Chapter IX: We'll Meet Again Some Sunny Day

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-6 months later-

"Dipper!" Will screamed making Dipper jump awake. He groaned and looked at his boyfriend. "It's morning! You need to wake up!" Will cried out. He pouted and Dipper rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll wake up!"Dipper said and yawned. "This is all your fault." Dipper said pointing to Will, who was smiling innocently. "I'll take the fault. Now hurry up or Mabel will have all the pancakes. And I made them for you!" He said and dragged Dipper out of the bed and down the stairs, in the kitchen. "Don't you dare touch those pancakes! You had yours!" Will said with his eyes narrowed at Mabel. "Fine!"Mabel said and crossed her arms over her chest. Dipper had no clue what to do so he just stood there, in shock, at the childish behaviour of his boyfriend and his sister.
"Are you done acting like five years olds?" He asked and both Will and Mabel turned their heads to face Dipper. "Yeah, I'm done." Will said and Dipper kissed his cheek. "Good." He said and walked over to the table and sat on a chair. He took the only plate from the table and started eating the pancakes. "Oh and before I forget..." Mabel began and the couple looked at her. "...whatever you guys did last night just don't be so loud the next time. Not that I understand what nerd thingy could be so loud but whatever." Mabel finished and the couple looked at her in shock. Will shook his head and smiled widely as he said: "We'll do." "Thanks!"Mabel said and left the kitchen.
"She really has no clue about what we did last night?" Will asked and Dipper nodded. "When are you gonna tell her? Or at least give her a clue?" Will said while raising his eyebrows. "After her funeral." Dipper's answer came and Will put his hand over his face. "What if you're dead by then?" He asked raising his head to look at Dipper. "Even better. That is what I was hoping for." Dipper said and Will sighed. "I'm not saying to ruin her innocence. You just have to remember her that you're an adult, dating an other adult and that adults who are in a relationship sometimes...cuddle naked."
He said and then he realized he forgot to ask something: "Does she acknowledge..." He began but Dipper cut him off in a blank tone: "Yes." "Then why doesn't she put 2 and 2 together?!" Will asks while raising his hands above his head. "No clue." Dipper said and kissed Will's cheek. "Now how about you calm down?" Dipper cooed with a smile and Will smiled back. A thought popped in his head and his smile turned into a smirk. "But Mabel said we should be more quiet." He said and Dipper's eyes widened in horror at his partner. "What are you gonna do?" Dipper asked horrified and Will laughed. "Oh, you'll see..." He began and smirked wider as he continued: "...tonight." He finished and Dipper smiled weakly. "It won't hurt me, right?" He asked nervously and Will rolled his eyes. "No, of course not. It'll just make you quiet." He finished still smirking.
"I don't believe you when you smirk like that." Dipper said and Will laughed. "Now, do you believe me?" He asked with a smile. "And when did I ever hurt you?" Will asked with his eyebrows raised questionably. "Never."Dipper whispered and Will smiled widely. "See?! You've got nothing to worry about"He said and pressed his lips against Dipper's. Dipper blushed and smiled widely, causing Will to smirk. Will pulled away softly as he bit Dipper's bottom lip, making Dipper moan lightly. Dipper blushed even harder and Will smirked so widely he would put the Cheshire cat to shame. "I'll go and get ready." Dipper said and quickly went upstairs, almost bumping into Mabel, who was coming down the stairs. She looked behind at her brother questioningly and went in the kitchen, where Will was pouring hot water in a mug.
"What happened with Dipper? I just saw him and he acted weird." She said as Will put a tea bag in the mug. "No clue. My guess is that he's shy."?Will said nonchalantly and sat on the table. "Also I'm so very sorry for earlier. I shouldn't have brought that up. It's not so surprising Dipper was as red as a tomato when I mentioned it. Really, I'm sorry. For a second I forgot both you and Dipper are consenting adults and all that." Mabel said fastly and laughed awkwardly. "Is alright. I already took care of it. It's nice you told us, we wouldn't want to bother." Will said calmly with a reassuring smile.
"Is everything ready for tomorrow?" Mabel asked changing the subject. "You bet it is. Everything will be here tomorrow at 6am sharp." Will said proudly and Mabel hugged him tightly. "And is Dipper's surprise ready?" She asked looking up at him. He nodded and she hugged him tighter. "You're the best!"She yelled and let go, running out of the shack.
Will smiled as he drank his tea. ' Shooting Star didn't change a bit in 21 years.' He thought and went back at the warm sweet liquid from his mug.  Dipper came down the stairs dressed in his usual black shirt, black jeans and leather jacket outfit and Will smirked at him. "Somebody stopped blushing, huh?" He asked and Dipper blushed lightly and glared at Will. "Turns out not." He said as he approached Will. He kissed Dipper's cheek as he stood up and went over to the sink and placed inside of it the, now, empty mug. "Shall we go?"Dipper asked his partner, who shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly in response. The couple linked hands and walked out of the shack and down the path until they reached the town's main street.
