Chapter XVII: Even The Biggest Wars Can Start From A Misunderstanding.

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It was the next morning and Dipper was sitting in the kitchen, going through a bunch of notes while sipping from a cup of freshly brewed coffee. That coffee wasn't as good as his usual one, but it had to do it. Mostly, because, for an unknown reason, he was tired, so he needed that coffee. Usually drinking coffee was just a habit he never got rid of, since he didn't need sleep, but now it was the only thing that kept him awake. And he really needed to stay awake since he knew they didn't have a lot of time left. They had maybe one day left, if they were lucky, but Dipper didn't think they would be that lucky. Of course, he had a point, but the odds were in their favour today.
Mabel emerged from upstairs and sat on a chair. She groaned and put her head on the table, her headache getting the best out of her. "How come you don't feel like utter crap?" She asked her brother, who didn't look from his notes as he said: "I did have a headache at 5 am, but it passed quickly. And since then I'm sober and I regret everything I said while I was drunk." "Not fair." Mabel muttered under her breath just as the front door opened and Pacifica came inside with two bags of groceries. She set the bags on a counter and turned to greet the twins, but as soon as she saw Mabel she ran to her girlfriend's side and took her hand in her own.
"Sweetie are you alright?" She asked softly and Mabel groaned: "Just hangover." "Why did you get drunk? And when?" Pacifica asked alarmed and Mabel sighed as she rose her head to look at her girlfriend. "Last night. And I did it because both my brother and I know he won't open up, unless he's drunk. And the conclusion I came to is that, sadly, he's actually in love with that asshole." She said as Pacifica started running around the kitchen looking for some pills to ease Mabel's headache.
All while Dipper looked at the two and for a second he got angry. He got angry at Mabel for lying about being all alone, but then he realized that Mabel wasn't acknowledging the fact that Pacifica was hopelessly in love with her, and he made it one of his goals to make his sister see how much Pacifica loved her, despite his deep hate towards the blonde.
Mabel took the pills Pacifica offered her and drank a few glasses of water as she waited for the pills to kick in. A few minutes later her headache wore off and she thanked Pacifica for the pills and kissed her cheek. Pacifica accepted the kiss with the brightest smile on her face and as much as Dipper hated to admit it, Pacifica truly loved Mabel and she would've made a great girlfriend.
"Can we start now? We don't have a lot of time." Dipper said and Pacifica jumped in, saying: "After we eat breakfast." "Fine, but hurry." Dipper said annoyed as Pacifica started unpacking the groceries as slowly as she could while sporting a big smirk on her face. "Can you hurry?" Dipper said between gritted teeth and Pacifica started unpacking faster. "Fine, I'll hurry, but it's not like we don't have time." She said and Dipper glared at her. "Guess what, we actually don't have time. We need to shield the shack and make sure that everyone we care about is safe, inside, all in less than 24 hours." "And it'll be fine. We have time." Pacifica said calmly as she started making toast. "Paz, darling, you haven't dealt with unicorns. We don't have time just like Dipper said, considering we need hair from those assholes." Mabel said and Dipper opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it and closed back his mouth.
"What happened?" Mabel asked when he noticed her brother's hesitancy. "The shield we used last time is kind of... useless." Dipper said so quietly it was just above a whisper and Mabel jumped off her seat. "What?!" She yelled and Dipper started playing with his hands, in an attempt to calm himself down. "Well, we can change the recipe and that would protect us, partially, but that's still something, right?" He said, nervously, and Mabel flopped onvher chair. "What has changed? Why won't it work? How can you know it won't work?" Mabel asked and Dipper sighed.
"Well, Bill is more powerful now. I personally think that he is muchmore than a demon, but honestly, he never said anything about it so I didn't ask. I never thought it would matter." He said and Mabel and Pacifica stared at him until the beeping of the fire alarm made all three of them to realize that the toast was burning. After they managed to stop the fire, they all flopped in a chair, but they couldn't rest since as soon as they sat somebody knocked on the door. "I'll take it." Dipper said as he stood up and headed to the door.
