Part 5 'Think Positive'

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Hwayoung's POV,

I can hear everyone talking about the new student. "Yah, yah. I hearded that your class got a new student. And she's pretty. Can you help me ask her phone number?" One of my friend from other class ask me about the new student. "You punk, go ask for yourself" I show my collision towards his face. I think I got sick at that kind of question. Argh!

"Kim-Hye-Ri?" I called her name. She look at me. All she do is, smiled at me. "Why did you seat here, alone?" I ask her. "Uhm~ because, I don't have any friend." She replied me with a smile. "You must like to smiled. Hem~ we can be a friends." Hey, I'm not that bad by the way. It's not that I hate her. But I just feeled uneasy about her. That's not mean that I can't be friends to her. "Really?!" She loves it. "Lee Hwayoung, and you can call me Hwayoung." I stretch out my hand to shake hands with her. She smiled happily. "Kim Hyeri, call me Hyeri." She greeted hand politely. We smiled happily. New friend is good right? Think positive Hwayoung.

The bell rings, it's time to go home. "Hwayoung-ah, I got something to do. I'll go first. Meet me at the same place." He said to me after he finished packing all his belogings inside his bag and ran out. "Oh, arasso" I said. I turn my face at the back where's Hyeri's seat.

"Hyeri-ah, where do you live?" I ask, curious. "Oh? It's not that far from here. But don't worry, my driver will take me home." Coolly she replied me. "Dri-driver?! Wah~ you seem pretty rich huh." I grin. She laughed. "I got to go now. Goodbye, see you next week." I wave my left hand to her.

When I'm about to go out from my classroom, Jeon Jungkook appear infront of my eyes all of sudden. "Eomma!" I shouted. "You scared me." I continued. I calmed my heart that about to explode. "Are you okay? Mianhaeyo." He said worriedly. "What are you doing here?" I ask him.

Without any hesitate, Jungkook take my hand. I was unfocused before, but I let him too. "Er, Jungkook. What are you doing?" I ask him. He turn and smile with his cute bunny teeth, "I'll send you home." Wha....what?! I pulled my hand, not too harsh. "But, Taehyung is waiting for me downstair. We're going home together as always... I'm sorry." His face got moody as I said that. "Oh, well. That's okay. Next time?" He ask. "Em. Okay." I just said to satisfy him. "You promise." He smiled then he leave. "Fuh!" That's close tho. Feeling guilty to him.

"Taehyung-ah~" I run towards him. "Yah! Why are you so slow?! I almost leave you." He yelled to me "If you want to leave me. Then, why are you still here?" I tease him "Oh? Uhm... Whatever it is, You're-late" He said awkwardly. I laughed and punch his hand. We laughed and we ride the bicycle together.


"HWAYOUNG-AH!" Eomma shout from downstairs. I struggle for a moment from my sleep. I watch the time and it's '8.30 a.m.' "Wae?!" I shout madly, I don't like it when someone disturbing my weekend (rest time) "Your friend, Kim... what ever it is. She's looking for you." She replied me. "Ugh, who the hell is that? Just tell her that i'm not at home!" It's a little bit rude of me. But, that's not much rude as disturbing my weekend! "Hwayoun-ah!~" eomma keep on calling my name.

Someone throw pillow at my face, "Hwayoung-ah~ just go and check who is it. It's noisy." Taehyung enter my room with a annoyed face. "Ugh, arasso!" I wake up from my bed. I ran down faster.

I can see the owner of the body who's looking for me. She smiled at me. That face, "Hyeri-ssi? What you're doing here? And how do you know my house?" It's strange that she know's where do I live. "Hehe, my house is nearer here. I saw you yesterday, so I've decieded to come here and bought you some pancakes." she smiled, again. She's so pretty. Compared to my look right now. Yeah, it sucks.

"Can I come in?" She ask. I was blanked for a while. "Oh? Of course you can" I said to her. Then she enter the house.

"Eomma, this is Hyeri. Hyeri, this is my mom." I introduce her to eomma. "Aigoo~ so nice of you. Wake up early in the morning and visit us. Eommo, you make some pancakes for us. Thank you so much." Eomma say sweetly to her. The words do hit through my heart. I know that eomma deliberate say those thing. "Be comfortable, eomma going to make some drinks for you." She leaves to kitchen.


Thank you for reading it. I'll publish again tmrw ;)

Good night/morning/evening

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