"But where are we going anyway?" Will asked curiously leaning in until he was inches away from Dipper. "You'll see." He answered and smirked. "I want it to be a surprise." Dipper added and Will smirked for himself. 'Oh, Pinetree, don't you know? You can never surprise somebody who can read your thoughts.' He thought evilly and started looking through Dipper's mind but was surprised when he saw that Dipper wasn't thinking about the surprise, but instead he was thinking about Will. Will hardly managed not to blush at Dipper's sweet thoughts. He leaned in and kissed Dipper's cheek. Dipper looked at Will surprised and grinned widely. "What was up with that?" He asked and Will shrugged his shoulders in response. "I just wanted to offer you a bit of my affection." He said and continued in a fake hurt tone: "Am I not allowed to do that?!" Dipper laughed and lightly pushed him with his elbow. "You are so goddamn melodramatic." Dipper said and they both laughed. "That's me!" Will said pointing his thumbs towards himself. They both laughed again and Dipper stopped.
"We're here." He said and Will stopped aswell looking at the sign above the shop. "The new music shop? What are we doing here?"?He asked and Dipper rolled his eyes. "I want to hear you play the piano, ok?!" He confessed and Will smirked. "And what's in it for me?" He asked and Dipper kissed his cheek. "My happiness." He whispered softly in Will's ear with a smirk. "You won me, kid!" Will exclaimed and smiled widely. They went inside and searched the large room for a piano. Dipper spotted a coal black one and dragged Will towards it. They reached it and Will examined it closely. "It should do it!"
He said and sat down. He tapped the place next to him and Dipper caught on his wish and sat next to his partner. "So...what you'd like to hear?" Will asked looking at Dipper with the corner of his eye. "Anything you like." Dipper said laying his head on Will's shoulder."Hmm...well there is this song I loved years ago and I learned how to play it. I just found the score for it and if you'd like I'd gladly play it for you. I remember I loved it so badly I even learned the vocals for it." He said with a laugh and Dipper smirked. Will turned to look at Dipper and his smile faded when he saw Dipper's smirk.
"Oh, no!"!He exclaimed but Dipper's smirk only widened. "No, no, no, no!" He said and Dipper pouted. "Please, darling!" He pleaded and Will rolled his eyes. "Fine, but I'm not to blame when you'll go deaf." Will said and Dipper smirked widely. 'Ok, maybe spending time with Mabel was useful after all.' He thought as Will pulled out a wrinkled piece of paper. He unfolded it and pulled apart two pieces of paper. He put them on the staves of the piano and looked over them. "Alright, I'm ready." Will said after a few seconds and Dipper smiled at him warmly. Will sighed and started playing the piano, his voice following soon:
"We'll meet again..." He began and Dipper was mesmerized by his wonderful voice. As the song progressed the rest of the shop turned towards them, mesmerized aswell. The song ended and an angry manager was coming towards the couple. Will grabbed Dipper's hand and shook him out of his trance. "That's our cue!" Will said with a smirk and dragged Dipper with him. Dipper grabbed the piano score and went along with his partner. They ran out of the shop and down the main street until they reached the forest.  They slowed down, breathing heavily, but with big grins on their faces and with their hands linked.
"Why you insisted you shouldn't sing?! You have the voice of a god!" Dipper said and Will chuckled. "What?! I wasn't the only one thinking that. Everyone was looking in awe at you." Dipper said and Will kissed his cheek. "Whatever you say." He said rolling his eyes and still having a big grin plastered on his face. "Tomorrow is a big day." Will sung and Dipper giggled. "There is?" He asked genuinely confused and Will nodded. "Did you seriously forget?" He asked and stopped in his tracks.  "What to forget?" Dipper asked with his head tilted on a side confused as he stopped aswell and turned around. "Tomorrow is your birthday, Dipper." Will said and Dipper blinked confused. "Really?!"He asked furrowing his eyebrows. "Yes." Will said with sadness all over his face and with his smile long gone.
"Well I must've forgotten because I didn't celebrate my birthday in years." He said in shrugged his shoulders. "Anyway I'm not very keen on partying." He added and turned around, walking away. Will ran after him and when he catched up he said: "I know. The party is only for Mabel. I'll take care of you tomorrow." He said with a smirk. "Now I'm scared." Dipper said and Will laughed. "You've got no reason to be."?He said and pressed his lips against Dipper's for a brief second. "Believe me, you're gonna like it."?He said and lightly hit Dipper's arm as he ran away. "Are we really gonna do this?" Dipper said with a smile as he rolled his eyes. "We are really going to do this." Will muttered in Dipper's ear and ran off. "Fine."Dipper sighed and started chasing Will.
They did this for maybe an hour, until Will got tired and slowed down, giving Dipper the chance to push him on the ground. He groaned while Dipper laughed loudly. Will smirked and grabbed Dipper's hand, pulling Dipper on top of him. They both groaned and then they laughed. "Ok, this was fun. Very immature, but fun." Dipper said and laid next to his lover. "That's the whole point of fun, silly. It's supposed to be immature." Will chuckled and kissed Dipper's cheek. He wrapped his arms around Dipper's waist and laid his head in the crook of Dipper's neck. Dipper smiled widely and closed his eyes.
Small raindrops started to fall on the couple and that broke their moment of pure bliss. Both stood up and ran under a large tree to shield  themselves from the rain. Will sat down, with his back against the tree and with Dipper on his lap, facing him.
Dipper yawned and laid his head on Will's shoulder. "Tired?" Will asked softly and Dipper chuckled. "No way!" Dipper exclaimed and fell alseep. Will smirked and muttered: "Sure, that's why it was so easy to put you to sleep." He stood there for a few more minutes and then he sighed. 'I should take him inside or he'll get sick.' He thought as he stood up, picking Dipper up bridal style.'Teleportation? It seems a safer way to take him inside.' He thought as he disappeared in thin air.

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