Filler Chapter: Banished From The 4th Dimension

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Bill opened the door to his penthouse and entered inside. The spacious penthouse welcomed him as he took his coat and put it on the hanger. He went over to a leather couch and laid on his stomach on it, with his face planted in it as he groaned: "So much goddamn stupidity! I'm done with every single living being in this dimension!"
He got up and went in the kitchen, which, like the rest of his house, was furnished with expensive furniture in a theme of black and white. He went to one of the counters and opened it, looking through the diversity of bottle with differently colored liquids." should do it today."He said as he picked up a bottle with a transparent liquid and opened it.
"Here is to the infinite stupidity of everyone from this dimension. From my driver, to the checkout lady from work, to my coworkers, to my family and lastly to Time Baby and his idiot time police! Cheers!" He said in a fake cheerful tone and chugged a half of the bottle. "Fuck! I'm becoming an alcoholic!" He exclaimed and chugged the other half of the bottle.
He was about to throw the empty bottle in the trash bin next to the door and groaned when he observed that the the trash bin was over spilling. "Ugh! What am I paying that cunt for?!" He said and put the bottle next to the trash bin and made a mental note to look for a new maid.
He went back in the living room and scanned the room with his eyes. When he found what he was looking for he smiled with the corner of his mouth and went over to a black piano. He sat down and smiled as his fingers caressed the suspenders. "At least one thing is good around here. Well of course I got to torture some innocent souls from the 7th dimension and anger Time Baby...ok, if I think about it this day actually went really well."He said as he started to play a random melody on the piano. He started humming along with the melody, closing his eyes and letting himself relax.
Right when a smile spread across his face his phone started ringing and he opened his eyes, which were now blood red, instead of their usual gold.
His phone appeared in his hand and looked at the screen. "Who the fuck is bothering me?! I knew I should've shut it the fuck down!" He said angrily as he answered.
"This is Bill Cipher. Who am I having the pleasure to talk with at such a late hour?" He said in a sweet tone, emphasising the words late hour, his tone not losing its sweetness and being replaced by anger, which he easily shook off.
"William, I know it is late and you must be tired from work but I wanted to invite you for dinner tonight, unless you already ate dinner. Then it's alright, we can settle at any other time." A familiar voice and Bill froze for a second. "Mom, stop calling me William. I thought I made it clear over 99 billion years ago when I left home that I hate being called William." Bill said between gritted teeth. "And I think you should also know that I gave up the useless habit of eating in high school."He said in the nicest tone he could.
The only times his parents would call him was if they needed something and of course, he had to give it to them because he was "a good kid". Bill hated his parents because all they ever did was ignore his countless achievements and only count for his mistakes, unless, of course, they had to win something from it. Usually money. And on top of that they would always praised Bill's older brothers, who, besides getting the good names, were also mediocre beings at their best. But a part of him knew he couldn't blame his parents as they were mediocre beings aswell and mediocre beings couldn't understand his genius. But even if he understood this, it was still frustrating, but it's not like he actually cared about them. Because he didn't. He hated his family more than anything in all universes and dimensions. He always did, so getting over their behaviour towards him and pretending they don't even exist was easy, but they weren't going to make his life easy, why would they?
"Well then, I'll wait you in 20 minutes." His mother said cheerfully and ended the call before Bill could protest. Bill took the phone from his ear and clenched his fist, smashing it into pieces. "I should probably get ready then." He said and sighed deeply. "And my evening was actually nice."He said as he headed upstairs in his bedroom.
He opened the door of the bedroom and looked at his king sized bed and sighed. As much as he would've loved to lay down and read a good book, he had to take dinner with his family. He went over to his closet and looked around it, deciding what to wear. "Formal attire?" He asked himself aloud and sighed. "It's not like they'll stop criticising everything I do anyway, but I have to keep trying, I have to don't give them reasons to criticize me."He said, his voice filled with determination as he picked his outfit.
He replaced his jeans with a pair of slacks, his yellow shirt and black and yellow flannel with a black shirt and a yellow overcoat. He put around his neck a plain black bowtie and looked in the mirror. His short blonde hair was falling in his eyes, which were gold and he had freckles all over his cheeks, shoulders and arms. He looked at his watch and grabbed a pair of gloves, his coat and rushed down the penthouse, into the parking lot. He put on his gloves and unlocked his car. He entered and groaned when he realized he forgot his top hat. As he put on his coat, his small top hat appeared, floating at an inch above his head. He took a deep breath and started the car.
He might have broken every single driving rule ever invented but he got there just in time. He looked with disgust at the small house he grew up in and knocked on the front door. 'Besides being idiots they are also poor, how come I share genes with these...beings?' Bill thought entirely disgusted and he was glad he took his gloves. A woman that looked in her 40's opened the door. She had a long black hair, put up in a ponytail, and emerald eyes. Behind her was a man with a short thick black hair and dark blue eyes, both, the man and the woman much shorter than Bill.
"Hello mother! Hello father!" He said coldly and entered the house without being invited in. "Hello William! We haven't seen you in a while." The man said and Bill looked at the man with the corner of his eyes. "Then you clearly didn't watch TV, then. I've been all over the news." He said calmly, yet coldly and the woman scolded him: "William Charles Cipher, what have you done this time?!" "I revolutionized technology, mom!"
