Chapter III: The Bill Cipher Wheel, An Interesting Discussion Subject

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"Gladly!"Dipper said and stood up. He grabbed a black backpack from the floor and put in the journal. He took his glasses and put them on. "Let's go. Anyway the Shack is closed due to the funeral that just took place so I have all day free." Dipper said and Will grabbed his suitcase and they both left. A comfortable silence fell between them as they went in the woods. "But you still didn't explain me what is with that tattoo." Will said all of sudden, causing Dipper to jump."I didn't?"He asked and replayed their conversation in his head. "Yes. I suppose it has something to do with that dream demon, isn't it?" Will said calmly. "Yeah. The symbol is called the Bill Cipher Wheel. It is used to banish him back to his dimension. Each of the sings represents one person." He said as he pointed to the pine tree. "I'm the pine tree."
"Did you actually use this?" Will asked with his eyes widened. "We tried but our grand uncles keep fighting and Bill was back before they got along again. And you can imagine that he wasn't pleased." "What did he do?"Will asked and Dipper looked up at him. "He turned six of the persons from the wheel into paintings and he only left me, my sister Mabel and our grand uncles. He needed Stanford to give him an equation that would allow his Weirdmageddon spread. Stanford wasn't that stupid to give it to him so Bill needed to blackmail him, using his family, of course." Dipper finished as the memories went through his head. "And how did you defeat him?"
"Stanley and Stanford exchanged clothes and pretended to be eachother, which was easy considering that they were twins, and Stanley tricked Bill into making a deal with him. Bill fell for it and entered Stanley's mind thinking it was Stanford's mind and when he got there he had one hell of a surprise. Anyway, outside of the Mindscape, Stanford used the memory deleting gun and erased all of Stanley's memories, erasing Bill with them. Stanley remembered everything which made me wonder what if Bill reappeared aswell but I was already paranoid and traumatized enough without contemplating about that. I mean my parents had to put me out of trigonometry because of that stupid Dorito."
"It really was that bad?"Will asked with his eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah. I was literally traumatized and I was panicking even at the sight of top hats, bowties and triangles, especially isosceles ones. I was going insane. My parents had to sent me to a psychiatrist because of it. It turns out I have post-traumatic stress disorder."He said and his head fell back as he laughed sarcastically. "Nobody ever found out what happened. I loved coming here so I didn't want my parents to forbid me. So I lied. Only Mabel knew the truth and luckily she understood that we couldn't tell anyone."
"Why? I think it would make you would feel better if you told somebody." Will said looking foward. Dipper looked at him and titled his head on a side, confused. "But no one would believe me." Dipper said and Will turned his head to him. "Did you talk about it with Mabel, or with anyone who knows?" "No. Everyone acts like it never happened." "Yes. They got over it, but you didn't. Something marked you about what happened. And that's why you shouldn't act like them. You are different."Will said and he let his head and shoulder fall as he sighed.
"Did anyone ever tried to talk with you about it?" He asked and Dipper hit a rock with his foot and it rolled over a few times. "Yes. Mabel, mostly, but that only because I was around her most of the time." "And did you talk with her?" Will asked and turned his head to look Dipper. "No. I shut her off. She kept insisting and that's why we haven't talked for the last 12 years. We had a huge fight and that was the last time we spoke." "Why you pushed her away?" "I have no idea. I was a teenager. You know, hormones and shit and I wasn't thinking straight since I was barely getting any sleep."Will stopped and Dipper realized that only after he walked a few more steps. He stopped and took a few steps back stopping in front of Will.
"Dipper, how do you feel? Don't answer right away. Look deep inside and tell me how you feel." Will said while he looked into Dipper's eyes with his uncovered gold eye. Dipper looked away and thought about it. "I feel..." He began and then it hit him." ...calm. I feel safer than how I felt in a long time."Dipper said and turned to face Will. "Because you said your thoughts aloud. You said them aloud and realized how stupid they are and you also said thar aloud. You also said why they are stupid. By saying something aloud you believe it, you make it real." Will explained as they both started walking again. An other comfortable silence fell between them.
