Chapter XIII: A Very Unexpected Visit From An Old Friend

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-10 years later-

Dipper woke up and yawned. He looked on his right at Bill, who was still in the Mindscape. Dipper would've woken him up but he knew it wasn't a good idea since Bill gets a hell of a headache if he is forced to leave the Mindscape. So he left him keep doing whatever he was doing and left the room, taking his glasses with him. He took a quick shower and dryed himself, getting dressed in a pair of jeans and since he wasn't in mood to go through his shirts, he stole one of Bill's sweaters and put on his glasses.
He went in the kitchen and almost started cooking, but then he remembered that Bill would be up soon, so he gave up the idea and went in the living room, to see if all of his recent notes needed any corrections. He sat on the couch, with his journal in his lap and chewing on his pen as he went through his notes. Bill woke up shortly after and he went over, only to find Dipper in the living room.
"Someone's up early!" He said and Dipper turned his head to look at him. "Hey, you finally woke up!" He said with a smile and Bill couldn't help but smile back. "Did you eat any breakfast?" Bill asked as he went over to the kitchen, already knowing the answer. "Nah, I waited for you to be up, so you could make me some." Dipper said nonchalantly and Bill chuckled. "Of course you did!" He said as he started making eggs with bacon and toast. While the food was cooking, he made coffee for Dipper and black tea for himself.
"If you want breakfast you better move your fine as hell ass over here!" Bill said as he put the food on the plate and took a sip from his tea. Dipper put the journal and the pen down and went in the kitchen."Bill, why are you shirtless?" Dipper asked while looking in awe at his boyfriend. "Does it bother you?" Bill teased and Dipper smirked. "Not a bit." He said as he went over to the table and sat in a chair. He started eating and Bill sat in a chair, next to Dipper, sipping from his tea. Dipper finished eating shortly after. He took the dishes and went to the sink to wash them. Bill watched him with a smile as he poured himself more tea.
"You're so cute when you're cleaning, Pinetree!" Bill mused and groaned:" And I'm getting soft! Thanks, Pinetree!" He finished sarcastically as Dipper giggled and said: "And you're adorable when you're cooking." Bill stood up and went over to Dipper, wrapping his arms around Dipper's waist: "You're too sweet, Pinetree!" He cooed as he rested his chin on Dipper's shoulder. "Damn, you're really getting soft!" Dipper teased with a grin. "Only because I love you, it doesn't mean I can't rip out your lungs if you piss me off!" Bill cooed with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. "Damn, learn to take a joke!"Dipper said dramatically, making both of them laugh. "You should let go now tho." He added as he turned off the water and dryed his hands. Bill let go of Dipper's waist and took his mug, taking a sip from it.
"I love how you don't ever eat or drink anything, but you always must drink at least two cups of tea everyday. How british of you, Cipher!" He teased as he put the dishes in their places. Bill narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend and Dipper flahsed him an innocent smile. Bill rolled his eye and took a sip from his tea. "Any plans for today?" Dipper said as he approached Bill and wrapped his arms around Bill's waist. "Hm...none that I'm aware of." Bill said and he brushed his lips against Dipper's lips. "Well then I'll go back at what I was doing while you drink some more tea."
Dipper said as he went back in the living room. He sat on the couch, took back his pen and journal and went back at reading, while chewing on his pen. Bill watched him from the doorframe, with his mug in one hand and a smile on his face. Dipper noticed the demon's gaze and he turned his head to look at him. "Like what you see?" He teased and the demon nodded, his smile turning into a smirk. "Since when you're such a tease, Pinetree? I don't recognise you!" Bill said with his hand on his heart and Dipper laughed. "Since I started dating you." He said with a smirk. "Yeah, I knew I recognised that attitude somewhere." Bill joked and they both laughed.
