Chapter II: New In Town Or At Least That's What It Seems

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The Pines twins turned around and looked at the person who just spoke. The person who spoke was a tall slender man in his early twenties. His short blonde hair was covering a part of the eyepatch he had over one of his eyes. His uncovered eye was gold, which was very unusual. A grin was spread across his face as he looking at the twins. His clothes were very unusual aswell. He was dressed in a black shirt and on top of it was having a yellow overcoat, a pair of black slacks, a bowtie around his neck and black gloves were covering his hands. In one of his hands he was holding a plain black cane and a tiny top hat was floating at an inch above his head. Dipper looked at him suspicious. He reminded him of somebody, also his voice was really familiar. But Dipper couldn't figure out where he met him before. Mabel, of course, was looking at him in awe, but that wasn't surprising since even Dipper couldn't deny that the mysterious guest was quite handsome.
"I haven't seen you around before."Dipper remarked and the stranger nodded."I just moved here."He said and pointed to something next to him. Dipper looked over the counter and saw a black suitcase with the Eye of Providence on it. "Welcome to Gravity Falls!"Dipper said and extended his arm. The stranger smirked and shook firmly Dipper's hand. "But, I have one more question."Dipper said while looking deep into the stranger's uncovered eye, like he was looking for something. "Ask away." He answered with a grin on his face, a grin Dipper couldn't read to save his life.
"This town doesn't appear on any map, how did you find it?"Dipper asked and the stranger still grinned as he said: "I came here before." "When?" Dipper said sharply and yet the stranger was still grinning from ear to ear when he answered:" About 20 years ago. I came here for one summer. I really liked the town and now I finally had the chance to come back." "We came here for the first time in the same summer!"Mabel said excited and Dipper turned his head. For a brief second he forgot that his twin was still in the room.
"And also what is your name? My brother was to busy interrogating you to ask such a simple question."Mabel said and Dipper blushed. "William, even tho for some odd reason everyone calls me Bill."He said with a smirk and extended his hand. Dipper stared at William with his eyes widened in horror as Mabel shook William's hand. "I'm Mabel, and my brother is Dipper. Welcome in town, William! Would you mind if we call you Will instead of Bill? Dipper had a really bad problem with somebody, more something, named Bill and it kind of traumatized him."Mabel explained and Will smiled. "Of course, I will be a bit odd in the beginning but it will be nice to actually hear my name for once.I don't understand how they came up with Bill, anyway, since it's not even remotely close to my name. English and its speakers are weird and I'll never understand them."
And then Dipper remarked it. The accent. Will had a British accent, more specifically a Wales one."You have a British accent."Dipper said out loud, unconsciously."Yes, I do, because I am British. How do you think I know that English speakers are weird? I, myself, am weird and so was everyone I lived with in Wales, where I'm from."Will said turning his attention back to Dipper. Dipper shook his head and said:"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm terribly sorry for the way I acted, I've been a bit paranoid in the last month.""Is alright. Did something happen in the last month that caused you this paranoia?"Will asked and then he shook his head and said:
"I'm sorry. I think it's a bit personal to ask you that. I'm a psychiatrist and I just got used with asking very personal questions to person I barely know." He said with a weak smile and Dipper smiled aswell. "No, is alright. Old habits die hard. And something did happen. My grand uncles died. I think my child self took over me and I forgot they could, in fact, die."Dipper said and Will leaned in and his uncovered eye looked in Dipper's eyes, looking right through him, into his soul. "It doesn't seem to be that. This may sound rude but don't lie. If you don't want to tell me don't tell me. Alright Dipper?"He asked and Dipper nodded.
"Anyways..."He said and leaned back, his big grin returning to his face."I know you are both sick of hearing this but..." He began and his smile faded as he continued: "... I want to present you my sincere condolences for you grand uncles."He said and the twins thanked as they always did in the past month."Also aren't you Dipper and Mabel Pines?"He asked and the twins nodded."Your grand uncles were Stanley and Stanford Pines, right?" "Yes, they were. Did you know them?"Dipper asked and Will looked at him with the corner of his eye. He smirked. "Not that well, but I do know them."
Dipper looked at him suspicious and then Will's eyes darted at Dipper's bare arms, which were covered in tattoos. One tattoo caught his eye: The Bill Cipher Wheel one. "Did something caught your eye?"Dipper asked and Will looked at him. "Yes. Your tattoos are very interesting, especially this one."He said pointing a slender finger covered by a black glove towards the Bill Cipher Wheel tattoo."Do you believe in supernatural?"Dipper asked and Will nodded eagerly. "Well then there are lots of things I can tell you, including about this tattoo."Will smirked and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows, revealing tattoos of strange ancient-looking symbols. "Shall we exchange stories?"Will asked and Dipper smirked. "Oh yes!"
