Chapter IV: Bringing Back Memories Of Summer Days

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Dipper and Will turned to see a short plump man, who wears a baby blue suit with a black shirt underneath and brown shoes, with white pompadour hair bigger than his head. "Well, if it isn't Lil' Gideon Gleeful!"Dippper said annoyed and rolled his eyes. Gideon turned his head at Will with an upset look on his face. He looked at him and then his eyes widened and the looking turned into straight up staring. He shook himself out of it and furrowed his eyebrows.
"We met before." He said and Will furrowed his eyebrows confused. "Well, I've been here before 20 years ago but I don't remember you. Were you looking like a pig in a suit and with a wig back then aswell?" Will asked nonchalantly and Gideon's face turned red. "Who do you think you are to call me that?" He bursted out and Will extended his hand. "I was just being honest. My name is Will by the way."Gideon growled pissed, turned around and left. Will looked in the direction Gideon headed and put his hand back on the table and said:
"Anger issues much?" "Yeah, Gideon is a weirdo and a creep. If you would see the letters he sent me and Mabel while he was on prison. Geez!"Dipper said with a shiver and Will turned his head to face him. "He was in prison?" Will asked with his eyebrows raised. "Yeah. He recently got out. I think the creepest thing he ever wrote me was about the..." Dipper said and continued mocking Gideon' voice:" ... good ol' book club meeting again. He was right tho. He forgot mentioning the founder member of it but he was right."Dipper finished in his normal voice and Will looked at him curiously:"Who is part of this book club?"
"It's a theoretical book club, not an actual book club,it refers to people who had contact with the journal you saw me reading at the shack and with the other two ones. The founder member of it would be my great uncle Stanford who wrote the journals and the members Gideon was referring are me, him and Bill Cipher, the triangle chaos god I told you about. Bill helped my great uncle Stanford with his second journal. Well anyway, Gideon was right about it. Soon after it the Weirdmageddon began. But now there is an other letter he sent right before he was out that worries me."Dipper said while Will listened to him curiously. "What did he write now?" Will asked and Dipper looked straight into his eyes as he said:
"About a darkness approaching. And a day after I received it I started having the feeling that something was wrong. That something was coming." "Hmm... that's weird. You think he might know something?" Will asked and Dipper shook his head. "I think he knows about it just as much as I do, at least at the moment. Hopefully he'll be the one to find out first." "Why would you want him to have the upper hand?"Will asked confused and Dipper chuckled. "No, I don't want him to have the upper hand, I just don't want to be haunted by it. If I have to choose between me and Gideon I'll choose myself, any day. Actually I would choose myself over anyone but my sister. After what happened with the evil isosceles triangle I think I'm good with apocalypse bringing beings. I'd just settle for observing the other beings who don't necessarily mean any harm to humans."Dipper said and chuckled again.
"If I said this to my 12 years old self, he would've yelled at me: 'Bill, you evil triangle, get out of!'"Dipper said and smiled but his smile faded away in the next second. "How I've changed. How this town and that stupid dorito have changed me. I've turned into such a jerk. I remember when I first came here. I wanted an adventure. I wanted to save the world! What happened with that Dipper?" He said and let his head down. "You wanna know what happened with that Dipper?" Will asked and Dipper looked at him puzzled. "He grew up! He made his dream come true and saved the world! And he paid the price that comes with it! Dipper, you did your share of saving the world, now it's somebody else's turn. There is always going to be somebody who will want to save the world, don't doubt that! You did your share of it, so be a jerk! You earned it!"Will said with confidence and Dipper smiled weakly. "Thank you!"Dipper said and Will smiled. "Sure. I think I would act like jerk too if I had gone through everything you did. Especially at such a young age." Will said and a waiter came and handed them their orders. Dipper handed Will the journal and said:
"Wanna take a look while I'm eating?" Will's eyes widened in shock as he took the journal and examined the cover, touching the number 3 from it with his finger. "Really?" Will said and looked from the journal at Dipper. "Yes. There are things written with invisible ink so if you want to read that I'll hand you my flashlight. I modified it to shoot black light so I could use it for the journals."Dipper said as he reached into his backpack. "Invisible ink, of course." Will muttered under his breath as Dipper pulled out what looked like a completely regular flashlight. "Did you say anything?" Dipper asked and Will took the flashlight while staring at the journal. He shook off his daze and looked at Dipper. "Yeah, I said I should've thought about invisible ink. Every since you told me about these journals a part of me knew it was something more here."
Dipper raised his eyebrows and then shrugged his shoulders and started eating. Will put the flashlight on the table and opened the journal. He went through every single page and he stopped when he reached the page titled with "Bill Cipher" and started reading. Silence fell between them, both of them being busy. After a few minutes Will picked up the flashlight and turned it on, only to reveal more writing. He smirked for himself, hoping that Dipper wouldn't notice, but he didn't since he was too busy with his fries to notice. Will finished reading and he shut off the flashlight and closed the journal right when Dipper finished eating. Dipper pulled out a 20$ bill and put it on the table. "Did you find anything interesting?"Dipper asked as he took the journal and flashlight and put them in his backpack. "Lots of things."
Will said as they left the restaurant. They made their way back to the shack through the forest and at some point Dipper said: "I'll show you something better tomorrow. I'm really sorry those unicorns were such assholes!" "Is alright. I know there are better things lurking here." Will said and silence fell again. Dipper let his thoughts take over him and he didn't realize he left the path. He went through the forest ignoring his surroundings until he reached a small clearing. "Dipper!"Will yelled as he finally found him. Will found Dipper looking at the statue of Bill, or what was left of it since it was sliced in a half, a half still stuck in the ground and the other half on the ground. Will put his hand on Dipper's shoulder and Dipper jumped and realized where he was.
"Are you alright?"