Dipper went back to his book and watched him read, Bill smiled widely as his thoughts trailed off. 'What did I do to deserve him?!I'm no goddamn lucky! I mean, look at this nerd! With that stupid soft hair I love to play with and those stupid glasses, Which he looks dashing on him.And those eyes I get lost in.Ugh! The things this meatsack makes me feel are unbelievable!' Bill thought, while keeping a straight face. He finished his tea and went over to wash the empty mug.When it was clean, he put it back in its place and went back in the doorframe to admire his boyfriend. He smiled at Dipper's focused expression and sighed. 'Damn, but I'm actually getting soft!' He thought and his smile faded.
He went over to the couch and stood right behind Dipper, who paid no attention to him. He smirked at how oblivious Dipper was to his plans and leaned in, until his chin was resting on Dipper's shoulder. He softly pressed his lips against Dipper's neck and Dipper blushed lightly, but pai no attention to the demon. Bill smirked and started nibbling up and down Dipper's neck, but again he got no reaction. Finally, he sunk his teeth in Dipper's skin and Dipper tilted his head to his left side, allowing Bill more access. Bill sunk his teeth deeper and Dipper closed his eyes and moaned, to the demon's delight. Bill licked the place, sucking on it, until Dipper moaned again. He pulled away with a chuckle and admired the hickey that formed on that spot. Dipper groaned and rubbed the painful spot, turning his head to Bill.
"Can you stop?! You're distracting!" He said coldly with a glare, earning from the demon only an amused, dark chuckle. "That's the whole point, Pinetree!" Bill said with a smirk and took Dipper's hand from his neck, holding it in his own as he caressed, with his fingers, the bruised spot from Dipper's neck. He looked lovingly at Dipper and Dipper sighed. "You're unbelievable!" He said with a smile and Bill jumped over the back of the couch, landing next to Dipper. "And yet, you still, love me!" Bill cooed happily and Dipper giggled. "Remind me, why I love you?" He asked as he laid his head on Bill's shouler. "Because I'm irresistible!" Bill sang in response and Dipper laughed, his head falling off Bill's shoulder.
Bill smiled widely as he watched his boyfriend laugh. Hearing Dipper laugh was warming his heart, and it was a personal triumph when he was the cause of it, doesn't matter the circumstances. Dipper laid his head back on Bill's shoulder and Bill wrapped an arm around Dipper. Dipper picked up his journal once again and went back at reading. "What are you doing?" Bill asked curiously and Dipper groaned, still focused on the task at hand: "Looking to see if I need to correct anything." "Can I help?" Bill asked and took the journal out of Dipper's hands without waiting for an answer. His gold eye scanned every page in a matter of seconds, from time to time corrections appearing in cyan ink. After maximum 10 minutes, Bill handed Dipper the book with a smile and Dipper took it and looked over it, to see Bill's corrections.
When he finished he kissed Bill's cheek and whispered in his ear: "Thank you so much!"
Bill smiled and tried to hide his excessive happiness but he could feel his cheeks burn. Dipper giggled ar the demon's blush and Bill narrowed his eyes at Dipper, who put on an innocent face. Bill rolled his eye and nuzzled in the crook of Dipper's neck. Dipper smiled and started playing with Bill's hair. "I never thought I'd end up here." Dipper said after a few minutes of silence."What do you mean?" Bill asked him as he wrapped his arm around Dipper's waist. "You know, here, with you. For years you've been my arch enemy and now I'm cuddling you." Dipper muttered and Bill nodded in understatement. "I understand what you mean now. I've seen the way I've affected you and yet here you are. I actually feel bad for what I did to you. And that's odd, because usually I find joy in ruining people's lives. But I suppose you're special." He ended and kissed Dipper's cheek.
"You think so?" Dipper asked as he looked at Bill. "I'm sure of it. I mean, I'm over the heels for you, that must mean something." He explained and Dipper chuckled. "Damn, but you really are heartless." He joked and they both chuckled. "That's quite true. I don't have a soul and the soul gives you the ability to feel." Bill said with a serious look on his face. "Really?" Dipper asked and looked at him with interest. "Yeah, demons, angels and gods don't have souls. You can lose your soul but that only if you sell it to one of the beings already mentioned or commit a terrible crime, which I probably already committed at some point." He said with a laugh and Dipper smiled. At this point he already understood that his boyfriend with a psychopathic murderer and he was ok with it.
