Chapter VII: A Sleepless Night For A Curious Mind

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Dipper woke up the next morning and he yawned loudly. He just had the best sleep in the last 20 years. He stood up and stretched his arms and his back. He groaned and went over in the other room where he found Will sleeping with his head on the table with his journals next to his lover's head. He chuckled and left the cabin. He went to the shack and he didn't even reached the door when he was hugged tightly by Mabel. "Where have you been all night?!"She asked with worry in her voice.
"I was with Will. I was too tired last night and his cabin was closer than the shack." He said and his sister let go of him to look at him with a big grin on her face. His eyes widened in horror as he realized what his sister had in mind. "No!"He said and took a step backwards. "No, no, no, no, no, no!"He said firmly. "We didn't do anything!"He said and stormed inside. He went over to the closest bathroom and fastly brushed his teeth and his hair before running outside. "Where are you going?" Mabel asked and Dipper shouted: "At Will.
Mabel followed him and she saw him enter a small cabin. She stood behind a bush and peaked inside through the window. Inside the cabin Dipper sat next to Will and gently rubbed his back. "Will?"He said softly and Will groaned. "You have to wake up. It's morning!" He said and kissed his cheek. Will groaned and opened his visible eye, looking at Dipper. He smiled weakly and he started admiring him more than just plainly looking at him. Dipper blushed and he looked into Will's gold eye but he blushed even harder. He heard a knock on the door and rushed over to open it only to meet his sister, Mabel, in the doorstep with a big grin on her face.
"I saw it all bro-bro! Why didn't you tell me?!"She squealed and Dipper rolled his eyes annoyed.  "I was about to but I had to wake up this sleepy head over here." He said pointing to Will. "You wanted to wake me up! You never had to do it! It's a difference! Learn it!" Will groaned from inside. He was still having his head on the table and was groaning. "No silly! I had to because if I let you sleep there for longer you would've got an even bigger backache than you already do." Dipper said and Mabel giggled. "You're like a married couple!"
She said and went inside, where she threw herself on the couch. Dipper rolled his eyes, more amused than annoyed, with a smile on his face and went inside, closing the door behind him. He went over to the two counters and put some coffee beans on the coffee machine and turned it on waiting for coffee to be done. In the mean time he cut a few apples, strawberries and bananas and threw them in the blender, which he turned on. He put out three mugs and a large glass from inside one of the counters and set them on the table while he looked for milk and sugar. When the coffe was done he poured it in the three mugs, two of them being completely filled with it while the last one was only a half filled with the dark liquid. He added milk in third cup until it was full and mixed the mix of coffee and milk with three tea spoons of sugar. He added a half of tea spoon of sugar to on of the other two mugs as he poured the fruit smoothie in the glass. He took the untouched coffee and the one with a half of tea spoon of sugar and set them on the table.
"A coffee as black as your soul for you!" He said and offered the untouched coffee to Will who took it and shot a look at Dipper. He smiled and thanked him before lifting his head from the table and talking a sip from the pitch black liquid. Dipper took a sip of coffee from the mug from his hand and set it next to Will. He went over to the counter and took the third mug and the smoothie and offered them to his sister who joined them on table. "And mug of half coffee, half milk and three tea spoon of sugar with a fruit smoothie for you." He said and Mabel took both, drinking the smoothie from one sip. "Thanks bro-bro!" "Sure sis." He said as he sat down next to Will and kissed his cheek. "How much did you sleep last night?"?He asked and Will laughed before answering. "I didn't." He said simply and took a big sip from his coffee.
