Chapter VI: Showing Affection And Confessing Their Feelings

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-6 months later-

Dipper was sitting behind the counter, helping the last clients for that week. Eventually he was finally done and he led the last client out of the shack, locking the door of the shop. "How was today?" Somebody asked from behind him and he turned around. He smiled when he saw behind him was just Will. "Tiring." He said as he stretched his arms. Mabel came inside and her sad face turned into a grin when she saw the two men. "Hey guys!" She said as she stepped closer to them. They waved and smiled back at her. "Hey, Will! I wanted to tell you this in a while but you actually look really good in this suit!" She said and smirked as she saw Dipper's face fall. "Oh, why, thank you, Mabel! Considering I have to wear it five days a week every week I might aswell look good in it!" He said and looked down at the plain black suit he was wearing. "But now I better get changed." He said and headed out leaving the twins alone.
"You alright, Dip-dot?"She asked with a smirk on her face. "Yeah." He said with his eyebrows furrowed. He was pissed and Mabel could see it. "I'm just asking cause you seem...pissed." She began and then started walking around the room. "But I understand you. I would be pissed too if somebody flirted with my boyfriend, especially if that somebody was my own twin." She said with a smirk and stopped walking. She turned to look at her brother. All color left Dipper's face when he heard his sister's words. "I have no idea what you're talking about!" He said slightly irritated, his face burning up. "Oh, come on, admit you like Will!" She said slightly annoyed. "I don't know what you're talking about." He said and went behind the counter and started packing his things. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Just admit it. I promise I won't tell him or pressure you to tell him." She said with her fingers crossed behind her back. Dipper sighed and looked up at his sister. "Fine, I'll admit. I like Will. Happy now?" He said still irritated and Mabel's smirk faded. "Well I was expecting you to sound happier while saying it but I suppose your blushing should be satisfying enough. Later bro-bro! Have fun!"She said and left the room. In her way to her room she met with Will and stopped him.
"Dipper likes you." She told him and he bursted into laugher. 'I'm going to kill him for laughing at my brother's feelings.' She thought and Will said: "Mabel, me and Dipper are friends. Of course he likes me." He said but then he thought about something and his eyes widened as he continued: "Or do you mean in a romantic way?" Mabel just nodded and Will grined widely. "Well that's wonderful!" He said and ran down the stairs. 'Ok, he's good.' She thought and giggled as she made her way to her room. Will reached the shop and greeted Dipper cheerfully.
"Hey, why are you so happy all of sudden?" "I'm finally done with work." He lied and Dipper fell for it. They both started laughing as they made their way out of the shack, into the forest. It was already dark outside and they were the only ones outside at such an hour. "Did you actually did that to Pacifica out of an accident?"Will asked suddenly while looking at nothing in particular. Dipper looked at him. "Honestly?" He asked and Will nodded. "No. It was on purpose." "And for how long did you have the reverse potion?" Will asked again and Dipper smirked. "Before I even decided to turn Pacifica into a mermaid." He said and unconsciously took Will's hand into his. Will looked at him with the corner of his eye and smirked. Dipper realized what he did and fastly let go, blushing madly.
"I-I-I'm so sorry! I have no idea why I did that." He said shuttering and Will chuckled. He leaned in and pressed his lips against Dipper's as he took Dipper's hand into his. Dipper turned a deep shade of red and looked at the man with his eyes widened in shock but his shock was soon gone and he closed his eyes, his body relaxing and every single part of him enjoying the kiss. Will pulled apart with a wide smirk on his face. Dipper was still blushing intensely and was standing there with his eyes closed. Will leaned in and whispered in his ear: "Is alright Dipper, cause I fancy you too!" He said and Dipper blushed harder. And then he realized he never told Will his feelings. His eyes flew open and he looked at Will with his eyes widened in shock.
"How do you know about that? I never told you about it!" He finished with his eyes narrowed at Will. "Oh, Mabel told me." He said for a second shocked and then he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. Dipper closed his eyes and took a deep breath and that made Will chuckle. "She wasn't suppose to tell me, was she?" "No, she wasn't." Dipper said and Will kissed his cheek. "Well if it wasn't for her we wouldn't have ever guessed our feelings for eachother. Anyway you shouldn't be so harsh on her, she just wants your happiness." He said and kissed Dipper's cheek. Dipper blushes lightly and smiled. "Alright." He said and Will smiled aswell. "And considering what just happened. You. Me. Date. Tomorrow night at my place." Will said confidently and Dipper giggled. "Fine." He said and looked down at his hand which was holded by Will. They kept walking while holding hands. Neither of them looked at the other one until they reached the pond.
Pacifica's upper half came out of the water and she glared at Dipper."There you go!" Dipper said and took a vial with a red liquid from his jacket and threw it at Pacifica. She caught it and looked suspiciously at Dipper. "It's the reverse potion."
He simply said and she furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief before opening the vial and drinking its content. She started glowing and that's when Dipper turned around and left. Will followed him and took his hand. Dipper yawned and then he sighed. "Let's go at my place for the night. It's closer than the shack." He said and dragged Dipper in the opposite direction. Dipper didn't protest but instead he smile and followed his lover. "Alright, but no funny stuff going on!
He said with a smirk and Will looked at him faking being hurt." "How dare you accuse me of such thing?!" He said while pressing his hand against his chest dramatically. Dipper laughed and standing on his tip toes he kissed Will's cheek. "You tree!" He said jokingly and Will smiled.
"So I suppose just like that we're dating?" He asked and Dipper nodded at they reached Will's cabin. They went inside and Will turned on the few lights that were barely spreading any light. "You'll take the bed from the other room and I'll have the couch." Will said as he laid on the couch. He smiled and it was obvious that he was sitting uncomfortable. "It looks very uncomfortable so how about I'll stay on the couch and you on the bed. I think I'd sit more comfortable on the couch compared with you." Dipper said as he kneeled in front of the couch so he was on the same level with his partner. "What makes you think that I sit uncomfortable? Also what makes you think you'd sit better?" Will asked in an offended tone and Dipper sighed. "Will, you can't even fit on the couch. You are with more or less 12 inches taller than me. That is something." He said and Will contemplated about it for a minute.
"How about we share the bed?"He said with a smirk on his face and Dipper sighed again. "Fine."He said and Will smiled widely and stood up. He took Dipper's hand and dragged him in the other room which was smaller than the other one. It had a fairly big closet and a desk all made out of pinetree wood like anything else in the house, including the house. The bed was a double bed with a small nightstand next to it that had only a clock on it. Will went over to the closet and started looking inside while Dipper took out his journals from the backpack and put them on the nightstand as he yawned loudly. He laid down on the bed and he couldn't keep his eyes opened so he closed them.Will peaked over at Dipper. He smiled and closed the closet.
"Will, if you aren't sleepy yet, you can look over the journals. And if you have anything to add or correct go for it."Dipper whispered before falling alseep. Will smirked and took the journals. "Really? Well thank you, my dear Dipper!"He said and his eye glowed blue. "Have sweet dreams...or shall I say, nightmares?"He said and laughed maniacally as he left the room with the journals. ' Actually, I'll let him sleep. I wouldn't want him to stumble across me during the night.' Will thought and glanced over to the other room where Dipper was now sleeping peacefully.

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