"Anyway. Any other living being has a soul and shortly after their death it can be preserved and put in an other body, thing you humans call reincarnation. But if you don't take the soul in 24 hours from the person's death, it is gone forever." He finished and Dipper looked thoughtfully." But when you put a soul in a different body than its original one, does that person still remember their live or lives?" He asked and Bill shook his head. "You'll have the famous deja vous and you can remember, if you try hard enough, but generally no. You could have flashbacks aswell, generally in form of dreams but that's generally it." He explained and Dipper nodded understanding what the demon was talking about.
"I'll be right back." Bill said and left the house without waiting for a response from his boyfriend. Dipper just stood there confused, until Bill came back, sporting a wide grin. "I just got us something to do." He said cheerfully and Dipper smirked." What did your servants find?" He asked and Bill wrapped his arms around Dipper's waist. "Well, considering that here there are no rules, that means strange things happen every day. And apparently there is a bottomless pit around here and I mean the legit thing." Bill said and Dipper rolled his eyes. "And you want to throw things in it?" He asked, already knowing the answer. "YES!" Bill exclaimed loudly, almost yelling, and making Dipper laugh.
"Fine. Anyway, somehow, I never got to write about the one next to the shack." He said and Bill's eyes lit up. "But what are you, five?" Dipper asked and Bill laughed as he said: "Actually, I have 1,568,432,697,545 years. It ends with a five tho." Dipper laughed at the demon's remark and realized he never asked the demon one thing.
"When is your birthday, anyway? I never asked." He said and Bill waved his hand dismissively. "Irrelevant. Now let's get going." He said changing the subject. Dipper didn't said anything, realizing the subject made the dream demon uncomfortable. He was about to go upstairs to get ready when he sound of the demon clicking his tongue made him stop. He turned to face him, with an eyebrow raised. Bill had his arms over his chest and a serious look on his face.
"Didn't you forget you can do this easier?" He asked and millions of reasons why that idea was bad went through Dipper's head. Bill raised his eyebrows at the man's stupid concerns and Dipper realized he had no way out. "Fine." He said with a sigh. He concentrated on the task at hand and snapped his fingers but nothing happened. Bill rolled his eye and said: "You need to want it." Dipper's cheeks flushed as a feeling started growing inside of him. "Something like this." The demon added with a chuckle, but Dipper wasn't amused. "Bill! Stop!" He demanded, but Bill only laughed."But now, why would I do that?" He teased and Dipper closed his eyes. The feeling went away shortly after, making Dipper sigh relieved. Bill clapped his hands and Dipper looked at him shocked.
"That's what I'm talking about!" He said with a smirk and Dipper looked down at himself and then back at the dream demon. "I did that?" He asked and Bill nodded. Dipper smiled widely and snapped his fingers with confidence. His clothes changed to one of his plain black shirts, a pair of jeans and a pair of leather boots. Dipper looked down at himself with the biggest grin on his face. He looked at Bill who was chuckling at his boyfriend's excitement.
"I did it! I did it!" He said as he punched the air with his fists. "Yes, you did it, Pinetree!" Bill said trying to hold back his laughter. He thought about the first time he successfully controlled his powers and he wasn't enthusiastic at all. He just set a new goal and moved on, like it was nothing. Maybe that's why he was so childish now, maybe he needed to make up for all those years when he was supposed to act that way, but he didn't. That was probably it. He let go of the subject and snapped his fingers, changing into an Iron Maiden shirt, black jeans and his usual pair of Converse and his cane in his hand.
"Ready to go?" He asked and then he noticed the neon green streak from Dipper's hair which wasn't there before. "Hey, we're really making a progress!" He said and Dipper looked at the dream demon. "Look in a mirror, Pinetree." Bill explained and a hand mirror appeared in Dipper's hand. He lifted it, so he could see his face and gasped when he saw the green streak from his hair. The mirror disappeared and Dipper looked at Bill, questions spinning in his head. But he didn't get to voice any of them, since Bill opened the front door and a familiar voice yelled: "DIPPER?!"
The man looked at the person who said his name and he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw who it was.

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