As soon as he opened the door somebody hugged him. The only thing he could see was a mass of red hair and he recognised on spot who was hugging him. "Hey Wendy!" He said and the redhead pulled away from the hug. "Hey, where the hell have you been?" She asked and Dipper chuckled. "In the second dimension." He said nonchalantly as Wendy entered in the house. "You're kidding, right?" She asked and Dipper laughed shortly before saying in the most serious tone: "I'm not kidding actually. In the past ten years I've been in the second dimension, with my boyfriend."
"And how is it there? And more importantly why are you back in this place?" Wendy asked with her eyebrows raised and her hands on her hips. "Well, it's not the best dimension, I've seen more fun ones, but it's alright. And as to why im here, ask my sister." Dipper said as he entered the kitchen. "Ask me what? Oh, hi Wendy!" Mabel said and Wendy flashed her a smile and waved at Mabel. "Well, your brother over here," Wendy began as she pointed to Dipper, who went back at his still unfinished coffee, "said that you know why he's back in town." Wendy finished and Mabel smiled awkwardly. "Yeah, it's kind of my fault." "Kind of? It's totally your fault." Dipper said and Mabel shot him a glare. "Ok, what's going on between you two?" Wendy asked and before any of the twins could say anything, Pacifica jumped in and explained:
"You remember all that apocalypse jazz that happened around 30 years ago? Yeah, well the one who started all that, Bill, has a human body now and he and Dipper have been dating for what, 12 years now?" "This summer it'll be 12 years." Dipper said with a nod and Pacifica continued: "So they've been dating for some time now, and 10 years ago they moved in the 2nd dimension in a compromise, Bill gets his fancy ass house back and can still live with his boyfriend and this dimension won't be shred to pieces. Quite a fair deal that pleased both of them. But Mabel hates with a passion the fact that Bill and Dipper are dating, so a few days go she dragged Dipper out of the second dimension, againt his will, that's why I said she dragged him out, and now we're here. We're in the verge of a war, because Bill is definitely pissed, because he thinks that Dipper left him, and on top of that that Dipper faked everything they had togheter, he's quite the drama queen if you ask me, really, his reaction sounds like a Taylor Swift song." "It's so good that he didn't heard that since he hates Taylor Swift, but I agree. Now you can go on." Dipper said and Pacifica continued: "And where I was? Oh, yeah, we're doomed because he's almost as powerful as a god and we can't stop him." Pacifica finished ranting and she turned back to her cooking.
"Oh, and, personally, I think Bill has some anger issues or something. I mean, sure, he doesn't know the whole context so the first logical assumption is that you left willingly, and if you put it that way the situation looks bad, but he needs to take a chill pill. No offence tho, you know, with him being your beloved boyfriend and all that." She added and Dipper waved his hand dismissively. "None taken, mostly because you're on point. He does have a lot of issues, but at least if you point that out he'll agree. He always says that the reason he does that is because the first step to solving you problems is admitting you have them, but I observed he's stuck on the first step or didn't bothered to learn the rest of the steps. Otherwise, the level of alcohol from his blod wouldn't be over 50% at all times." Dipper said with a shurg.
"And we can stop him. Correction, I can stop him, but I can't protect the rest of you while doing so if you come with me. So everyone needs to stay here, where I'll make sure you're safe, at least partially." "And how do you plan to stop him?" Mabel asked angrily and Dipper glared at her as he said: "I'll talk with him." "And you think that'll make him stop? And also, how can you know he won't kill you as soon as he sees you?" Mabel asked coldly and Dipper sighed. "Because he loves me and he wouldn't ever hurt me." "How can you be so sure?" Mabel shouted as she stood up from her chair.