"Why I find it so easy to talk with you? I barely know you." "I'm good at people. I can easily make them tell me their secrets."Will said nonchalantly and Dipper looked at him with one of his eyebrows raised. "Oh, we arrived!"Will said and interrupted Dipper right when he was about to talk. Dipper looked from Will to the small cabin that was in front of him. Will unlocked the door with  a key that appeared out of nowhere and went inside.
"Come inside!"Will said cheerfully as he peeked outside. Dipper stepped inside and looked around. The cabin was very small on the outside, yet it was so spacious in the inside. The room he entered was a combination between a kitchen and a living room. They walls were made out of pine tree and a small fridge and a small stove were in the corner. Next to them were two counters made out of pine tree wood and on the right corner was a small table surrounded by 4 chairs, all made out of pine tree wood aswell. In the other side of the room was a couch made out of black leather and above it a big painting of a mountain landscape.
"Do you like it?" Will asked and Dipper jumped. Will chuckled and came next to Dipper from his spot on the door frame that led to the second room. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." "Your house is nice." Dipper said, turning his attention back to the painting. It was showing a lake surrounded by a forest of pine tree and in the distance mountains were taking over the sky. The landscape seemed familiar to Dipper and his eyes slipped at the window and it hit him.
"Is this a paiting of the landscape from here?" Dipper asked aloud and Will chuckled. "Yes, it is. It was made by the former owner of the cabin." Will explained and Dipper turned to look at him. "Shall we go?" Will asked when he met Dipper's gaze. "Yea." Dipper said quickly as he cursed mentally for not thinking about something interesting to show Will. And then he found it. "Let's go! I just found the perfect thing to show you!" Dipper said and ran out of the cabin. He looked behind for Will but he was surprised when he spoke right next to him. "What are you gonna show me?" "Unicorns! Total assholes! Completely mythical!" Dipper said excited and Will chuckled. "Unicorns are actually real?" "You believed me when I told you about an evil dorito dream demon but you don't believe me when I tell you about unicorns?" Dipper asked while raising his eyebrows questioning at Will. "Fair." Will said and they ran faster, hoping over tree stumps and rocks, aswell as dodging trees. Dipper started running faster and Will couldn't keep up. When he found Dipper he was standing in front of a big gate which was in the middle of a circular defense wall.
"Here are the unicorns?"Will asked slightly confused as he stepped toward Dipper, both of them breathing heavily. "Yes. Behind this gate are unicorns. But I must warn you they are total assholes." "Alright." Will said and Dipper pushed the gate open. They stepped inside in a clearing in the woods and found three raindow-coloured unicorns. Will looked at them with his eyes widened and the unicorns looked up.  "You!"They shouted and ran away leaving both Will and Dipper perplexed. They left the clearing in the woods and made their way to the closest restaurant. They sat at a booth and when the waiter came Dipper ordered fries and Will a water.
"Aren't you hungry after all that running?"Dipper asked with curiosity and Will shrugged his shoulders with a side smile. Dipper looked at him suspiciously and then, he shrugged his shoulders aswell.  "Right, so about the job. I'd like you to do the tours. Considering it's Friday we can have closed on Saturday and Sunday and I could tell you anything you need to know. The thing is that it doesn't really matter what you tell them as long as your are confident and charming and you are both so I'm sure you'd do well."Dipper explained and Will nodded.
"So I'm paid to lie to people?"Will asked and Dipper nodded. "Basically, yea." "This will be easier than I thought." Will said with a smile. "Alright, we'll discuss the pay later then because I'm too hungry to think properly and I'm afraid you'll trick me into giving you  a huge pay check."Dipper said and they both laughed.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Dipper Pines?!"

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