungkook and he's Taehyung!" He breath deeply before he continue. He hold my hand. "Hwayoung-ah, if you love him. Just go and tell him." I'm speachless, no words that came out from my mouth. "Please do whatever you want next time. Don't be like this. It's not you." He let go of my hand and walked away. I can't do anything but to look at him walked away from me.


Tears by tears fall down. I walked by myself not knowing where am I at. Someone's call me. It was in silent mode. I look at my phone screen, 'Eomma❤'. It has been the 40 calls from eomma, 34 from appa and 36 from Jungkook. Taehyung? He calls me almost for 50 times. Why do he need to do that? I open my phone and text them.

'Eomma, appa... don't worry about me. I'm okay. I just want some rest right now. I know how to take care of myself. I'll be back soon.' Send.

9.00 p.m. I'm sitting at the playground alone. Remembering the childhood about me and Taehyung at this place. I smiled all alone. Thinking about him. My eyes had swollen this all times. Jungkook was right, this is not me. The old me is gone. Gone forever. I'm at my new world. I don't care what people will say about me. But... this is who I am. And I can't change the truth...


I enter my house. "Hwayoung-ah!Where are you from? You know how much we worry about you! And.... and, I almost called the police!" Eomma mad at me. I smiled and hug them. "Eomma~ Appa~" They look at me weirdly. "Are you been drinking?" Appa ask me. I laughed hardly. "I'm not that stupid to drink at the age of now." I laughed. "Eomma, appa... I want to spend my holiday at grandma's house." They look to each other. "Are you okay? Do you have any problem. Aigoo~ your eyes, it's swollen again." Appa wipe my tears and he looks worry about me. He touch my eyes. All I do is smiled to them.

"Arasso, we'll book the ticket for you. When fo you want to go?" Eomma take out her phone too book my ticket. "Tomorrow." "What?!" They look shocked. "With who?" Eomma scrub her heart. "Alone, don't ask me any question and just do that for me please. I want to rest for now, i'm tired." If I could.... if I can.... I just want to give up right now. But I know that I can't do that. For my risk, including my parents.

"Called Taehyung and Jungkook that I'm fine. Don't worry about me cause it's not their problem.... I don't want to meet them. Just tell them that I'm fine." I walked away to my room. Gosh, I'm very unlucky aren't I.

Taehyung's POV,

Argh!! Where is she? She makes me worried about her.

Jungkook and I looking for Hwayoung aroung. She's missing. I hope she'll be okay.

"Jungkook-ah, do you found her?" I ask him. He shake his head.

I feel vibration from my phone, 'Eommeoni' I pick it up. "Eommeoni!" "She's home now." She said to me. "Jjinja?!" It's relief. I deeply sigh. "Okay, I'm on my way to home." "No!" She suddenly shout to me. "Just go straight to your home. Thank you for helping me. She don't want to meet you guys. She wanted to rest." I'm speachless. "Bu...but..." "It's okay, she's fine. Let's talk about this later. Okay? Bye." She hang up the call. I look at my phone screen.

"What did Hwayoung's eomma say?" Jungkook ask. "She's fine and she's at home right now." I say to him. "What are you waiting for? Let's go." I sit down. "What are you doing?" He ask. "She don't want to meet us. She say that she's fine. Don't worry about her." I sighed. She's such a stubborn! Gosh! "Okay then. Thanks for calling me. I'm leaving now."

Jungkook POV,

I walked away from him. Hwayoung-ah, what are you thinking.... huuu....


Hwayoung's POV,

"Done packing you things up?" Appa standing at my door. "Yup, Kaja appa."

Station bus,

"Ah, eomma, appa. If Taehyung or someone looking for me. Don't tell anyone that i'm at the village okay? Anyone...." She nodded. "Annyeong~" I wave my hand as I get in the bus. I give them a heart shape from my hand, they smiled happily.

I'm happy that i'm on my way to grandma's house. I going to forget all about this damn problem. I'm sure that I'll be alright... till we meet again Seoul.


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