"Because I know him. He may be heartbroken, but he's also angry. Mostly at himself. And, also, he is heartbroken and he knows it, but he won't admit it nor act on it, so he'll only act angry. And I know how to handle him when he's angry. I know that I need to don't give him any satisfaction from seeing me scared, because he's straight up terrifying when he's angry, and I know that I need to let him say what he has to say. I know that then he'll let me say the story from my point of view. I know that I need to ask him how much time I have left. I know he'll give me 5 minutes. I alreadly know what I'll tell him, word by word, in those 5 minutes. I know I need to act as if I'm hiding my nervousness, even if I'm actually perfectly calm. I know that he expects that because usually when he gives you five minutes those are your last 5 minutes, because doesn't matter what you say you're a walking dead person from the moment his internal timer starts counting. I know that after those 5 minutes I'll need to remind him about what he's supposed to do. I know that he'll say that he changed his mind, doesn't matter what I'll say in those 5 minutes, because he can't harm me, because it provokes him psychical pain only the though of me being hurt. I know exactly the way we'll make up, but I'm not giving any details on that, thank you very much. And I know that then we'll go home and pretend this never happened. So, yes, I know I can stop him. And I know I will stop him."
Dipper said as he stood up aswell. "What if it won't go after your plan?" Mabel asked and Dipper sighed and rolled his eyes. "It will." "How can you know?" "Because Bill has a specific way of functioning. He has no respect what-so-ever for any rule existent, but he has a blue print and a set of rules, set by him, which he functions on. And he wouldn't ever break those rules, under any circumstances. This is how I can predict exactly what he'll do, how he'll do and when he'll do it. And I can use that to my advantage. And I will use that to my advantage. Because I need as many advantages I can get, considering his power almost equals the powers of a god, the only existent god, to be more specific." Dipper almost shouted and Mabel was about to say something when Pacifica stopped them. "Shut the fuck up, both of you!" She said and then she turned to Mabel, who looked in utter shock at Pacifica, as she continued: "Yes, I said the 'f' word. So, just so you know, things are serious. Now, Dipper has a point. A very valid point. I think if anyone knows how to stop Bill that is Dipper, who lived with him for the past 10 years. And he has a very solid and detailed plan. Also I'm sure he has a plan B, just in case, so no need to worry."
"Actually, I don't have a plan B, because I know my plan will work." Dipper added and Pacifica glared at him as she continued: "As I was saying, I'm sure he has a plan B, just in case. And you need to trust him, Mabel, because he knows what he's doing. So now, both of you stop bickering and let's get started, because the last time I checked we didn't have time." Pacifica said and both of the twins nodded. "Glad you got it. Now act on it." She said as she set on the table a plate with waffles. "Well, this is a sentence I never thought I'd say, but I agree with Pacifica. Also, Dipper, from what I understood, you're basically manipulating your boyfriend into doing what you want him to. Don't you think that's not a nice thing to do, considering that he's your boyfriend, who loves you so much?" Wendy asked and Dipper turned to face her and said with a smile: "It's not a nice thing to do, sure, but it gets me what I want. And that's what matters. Sure, it's immoral, but to get what you want sometimes you need to do some immoral things. But it'll be worth it in the end." He finished and his smile dropped as he realized what he said. "And I sounded just like Bill. I think he even said that exact same speech at some point." He said and then he waved a hand dismissively and said: "But who cares, he has a point."
"Alright, I don't judge, just wanted to make sure you know what you're doing." Wendy said with a smile and Dipper shurgged his shoulders. "At this point, my morality has become so questionable it doesn't matter. Also he would do the same thing to me." He said as he turned and started eating a waffle. "And what's the rest of the plan?" Wendy asked and Dipper gave it a thought before saying: "Well, we need to shield the shack and wait. And when the time comes, I'll leave and the rest of you will stay here." "Please tell me we don't need to fight those stupid assholes again. I'll give you my own hair just tell me I don't have to see those unicorns again." Wendy exclaimed and Dipper smiled awkwardly. "Sadly, the unicorn hair is the most important ingredient. But, they're terrified of Bill, so we can use that to our advantage. Just tell them exactly what's coming and I'm sure they'll help. But lie about you're usimg that hair for tho. Tell them you need it to defeat him, which is a total lie, the only thing it could do is distract him, because when it comes down to colourful and sparkly things, his attention spawn turns into the attention spawn of a butterfly and he needs to look at the colourful and sparkly thing." Dipper said and Wendy gave him a suspicious look before shurgging and nodding in agreement.