Dipper stopped in front of the statue and looked at it. He touched it with his finger and when nothing happened he sat down in front of it and sighed.
"I have no idea why I'm here believe me, but I am here so I can at least make something out of it. I miss being able to talk with somebody freely, like this. You know after we defeated you we had to go home. We said our goodbyes, Mabel got to keep Waddles, I even got a nice goodbye note from all of my and Mabel's friends and everything seemed alright. But then we arrived home. Our parents asked what happened this summer and we lied, we said nothing special. The next morning they called grunkle Stan and he continued the lie by saying the most dangerous thing we did was wander around these woods with our friends. That wasn't exactly a lie but we didn't tell them about you. I don't think they would have let us return here if they found out we stopped a insane dream demon from taking over this dimension. So we lied. A few weeks later I got a package from grunkle Ford that contained rewritten versions of the journals you burned and of course we lied saying that Ford sent us somethings we forgot."He said and laughed.
"And of course my mon complained that from all things we could forget we chose to don't forget the pig." He said mimicking his mother's voice. He laughed for a brief second before he continued in his normal voice: "And then school started. Who wouldn't want to tell everyone that they saved the world?"Dipper asked and didn't wait for an answer before continuing: "No one. The answer is no one. Everyone would love to rub it into everybody's faces that they wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for them. So I tried to sneak our little adventure into the summer report, but Mabel told me not to. She said that I shouldn't show off. But...will you keep this between us?"He asked and again didn't wait for an answer, because he knew that doesn't matter how much he waited he wouldn't get one, or at least that's what he hoped.
"I think she actually doesn't think anyone will believe us, but maybe it's just me."He whispered and continued in a normal voice: "But in all honesty I actually think everyone would say we are nuts if we told them about you. I mean, would you believe me if I told you last summer I saved the world from being destroyed by a flying dorito from the 2nd dimension? Me either."He said and looked at the statue. One of its arms was stretched from the handshake that brought its death and it looks like it's waiting for an other handshake to bring him back to life. Dipper was tempted to shake its hand but he shook his head and continued talking:
"Anyway, you've been in my head so you know what my goal was when I came here. I wanted an adventure. I got what I wanted but I also got so much more. I learned about so many creatures. I may have encountered only a small part of them, but in the end I understood every single creature I encountered."He said and looked down. He took off his cap, which he got back from Wendy when he arrived, and put it on the grass. He looked at the pinetree from it and said: "But I never understood you. I wish I did tho. I always wondered that maybe if we got the chance to actually talk I would understand you. I wondered if you had an actual reason for everything you did or if you were just some jacked up monster with no feelings or morals who doesn't care about the other as long as he has a good time. As I already said I have no idea why I'm here, maybe I thought I'll feel better if I tell somebody what's in my head and how I feel. I never  told anyone what I told you. I mean, from the people who know what happened last summer. They all just moved on but I didn't."He said and looked at the statue.
"I dream about you every night. Dream... it's a nice term for what I'm dreaming. I think more fitting would be nightmare. So I have nightmares about you every night. I think maybe that's why I'm here, I'm kind of sleep deprived."He said and chuckled. He took his cap and sat up. He turned around and put his cap on. He turned his head and looked at the statue as he said: "Well, I guess I'll see ya?"He asked and left. "Bye Bill." He said as he left the clearing.


"Yes, I'm fine. I need to repair this statue tho."

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