Chapter X: Happy Birthday, Pinetree!(It'll Be A Good One)

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Dipper opened his eyes and yawned. "You finally woke up! Good morning sleepyhead!" A nasal voice with a prominent Wales accent said. He stood up and saw Will sitting at the edge of the bed. "Hey!" Dipper responded and yawned again. "How did I get here?" Dipper asked recalling in his mind the moment he fell asleep. "I carried you all the way here.
Will said with a smile." "Really?" Dipper asked and his partner nodded and giggled. "Now, what would you like some breakfast?" Will said and Dipper thought about it and reckoned he was hungry. "Sure." He answered and they made their way to the kitchen with their hands linked.
"Happy birthday, by the way!" Will whispered in Dipper's ear and leaned close to peck at Dipper's lips, gently. Dipper smiled and stopped halfway through the stairs, making Will stop a few steps below. He grabbed Will's face and kissed him passionately. Will smirked and wrapped his arms around his neck, having them laid on Dipper's shoulders. Dipper wrapped his arms around Will's waist and pulled him closer. A soft giggle made them turn their heads and they saw Mabel giggle while jumping up and down. The thing that caught Dipper's eye was Mabel's sweater, which was white with a bright shooting star on it.
"Like it?" Mabel asked Dipper and he looked up at her. Mabel giggled and said: "Ok, you need to give it to him." "Why me?" Will said as he went down the stairs, until he reached Mabel. Dipper joined them and looked at them confused. "What are you talking about?" Dipper said perplexed and Mabel giggled once again. 'Damn, she's in a giggly mood today.' Dipper thought. "Will made us matching sweaters!" Mabel exclaimed and Dipper saw Will blush. "Mabel insisted I have to make her one and since I started I just got a bit too excited and made you one aswell. But I don't even like it that much so how about I'll burn it and we forget this ever happened." Will said while blushing madly and Dipper smirked.
"But I want to see it." He said and when Will was about to say something Dipper cut him off: "And I don't accept no as an asnwer. It's my birthday after all. And since you insist so badly so celebrate you could aswell make it a good one." Will narrowed his eyes Dipper as he went up the stairs, leaving the twins alone. Dipper realized what he did and he thought: 'I'm doomed.' Will heard his thought and smirked. 'Indeed you are, Pinetree.' He thought as he went over to the attic. Downstairs Mabel grabbed Dipper's hand and dragged him in the kitchen. "Will made Nutella pancakes!" Mabel exclaimed happily as she put in front of him a plate of pancakes. Dipper sat down as he she giggled.
"But really now, Dipper, you are lucky to have him. And I'm honestly so happy that you are happy. I-I don't think I've ever seen you this happy bro-bro." Mabel said and embraced her brother in a hug. Dipper hugged her back and they pulled away, both of them having big grins plastered on their faces. Mabel sat down next to Dipper and her grin widened. "I missed spending me birthday with you." She said and Dipper smile sadly. "Me too." He said and Will bursted inside with a nicely folded white sweater. Dipper ran up to him and snatched the sweater from his hands and unfolded the sweater, examining it. The sweater was all white with a blue pine tree in the middle. Dipper's smile dropped but he took a deep breath and smiled again. He put the sweater on and wrapped his arms around Will's neck and pulled him closer, pressing Will's lips against his. He pulled away after a few seconds and kissed Will's cheek.
"Thank you! I love it!" Dipper said happily and Will smiled. "Glad you do!" He said and wrapped his arm around Dipper's shoulders. "You look dashing in it." He finished and Dipper smiled widely. "Now, go to eat!" Will said sternly and Dipper nodded. He went back at the table and ate his pancakes. "Mabel, everything is set outside. The food will arrive in a half an hour and the guests in an hour." Will said to Mabel and she squeaked and ran upstairs. "Please don't tell me you and Mabel threw a party! I hate parties." Dipper groaned as he put the emtpy plate in the sink. "I know. I already told you yesterday that the party is only for Mabel." Will explained calmly as he leaned against the doorframe. "Oh, right! Perfect then!" Dipper said as he put the cleaned up plate at its place. He went up to his partner and wrapped his arms around his waist. "And what are we gonna do?" He asked and looked up at Will. "Who said I won't attend the party?" Will asked in a fake offended tone. Dipper raised his eyebrows at his partner and Will laughed shortly before saying: "Yeah, I'll stay with you, of course I will. And I found a very beautiful clearing in the woods and I thought you'd like it. So maybe we could stay there?" He asked and Dipper smiled. "Let me get my journals and laptop."
He said and ran up the stairs. Will chuckled and smirked. ' Oh, Pinetree, you can be so dumb sometimes. The more I sit with you, the more I realize that you are a mini Sixer.' He thought and his smirk widened.' My plan is going perfectly and I'll make sure this time I won't fail.' He thought and had to hold back his maniac laughter because Dipper was just coming down the stairs. "Ready to go?" Will asked and Dipper nodded. "Yup." He said happily and linked his hand with Will's. Will smiled and the two of them left the shack. After 10 minutes they reached the clearing and Will laid down on the grass with a wide smirk on his face.
"Care to join me?" He asked and Dipper shook his head. "Maybe later." He said and sat down, putting his journals and laptop in front of him. He opened a notebook and took Journal 3. He opened it and skimmed through it. "What are you doing?" Will asked and rolled over on his stomach. "Decoding." Dipper said absently as Will sat up and leaned in, laying his head on Dipper's shoulder. Will pressed his lips against Dipper's neck and Dipper groaned: "Will..." "What?" He asked sweetly. "Stop it. You're distracting." Dipper cried out and Will smirked widely. "That's the point." He said and wrapped his arms around Dipper's waist and pulled him closer. "Now, how about you drop this and sit with me."