"Well then I'll go with Wendy to get that unicorn hair and you and Pacifica will get the rest of the ingredients." Mabel announced and she and Wendy left the shack as Dipper was finishing his waffle. Dipper took an other waffle and started to eat calmly and gather his notes togheter. "Aren't we supposed to get some ingredients?" Pacifica asked between bites and Dipper chuckled before saying: "Nah, the unicorn hair is the only ingredient we need for this. The original version had more ingredients, but that wouldn't last. This version is more efficient. So now, I'd like to have my breakfast without having to hear Mabel complain about my boyfriend, especially when her tastes aren't that good either." "Hey!" Pacifica said and Dipper shrugged. "What? I never complained about it." "Fair. And, as much as I love Mabel, you are right. Her behaviour is annoying and I'm sorry for that. She isn't like this usually. To be honest, I though she'd be happy you found someone who makes you happy, but turns out I guess I was wrong." Pacifica said and she took a bite from her waffle.
"No need to apologize. I know what's it's like to have your partner embarrass you with their behaviour. I apologise for Bill all the time. And before that I was apologising for Mabel's behaviour. So I know what you're going through. And I wouldn't worry about Mabel, she will come around. Eventually."
The demons gathered in front of Bill's house, waiting for him to show up. Everyone was curious what was so urgent and important that they all needed to be there. No one was saying anything tho. Eventually Bill showed up. Since now there was no one to tell him what a hypocrite was, he was dressed in formal attire and was leaning against his cane while he was looking if everyone was there. His right eye was blood red, unlike usually when it's gold, and his eyepatch was gone only to reveal his all seeing eyes, which usually had no pupil or iris, but now it was pitch black, except for a white ring that looked like it served as an iris.
"Well, since everyone is here, I'll begin." Bill said with a smirk on his face. "And if I hear any complains I'll slaughter you all." He said in a low, demonic voice with a glare and as soon as he finished the sentence he smiled widely and asked cheerfully: "Now, shall we begin?" The demons all muttered a 'yes'. Most of them weren't expecting anything interesting, since as they say, Bill has gone soft in the past 10 years, but they realized that they better keep that for themselves since Bill seemed angry that day and they valued their lives.
"I know, I know, I failed two times, but I want the dimension. And I will succeed this time, because tue last two times, I've been nice, but now, anyone who as much as disagrees with me will be killed on spot." He said and the demons looked shocked at him, it was only then when they realized what was diffrent today: Dipper Pines was no where to be seen, which was strange since in the past 10 years, Bill and Dipper were always togheter. If you saw one, the other had to be around. And then, the demons realized what happened: Dipper dumped Bill and Bill was, obviously, pissed.
"And an other thing." Bill began and all the demons were equally scared and happy that the 'old' Bill was back. And that meant two things: first, great and evil things will happen, and second, if they didn't obey Bill's orders perfectly they were all doomed.
"I want Dipper Pines." Bill announced as his right eye became a more intense shade of red. "You're going to look in every corned and in every house, under every single rock and you're going to find him and bring him to me. And I want him alive and unharmed. I have big plans for him, so if you know what's good for you, you'll do exactly as I say."

Author note
Sorry for not posting last week. For most of the week I was too emotional because my favourite band is almost putting out new music, so last Wednesday and today their lead singers has q&as and there are rumors and a single was announced today. Basically my heart can't handle it.
And at the beginning of the week I was working really hard on making my perfect Slytherin themed playlist, because I'm full of house pride. What a surprise, I found most of the song relevant in a way or an other to Bill, I wonder why?
Anyway, I got a kitten. Yeah, my parents resisted two and a half years without a cat. We ended up keeping him because he's so adorable and I named him Khoshekh. Luckily, I can take pictures of him.
I would've posted this chapter earlier, but Khoshekh wanted to play with me(aka bite and scratch my hands). It was fun. And then he took a nap on me, after he licked my shirt. It was adorable.
And am I the only one who sees that Dipper and Mabel look for similar things in a partner. I mean, both Paz and Bill are blonde, hella gay, sarcastic, have crappy families who dont care about their wishes, have a very good fashion taste and are good at cooking. Just saying. Also, both of the twins are calling their partner 'darling'.
Also, I swung this chapter more than others do with eyeliner. The original version I wrote a few weeks ago is much shorter and just generally crappy.
Anyway, see ya!

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