Coming down the stairs and a short man, at least compared with Bill, in his early 20's and with black hair and with blue eyes, came in the room. Bill sighed as they noticed him and stared at him before he said: "Hey, look who's back!What are you doing here, William?" He said and Bill gritted his teeth. "I've been invited." He said and glared at his older brother. "I'm surprised you came, considering what an jerk you are! We are rotting here while you are living in some sort of mansion or some expensive shit like it." Bill's brother added and Bill closed his eyes and took a deep breath before answering.
"Why am I jerk? Because I don't give you, lazy imbeciles, my hard worked money?! Then so be it, I'm the biggest jerk in the whole history." Bill said and glared at his parents. "William, how about you stop being mean with your brother, who supports financially this family, and sit down." Bill gritted his teeth, took off his jacket and went over to the couch, where he sat down. He should've expected that. His parents always preferred his brother over him. Actually, his parents hated him and they made that pretty clear, but the feeling was mutual so he didn't mind it. What he did mind was being told what to do. But he always gritted his teeth and did as he was told. But not anymore.
"No." Bill said and stood up. "I won't sit down. And I won't let him speak like that to me." He continued, trying to contain his anger. "William, stop being ridiculous and sit down." Bill's mom said and Bill clenched his fists. "No. And I'm not being ridiculous, I am just demanding basic respect. Respect I've been giving you for years, but which wasn't mutual. Respect I'm sick to give to such patethic excuses of human beings. Especially since I am superior to you in every single way." Bill said as the light started flickering. He looked at the nearest light as his parents started talking. "Oh no, don't bother to check anything. I'm causing this. I'm angry and sometimes that causes things to break." He said as the sounds of smashed porcelain came from the kitchen.
"So if I were you I'd choose my last words. And don't forget, choose wisely, you can't change them once you're dead." He said, with a maniac grin on his face and ending in a disorted demonic voice. All the lights went out and the only thing you could see were Bill's red glowing eyes.
Bill put his feet on the table and sat comfortably as he sipped a dark red liquid from a glass. "Better than wine!" He said as he chugged down all the liquid and dropping the glass on the floor. He put his arms under his head and closed his eyes. "Why didn't I do this earlier?" He asked and smirked. The whole room was a mess. Broken dishes were covering the floor and blood was covering all the room, including the ceiling. Around the room were scattered the dead bodies of what once was Bill's family.
The door of the house got kicked down and four Time Police officers entered the room. "Bill Cipher, you are under arest for the murder of 3 people." Bill didn't react in any way, ignoring the man completely. "Oh, Time Baby, why do you keep hiding?" He said instead and grinned evilly. He stood up and looked at the door. "Just come out already. I know you've been waiting for this moment for a long while now." Bill said and through the door entered Time Baby.
"Now, what punishment are you gonna give me? Just do your worst. I tried it all already!"Bill sung and Time Baby spoke, his voice echoing on the silent house: "Bill Cipher, you are banished from this dimension!" Bill looked at Time Baby in shock. "You don't think I know how this works?! You must exile me somewhere! So where will it be?" He said, his eyes narrowed. "Flatland!" Time Baby's answer came and Bill laughed. "Flatland?! I'll be king there! What a patethic punishment!" He said and laughed, his head falling back. But all of sudden a shooting pain went through his body and he fell on his knees, holding his hurting head in his hands.
"What is going on?" He asked as he looked up at Time Baby. "You're right. You'd be king there, amd that's why I'm taking away your powers." Time Baby's voice echoed through the room and in that moment Bill was scared. "You can't do that!" He shouted with a small laugh, trying to pretend he was calm, but he wasn't and the pain got bigger to his dismay. "Fine! But I'll make you pay. I'll make all of you pay." He said in a disorted voice and that's when he lost consciousness.
When he woke up he was outside. It was night and he stood up. He looked around and a realization hit him: 'I'm in Flatland.' He thought and started walking. 'Why do i feel weird? I feel like there is something wrong with my body.' He thought after a while and walked over to a window. He stared at his own reflection in shock. From a dashing tall slender blonde he turned into a...equilateral triangle?! He couldn't believe his eyes, or his eye because now he had only one. He also had a pair of small black arms and legs and was dressed only a small black bowtie below his eye and a small top hat was floating above his head. He had no mouth.
"I'm...I'm...I'm a triangle?!" He yelled shocked and angry at the same time. "And even worst, an equilateral one! Why couldn't that dumb baby make me at least a square!" He said and looked down at his hands, expecting them to be covered in a blue fire, but nothing happened. "My powers!"Bill cried out and his body turned from yellow, red. But something caught his attention on the ground. It was a piece of paper. He picked it up and read the title: 'The 4th dimension got erased out of existence'. It took him a good minute to realize that he is responsible for the destruction of the 4th dimension and when the realization hit him he was pleased. He went on to read the article and what he read didn't please him. "Who or whatcaused the destruction is unknown. At the moment the only known survivors are Time Baby and a part of the Time Police who retreated to the 54th dimension and refuse to give any details about the incident." Bill read and he ripped the piece of paper.
But his anger vanished away soon enough as he realized he was all alone and powerless. He had so many things to do and he had no idea where to even begin. But one thing was certain, he was going to take revenge on Time Baby.

Author note
Sooo here it is what I promised. Enjoy it until next week most likely when I'll post chapter 18. I'm slowly reaching the end of the story and I can't believe it. Not sure how to feel about that, but one thing is certain. I should start working on my next one.
And about that idea I had, I found names for the main characters and the other few important characters, bless Google for that. Now I just need a plot, I mean I do have an idea but I'm not sure about it.
Anyway, I'll have to go, lots to write, even more to procrastinate. See ya!

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