"What happened? Did you have a nightmare?" Mabel asked worryingly and Dipper smiled weakly at his sister's concern. "Nah. Curiosity happened. I read the whole fucking thing!"He said and groaned before laying his head against the table and yawning. "Aw."?Dipper said and rubbed his back. "Let's take you to bed." He said and stood up offering Will his hand. "Nah, I'm fine. I just need a tiny bit of time to shake off the sleepiness. How about you get ready and we go and hunt some supernatural being?" He said giving Dipper a reassuring smile. "Alright." Dipper said and smiled sadly at him. "I'll see you in a half an hour here, then."He said and finished his coffee. Mabel took his mug and washed both the two mugs the twins drank from but also the glass which Mabel drank from and then they both left, leaving Will alone.
He waited a few more minutes, until he was sure the twins were gone and then he lifted his head from the table and looked at the mug with disguist. He stood up and poured the black coffee in the sink and put the mug on the counter."This thing isn't as disgusting as it is when it has milk and sugar but I'd still choose tea over it!" He said and snapped his fingers, the mug disappearing into thin air. He looked around and when he spotted the opened book on the table he smirked. "Oh, it turns out Pinetree forgot something! I better give it back to him!" He said and stepped towards the table and took the journal in his hands. He looked down at a page titled "Creature #326" that had many ancient symbols written all over the page on addiction to the neat handwriting from it. Will smirked widely and continued talking, even if he was all alone:
"I only hope he'll appreciate the changes I made, after all he's the one who told me to change things if I like." He said and closed the journal while laughing maniacally, his voice echoing in the lonely cabin. He snapped his fingers again and his plain yellow shirt changed to into a yellow sweater with a single eye in the middle and a black bowtie underneath the eye which went well with his black jeans and black with the eye of Providence drew on Converse. He smirked and sat on the couch and set the journal next to him as a cigarette and a lighter appeared in his hands out of nowhere. He lit the cigarette and the lighter disappeared as he put the cigarette between his lips.
Meanwhile the twins arrived at the Mystery Shack and Dipper was upstairs in his room, which belonged to grunkle Ford when he was alive, looking for the second journal, but it was like it disappeared into thin air. He looked at his golden wristwatch and realized if he didn't leave now he'd be late so he ran down the stairs and out of the shack as fast as he could, which was supringly fast considering he was always awful at PE and actually he never took any interest in sports. From inside his cabin Will was muttering under his breath when Dipper arrived in front of the cabin: "Three, two, one...and here he is!" He said when Dipper knocked on the door and he got up, taking the journal with him, and opened the door greeting Dipper with a big grin. Dipper was breathing heavily and that made Will chuckled as he handed Dipper his journal.
"You forgot it." He said and kissed his cheek. Dipper took the journal and sighed relieved. "I thought I lost it." He explained as Will was locking the door of the cabin. "And that still doesn't explain why you ran your way here." He said and looked over at Dipper with one of his eyebrows raised questiongly. "I would've been late if I didn't." He said and Will chuckled. "Like I would've noticed. Seriously you need to chill..." He said and looked up and down at Dipper and his eye stopped at a familiar white with blue cap with a blue pinetree on it. "...Pinetree..." He said unconsciously and his eyes widened and he covered his mouth with his hands when he realized his mistake. Dipper lost all the color from his cheeks when he heard the familiar nickname and his eyes widened in horror as he stared right through Will.
"I'm so so so so sorry!" Will said fastly and chewed nervously on his bottom lip. "My lack of sleep is bringing out the best in me. It's just really I am so tired and I never saw you with that cap and my brain got distracted and before I could realize the words just came out and I'm honestly so so sorry, I know how you feel about being called that!" He said and he lifted his hand to put on Dipper's shoulder but gave up on the idea and let his hand and head down. Dipper put his hand on on Will's shoulder and smiled weakly. "Is alright."He said and kissed his cheek.
"Really?" Will said raising his head slightly so that his and Dipper's eyes met. "Yes. You are just sleepy. Maybe you should sleep in today. I can go by myself or we can go together tomorrow." He said worried for his partner's health.  "Nah, it's fine! Now let's go!" He said and smiled widely as he dragged Dipper with him towards the forest. "What are we looking for anyway?"

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