"Then I'll leave you guys, see ya later!"Mabel said and left. Will took Mabel's seat and said: "So, talk about the tattoo." "Alright. There are many supernatural being but the strongest and evillest I ever encountered is a dream demon named Bill Cipher."Dipper began and Will interrupted him: "Cipher as in code?" He asked and Dipper nodded. "Yeah, he loves codes. Considering that he has trillions of years, hell, I'm sure he invented them." "You just caught my attention. I'm a sucker for codes so start talking."Will said and Dipper giggled. "You shouldn't get this excited."Dipper said and Will looked at him with a perplexed look on his face.
"He created codes. How could I not be excited?!"He asked slightly confused and Dipper sighed."But he is evil. He tried to turn this whole dimension into his playground. Luckily we stopped him, otherwise we wouldn't have been standing here today."Dipper explained and Will furrowed his eyebrows as his smile faded. "Oh..."He said and Dipper nodded. "Would you still tell me more? My curiosity won't die so easily."He said and Dipper sighed."Sure." "And also is this the Bill that traumatized you so badly?"Will asked right when Dipper was about to speak. "Yes."Dipper said and went his hand through his hair.
"Oh, are you sure you feel comfortable enough to talk about it?" Will asked and Dipper nodded."Yeah. I need to get over it. It's been 20 years and he was erased from existence." "Alright then."Will said with a smile splattered on his face. Dipper smiled weakly and began. "There are still many mysteries concerning how old he actually is but he has trillions of years, considering that he is older than this dimension." "Are there more dimensions?" "Yes. Bill, for example, comes from the second dimension." "And do you know what is it like there?" "I have never been there but one Stanford's friends was, that's what made grand uncle Stanford loose his trust in Bill. But that was after Bill came along. According to him it was a flat world, with flat minds and with flat ideas but then he came along and "liberated". If you see where I'm hitting."Dipper said as he mimicked quotation marks in the air when he said liberated.
"Oh, I understand. You said he is a dream demon. Does that mean that he has any sort of..."Will began and contemplated on the right word." ...powers or abilities?"He finished and Dipper sighed once again. "He does. I tend to believe that he was capable of more than what he showed us, perhaps because he was sure we couldn't defeat him, which, in my opinion, was his worst mistake." "I have to agree with you. You should never underestimate anyone. But what are the abilities he possessed that you are aware of?" "He can read thoughs, possess bodies but only if their owner agrees, that happened to me once. Big mistake. He trew my body down the stairs and stuck forks in my arms. And that's the nice stuff. He can also transport you to Mindscape. And influence your dreams, I mean give you nightmares. A part of me thinks he can also stop them but why would that evil Dorito do that?"Dipper finished clenching his fists.
He didn't realize that he zoned out until he got snapped out of it by Will's laughter, which he found oddly familiar. "Evil Dorito?"He asked between giggles. "Yeah, he looks likena giant dorito if you ask me."Dipper said as he looked through the rewritten version of Journal 3 until he reached the page about Bill. He offered Will the book and he took it. Dipper pointed at the drawing of Bill from the top of the page. "Doesn't he look like a one-eyed Dorito with arms and legs?"He asked and Will bursted into laughed. "Yes, he does. Did you ever tell him that?" Will asked and Dipper started laughing aswell. "No, but a side of me regrets. I know I would get eternal nightmares for it but his reaction would be priceless."
Dipper said and Will became all serious: "But you said there are lots of supernatural beings." "Yes, I did."Dipper said becoming serious aswell. "I could even show you some if you like." "I would love to..."Will began and smiled and then he remembered something that made his smile fade. "...but I must settle in." "How long would it take?"Dipper asked and Will thought for a minute before saying. "Not long, I only have one suitcase with clothes and other necessities like it. I planned to get my books mailed after I got a job. But I could go, leave my suitcase and return." He said and smiled weakly.
"Where do you stay?" "There is a cabin by the lake, do you know it?" Will asked and Dipper though before answering: "Yes." "Oh, well, it's mine."Will said and smiled widely.  "It is a bit small but I'll survive." "Well then we can go there together. I'll wait for you outside, or help you if you need any help, and then we can leave. And about the job, you can have a job here. After my grand uncles died the Mystery Shack became mine and some help is always welcomed."Dipper said with a bright grin on his face. "Thank you!"Will said and stood up.
"Shall we leave, then?"

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