Chapter V: The Bill Statue Is Broken, Should They Worry?

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"What? Why?" Will asked confused. Dipper realized that and he shook out of his gaze. "This statue is all what is left from Bill. And I would come here in the day I would arrive in Gravity Falls and in the day I left. And I would talk with it. I would tell it what I couldn't tell anyone. It wasn't that bad for an year, but then my nightmares got worst and I couldn't cope looking at the one who was in every single one of them. That's when it got really bad. That's when I started freaking out at the sight of isosceles triangles. My parents got worried. Mabel and my grunkles wanted to tell them the truth but I insisted they wouldn't. I feel like I can't let this statue get destroyed. It is my last resort to feeling safe. I know that as long as it is here it means that that isosceles monster is dead. I guess it's what keeps my hope alive. So I must fix it!" Dipper said and Will nodded.
"Then I'll help." Will said and Dipper turned around with his eyes widened in shock. "Really?" He asked and Will nodded. "Yup!"He said and Dipper smiled widely. "Thank you!" "Sure, now shall we head back at the shack?"He asked and Dipper smiled widely and walked away, followed closely by Will. They reached the shack after 5 minutes of walking in a comfortable silence. They entered the house and got welcomed by Mabel.
"Where have you been?!" She said angrily at her brother. "I've been out with Will."He said pointing to Will. Mabel glared at Will for a second and then she turned her attention back to Dipper, examinating him. "Hmmm...I suppose everything is good. Did you two have fun?" She asked cheerfully and the two men nodded. "Wonderful! If you ever go on a monster hunt again take me with you!"She pleaded and they all laughed. "I'm in. What do you think, Dipper?" Will asked and Dipper had to stop laughing to answer: "Sure. How about we go on one right now?" "Sure, but before we leave, may I confess something?" Mabel asked and they both turned their attention to her.
"I missed you, Dipper. I missed this Dipper, who may be a bit gloomy but is still happy, but not in a cheerful way. I just missed the way you used to be and I'm so glad I can see a bit of that again instead of the new incredibly paranoid Dipper who is a total jerk." She said and Dipper smiled weakly. He was a bit hurt by her words but she was right. He changed and it wasn't a good change. Not when it was making his sister feel that way. "I'm sorry Mabel. I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you. I shouldn't have been such a jerk towards you." He said and they embraced eachother in an awkward sibling hug. Will watched them with a wide smirk on his face which turned into a grin when they pulled away and looked at him. "You know, I must thank you!" Mabel said to Will and his visible eye widened in shock at her words. "What for?" He asked and Mabel giggled. "For helping my brother, silly!" She said between giggles. "Whatever you did to him, it worked. He is happier than I've seen him in over 15 years." She said and went up to Will and hugged him tight. Will stood there frozen for a bit and then he returned the hug. "Well... in this're welcome!" He said perplexed and Dipper had to stop himself from laughing.?Mabel pulled away and went over and wrapped her brother in a tight hug.?"You get one of these too so stop laughing!"
She said and smiled widely. She truly missed seeing her brother smile and an idea formed in her head. She let go of her brother and went up the stairs. She watched Dipper and Will talk while they waited for her to "get ready". 'They must start dating!' She thought and started planning out her strategy to get them grow even closer and eventually admit their love to eachother. Even if they just met Mabel could see the way their pupils dilated when they looked at eachother and the dramatic change in Dipper's acting. She might be wrong but she was ready to take that chance rather then let love go to waste. She had a wonderful husband who loved her and she loved him but she let their love fade and she was regretting that every single day. She didn't want Dipper to go through that. He already went through enough bad things and he was genuinely happy for the first time in over 15 years. She went down the stairs and was greeted briefly by the two men who were discussing about something completely unknown to Mabel. 'Nerd stuff!' She thought and fake coughed to get their attention. They both turned to look at her but neither of them realized she didn't changed anything in her appearance.
"Sooo...what are we gonna hunt?" She asked excitedly. "I just found some mermaids. I didn't get to study them yet and I think this would be a perfect opportunity to do so." Dipper answered and Mabel raised one of her eyebrows. "Alright." She said and smiled widely. All three of them walked out of the shack. Mabel slowed down and waited for Dipper and Will, who were still talking, to pass her and then she continued walking behind them.'Love at first sight.' She thought with a grin. ' Now I just need to get them to admit their feelings, this will be harder to do considering what happened with Wendy.' Mabel thought and her grin faded.
They finally reached a pond and a head popped out of the water. The person who was in the pond was no other than Pacifica Northwest and she looked just as the twins remembered her. While shock took over Mabel's face, Dipper only smirked, not looking shocked at all to see her. "Ok, turn me back now!" Pacifica said to Dipper, ignoring the other two persons. "I have no clue what you're talking about." Dipper told her while still smirking and Will smirked for himself at the man's words. 'Somebody's isn't as good as I remember.' Will thought and his smirk widened. He stopped smirking when he saw Mabel turn to look at him. He could see the hurt in her eyes. "Dipper, what is she talking about?" She asked. Her voice was trembling and Will could hear the pain behind her words and so did Dipper. "Accidentally I slipped a potion I worked on into her drink and the next morning she was like this."
Dipper said innocently but Will saw right through his lie. ' It turns out somebody learnt how to lie.' He thought and he had to stop a smirk place on his face. 'This will be funnier than I thought.' He thought and a small dark chuckle left his lips, but the twins, nor Pacifica, noticed for his luck. "Then turn her back." Mabel said and Dipper sighed. "I can't. I'm working on it but I need to learn more in order to create a reverse potion." He said and sat down on a big rock in front of the pond. He pulled out a journal and opened it at an empty page. He took his glasses, put them on and with a pen he started writing in the journal. "Well since my brother is already working on the reverse potion how about you meet Will!" Mabel said as stepped foward until she was right in front of Pacifica. "Will, she is Pacifica!" She said while looking at Will and pointed to Pacifica. Her eyes shifted to Pacifica and continued: "And Pacifica, this is Will."She said this time pointing at Will. "Nice to meet you. Did we met before?" Pacifica said and furrowed her eyebrows. "Have you ever been to this town before?" "Yes, 20 years ago." Will said calmly and Pacifica bursted into laughter. "You look like you weren't even alive 20 years ago." She said and stopped laughing.
"What's your age?" She said dead serious. "32." Will answered just as camly as before. "Hmmm...were you wearing that eyepatch back then?" She asked and Will thought about it before saying. "I started wearing it at the end of the summer." He said and Mabel was the one who spoke now: "May I ask what happened with your eye?" "Yeah. I got spray paint in it and it went blind." He said and smiled at Mabel, but Mabel didn't smile back, instead she said: "Was it an accident or did somebody do that to you?" "A girl I knew did this to me. She was around my age at the time and seemed to hate me. Actually both her and her twin brother hated me."
He said and Mabel hugged him tightly. His eyes widened in shock as he turned to Pacifica and mouthed "Help!" as air left his body, the cause being the tight hug. Pacifica lifted her tail and hit it against the surface of the water, splashing water all over Mabel who let go of Will and turned to Pacifica who was giggling. Will started laughing but stopped when he was splashed with water. He looked angrily at Pacifica who shrugged her shoulders and said: "You were laughing. You deserved it."And then all three started laughing.
Dipper discreetly looked over his glasses at Will and smiled when he saw him laugh. But he wasn't discreet enough as Mabel saw him and grinned widely.

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