Chapter I: Returning To Gravity Falls, Is Everything Still The Same?

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"Be careful making wishes in the dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
Besides in the meantime
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart"
- Fall Out Boy, My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark(Light Em Up)

Mabel reached the Mystery Shack. It's been 14 years since she last came here and it didn't changed at all.But something was different. She and Dipper haven't spoke for 12 years now and she was here for the funeral of her grunkles, Stanley and Stanford. She looked at the building one more time before getting out of the car.
"C'mon Adam, let's go!"She said and 12 years old boy, who looked like a replica of a young Dipper got out of the car and followed her inside. She entered the shop and looked around until she spotted her twin brother at the checkout point."Dipper?"She asked quietly and the man looked up from his notes. "Mabel? I haven't seen you in years!"He said and took off a pair of rectangular glasses off his nose. "Since when do you have glasses?"Mabel asked as she crossed her arms on her chest."Around 10 years. All this reading ruined my eyes."Dipper said with a laugh and looked at the boy his sister came in with. "He looks a lot like me when I was his age."Dipper commented with a smirk on his face and waved at the boy.
"Adam, how about you go upstairs. Go and find a room for yourself!"Mabel said and the boy ran off leaving the twins alone. Mabel matured a lot since she first came here. Her hair was still long but it was falling down her back freely, not having a headband on it or anything of that sort. She was still wearing sweaters but their patterns were discreet and their colors were mostly black and white. She also ditched the colored skirts and the sneakers for a black jeans and heels. Her brother also changed. He ditched the shorts, vest, cap and plain red shirt for a pair of black jeans and a black shirt with what looked like the logo of a band. He had tattooed all over his arms symbols from the Journals he rewrote from scratch. His hair was longer now and was tied in a low loosened pony tail.
"I missed you."Mabel said softly and Dipper nodded."I missed you too sis!"Dipper said and bended over the counter to hug his sister. They both patted eachother's back twice while saying at unison "pat pat". They broke hug and laughed but Mabel's face dropped when she remember why she was here:"Dipper? What are we gonna do? Our grunkles are gone."She whispered and Dipper answered: "I know. I'm heartbroken too. Especially since I saw them right before they left. Grunkle Stan was just fine. I still can't believe they died. And especially like this. I wouldn't have been surprised if a monster killed them but drowned?"He finished and shook his head trying to shake away the thoughts he couldn't voice in the past week but that kept him awake. He yanwed loudly and grabbed his mug, sipping from the coffee. He looked at his wrist at the golden watch and gasped. He put his mug back on the counter, took his glasses and said:"We'll be late for the funeral!"
Both he and Mabel ran out of the building and ran in the backyard. When they were almost there Mabel grabbed Dipper's arm and he stopped and turned around.
"What happened?"He asked and Mabel put out a small bowtie from her pocket."You may no do formal and both of our grunkles understood and agreed with that but the rest of the town won't so wear at least this."Dipper looked at the black bowtie with his eyes windened and he said:"I have a tie in my pocket."He snapped out of his zone out and pulled a black tie out of his pocket."Would you want to help me tie it?"He asked his sister with an awkward smile on his face. "Sure."Mabel said and put the bowtie back in her pocket. She stepped closer to Dipper, took the tie and tied it. She smiled at her work and looked up and down at her brother.
"You look ridiculous."She said and he shrugged his shoulders with a smile on his face. They went the rest of the distance and sneakily went to their seats. Luckily nobody noticed them and they got to their places without hearing all the "I'm sorry for you loss!" which Dipper was already sick of hearing in the last month. A surprisingly big amount of people came as the twins observed and an other surprisingly big amount of people had speeches prepared. Dipper's turn came and he stood up. Everyone looked at him as he stepped towards the podium and he stood behind it.