"Just like that?" "Nah, we can..." Will said and looked around him, until he looked at the sky. He had an idea. "We can look at the clouds." He said and Dipper sighed. "You're right. I need a break from this code."  He said and put the notebook down. He laid his head on Will's chest and looked at the sky. "I'll begin." Dipper said and analyzed the sky. "Ok, I see one. It looks like a triangle." He began and parts of the cloud slowly tore apart." A triangle with a bowtie..." Will began trying to keep up with the shape change of the could. "...We're not playing this game anymore." Will said and sighed. "Sorry." He said and Dipper laughed. "Is alright. It's not your fault the universe hates me." Dipper said and closed his eyes.
"Ugh!" He said as the laptop blinked again a red light, announcing him that there were no matches for the code. Dipper sighed deeply and covered his face with his hands. Will sat up and kissed the top of Dipper's head. "Is alright, Dipper! You'll crack it!" He said softly and Dipper groaned. "No, I won't! It's been six months and still nothing!" He said hopeless and Will had to hold back the urge to roll his eyes. 'Kid, if you only knew how much it took me to create this code. And, yet, I didn't complain once.' He thought and rubbed Dipper's back. "I'm sure you'll crack it." He tried to encourage Dipper again and Dipper shook his head.
"This code is literally a new code. No code ever created matches it. It is like that person created that code specifically to torment me!" He growled angrily and shut close his laptop. 'Glad you appreciate my effort, Pinetree.' Will thought and smirked. "And I won't let that happen. I'll make sure you crack that code even if it's the last thing I do." He said and stood up. Dipper looked at him and smiled weakly. Will saw Dipper smiled and posed like a superhero, to Dipper's amusement. "Would my damsel in distress want my help?!" He asked pulling off his most charming smile. Dipper was laughing, holding his hands on his stomach, which was hurting from all the laughing. He laid down in a pile of pages and kept laughing. Will smiled widely as he sat down next to his boyfriend.
"Amused are we, huh?" He asked as he rested his elbows on his legs and his chin laid in his palms. "Yes. Very." Dipper managed to say between fists of laughter. Will smirked and hoovered over Dipper. Dipper stopped laughed and horror was now plastered on his face. "What happened?" Will asked as his smirk widened. "I know this look." Dipper whispered, too scared to say it louder. "What look?" Will asked and leaned closer so that their noses were touching. Dipper's eyes were locked with Will's golden eye, which were sparkling in a very familiar way. Dipper knew that look. It was bringing wonderful things but he was still a bit scared of Will. He was trusting Will with all his heart but nobody could deny that he was scared when Will was in this... state? No, mood would be a better word. And Dipper wasn't easy to scare, no anymore at least. Considering this he realized that Will wasn't just scary, he was straight up terrifying. Dipper never understood why tho. I mean, yes, sure, he could be a complete asshole sometimes, and very mean, but it's not like he was some sort of monster, or was he? Dipper didn't even realized he zoned out until he heard Will's nasal voice demand in a sharp tone:
"What look?" Dipper swallowed nervously and opened his mouth to answer but no sounds were coming out. "Oh, you mean this look?" Will asked and Dipper nodded, closing his mouth."Why are you scared? You know you're safe with me!" He said and sat up. Dipper sat up aswell and looked into Will's eye. He read hurt in them but he was no where near close that. Will was actually trying not to smirk and/or laugh maniacally at his achievement. 'I still got it!' He exclaimed happily inside of his head.
"I have no clue. But there is nothing to be worried about. I know I'm safe with you." Dipper said and Will's face lit up. He hugged Dipper tightly while grinning widely. "I love you!" He whispered, with honesty in his voice. Dipper smiled and whispered back: "I love you too! And thank you for today! I know how much you love cake and how disappointed you are that you didn't get any, even if you won't ever admit it." Will laughed and laid his head on Dipper's shoulder. "Ok, I admit, I'm a bit sad I didn't get any cake, but my paycheck should come soon and I can just buy myself a cake only for me." He sung and Dipper smiled as he pulled away from the hug. His smile turned into an evil grin as he said: "Well, I was about to tell you that Mabel made sure there was cake for us, but have it your way." Will narrowed his eyes and Dipper grinned wider. "More for me." He said and before Will could react in any way, Dipper bursted into laughter. "I'm just messing with you." He said and his expression turned dead serious. "How could you think I would eat it all by myself?!" He asked and Will shrugged his shoulders.
"Now, can I see that code that's giving you a hard time?" Will asked and Dipper just realized that he forgot about the code. "Uhm...sure." He said and took one of the three journals, two that belonged to Stanford and one Dipper wrote by himself, and handed it to Will. As Will skimmed through the pages, Dipper looked for his flashlight. "Where is the code, anyway?" He asked as Dipper handed him the flashlight. "Look for the Cipher section, it is written there with invisible ink."
Will took the flashlight and skimmed through the pages until he reached the mentioned page. He turned on the flashlight and looked at the page,  which was literally covered in symbols written in invisible ink, which was now visible under the black light. "Hmm...I have a few books about codes and they seem old enough to have this code in them."?He said and Dipper pulled out a notebook and a pen and started chewing on his pen.
"You think it's old?" He said and Will nodded. "Who would know it then? I mean I'm obsessed with codes and I don't know it." Dipper said thoughtfully while chewing on his pen. 'The one who created it. Will thought as he told Dipper: "I'll go and bring my books aswell. If we find out what it means maybe we'll find out who did it and how it did it." Dipper nodded as Will stood up and went down the ladder that was leading back in the shack, leaving Dipper alone on the roof. The full moon had a slit-like shadow covering it and it was giving the impression a giant eye was watching the man on the roof, but he didn't notice.
He was too busy trying to figure out who wrote in his journals and how.

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