"When I came in Gravity Falls for the time first I was obligated to by my parents and I hated this place. But now I can not thank them enough for this."Dipper started and smiled trying to hold back tears. Mabel was already having her face buried in a white hankerchief, sobbing loudly."Besides being a very bounding experience with my sister I also got to meet my grunkles, Stanley and Stanford which easily became very dear to me. In the beginning I thought the summer would be boring, just me and Mabel hanging around the shack with a grumpy old man yelling at us. But I couldn't be more wrong. Sure, grunkle Stan would tell us not to do things but he did that for our safety. Of course we did them anyway."He said and both him and Mabel laughed."We always fixed everything aswell and grunkle Stan never said anything about it. He pretended it never happened. I mean once Mabel walked around with an axe and he played dumb. "He said and Mabel smiled widely."And then, in the middle of the summer, grunkle Ford came from an expedition. They didn't get along at all and I remember me and Mabel being confused. We didn't understand the concept of two brothers who didn't get along since we got along so well. Of course, grunkle Stan would always tell us to stay here but curiosity always made us go with grunkle Ford and even if we were always back unharmed grunkle Stan was still upset. But he never tried to stop us and he never stopped telling us to don't go. The point I'm trying to make is that I just couldn't have asked for better grunkles. By the end of the summer we made them get along and the next summers became even better. I couldn't wait till it was summer, I was literally counting the months, days and hours. Every single summer me and Mabel would listen in awe our grunkles telling us stories from their adventures and we would explore together the mysteries of this place."Dipper said and sobbed."I think my favorite memory is when we were leaving after our first summer here. All of our friends were together and our grunkles were getting along. Mabel even made grunkle Stan wear one of her sweaters."Dipper said as tears fell down his face. He smiled and Mabel stood up.
"And then they threatened the bus driver to let Waddles come with us."Mabel said between sobs and they both laughed at the memory."I loved that part."Dipper added and Mabel said mimicking grunkle Stan's voice:" 'I had to keep this pig for a whole summer, your parents can do it too!' "She said and they both bursted into laughing as tears streamed down their faces."I can't believe they are dead. As a kid I always thought they were immortal, but I was wrong."Dipper finished, his voice cracking, and walked over to his sister. He wrapped his arms around her and they both sat down while crying quietly. Other people talked but the twins didn't listen. The pain was too much to take. In the last month they both had to act like it was nothing but it hurted. Really bad.
The funeral ended and everyone left but Dipper and Mabel. Still hugged they made their way to the coffins of their grunkles and looked at them. They were looking asleep but what gave away that they were dead was that they weren't breathing. Dipper stood there, frozen, with his arms around his sister's shoulders, which were shaking from her crying. Dipper rubbed her back slowly while looking straight at what once were his grunkles. He wanted to look away but he was frozen there. "Dipper?"He heard his sister's voice call weakly and he turned his head at her."Yes?"He asked while whipping his tears. "Can we go inside? I can't look at them."She asked and sobbed loudly while covering her face with her hands."Of course."Dipper said and lead his sobbing sister inside. They entered the gift shop since it was closed and they could sit alone.
"Mabel?"He asked as he closed the door. Mabel sat on the chair behind the counter and Dipper dragged a chair next to hers and sat down. "There is something important we must talk about."Dipper said and she looked at him."What is it?"She asked and Dipper looked down as he spoke shyly:"I know we have enough problems but I really think you should know this.""Dipper, what happened?"Mabel asked concerned and Dipper took a deep breath before looking at his sister. He looked around and then he turned his attention back to Mabel and whispered:"There is something lurking around here. Something evil and powerful." "How can you know that?"Mabel asked quietly."I feel it in my bones. But don't worry. Whatever it is will have to take me before she'll touch anyone I love. I swear I'll do anything in my power to protect you and my nephew and anyone in this village or this planet!"He said with determination and Mabel smiled weakly.
"Thank you, brother! I don't worry as long as you are here. You always have a plan!"She said and they both smiled."That's really sweet of you Mabel!"Dipper said but Mabel could see the worry on his face."About this evil powerful thing..."She began and catched Dipper's attention." you know what it is?"She asked and Dipper sighed."No, I do not. I wish I would."He said while looking down at his shoes. "Dipper, do you think it might be..."Mabel began but Dipper looked her straight in the eyes and cut her off sharply:"No, it isn't. He died 20 years ago! And even if he wasn't dead he died once Stan died! It can't be him!"He finished and sighed once again. He looked down and said in an apologetic tone:
"I'm sorry, Mabel, for jumping at you like this. I'm so sorry!""Is alright, bro-bro! I know how much it traumatized you the whole thing! Don't forget I was there when our parents had to put you out of trigonometry because you were insane and were drawing you-know-who every where. Also I saw the face you made at the sight of that bowtie."Mabel said and Dipper chuckled."Yeah. I guess it traumatized me. And also I have a big problem with thos tiny hats, especially tiny top hats."Dipper said and Mabel smiled as she said:"Is alright bro-bro, they are ugly anyway!"
"If you said that to any fan of the Victorian era they would rip your head off!"

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