Filler Chapter: It's A Triangle.

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Dipper looked outside the window and sighed. He was tired, but he should've expected that if he was up all night. Actually he didn't really have a choice with the nightmares that haunt his nights.
Ever since they defeated Bill, nightmares bothered Dipper every single night. Being this sleep deprived is slowly driving him insane and he knows, but there is nothing he can do about it. Everyone that knows about what happened in Gravity Falls two years ago moved on with their lives. Even Ford is slowly getting more social and less paranoid and he actually started to enjoy life. It seems like Dipper is the only one affected by it. Mabel had a few nightmares in the first month but they passed. Only Dipper's nightmares stayed and tormented him.
The bus stopped and Mabel grabbed his arm and dragged him with her, outside the bus and into the school and shoved in his arms his timetable, since he was too caught in his thoughts to do anything.
"Earth to Dipper!" She said and Dipper shook his head. "W-w-what?" He asked and Mabel giggled. "We arrived. And I gave you your timetable." She said with her hands on her hips. "Thanks Mabel!" He said and looked over his timetable. He had literature at first class, then latin and trigonometry, and then it was lunch break. Afterwards he had science, history and PE. 'Not that bad.' He thought as he headed over to class.
The class was boring and so was latin. Dipper soon realized that he knew more latin than the teacher and the rest of the class was him muttering under his breath in latin while rolling his eyes. But, then, trigonometry came.
Dipper ran into the class and luckily for him the teacher didn't arrive yet. He took the last seat, in the back of the class and put his book and notebook on the desk. 'Turns out I'll sit by myself. Good thing I don't mind that.' He thought just as the teacher entered the class.
"Alright class, in Mr. Smith and I'll be your trigonometry teacher this year." The teacher said cheerfully and the class groaned. "Now, does anyone know what trigonometry is?" He asked and several students raised their hands. "Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships that involves lenghts and angles of triangles." Dipper said nonchalantly and the teacher turned to him and asked: "What is your name?" "Dipper Pines." Dipper answer and the teacher nodded.
"Very well done Dipper. I hope you'll keep up with the correct answers." Dipper smiled weakly as he answered: "I hope so too. I wanted to study trigonometry for a while now." He put out his notebook and opened it as the teachers started drawing triangles on the blackboard and asking questions. Dipper drew down all the triangles and started to mindlessly draw on his notebook as he answered as many questions as he could.
The class ended and Dipper looked down, only to be horrified by the sight. Eyes were drew in all the triangles reminding him of a certain eye of Providence. He heart sank in his stomach and he started hyperventilating. He stared at the page ajd ripped it off, throwing it and all his stuff in the backpack and ran out of the class.
He ran into the cafeteria and sat at the first free table. He tried to calm down his hyperventilating but nothing worked. He swallowed nervously as he felt a cold sweat dripping down his face.
"Dip-dop?" Mabel's voice said and Dipper turned to looked at his sister, who was looking at him puzzled. "Y-y-yes?" He strutted, his voice trembling. "Are you ok? What happened?" She asked and she stood in front him, putting her food on the table. Dipper reached into his backpack and pulled out a wrinkled piece of paper. He handed it to Mabel, who gave him a weird look, but took it and unfolded it, examining it. Her eyes widened as she looked up at her brother with her free hand covering her mouth.
"Bro-bro... it is alright." She said and dropped the paper, putting her hands on Dipper's shoulders. "Dipper, look at me!" She demanded but Dipper couldn't focus his eyes on her and he started to feel his breath getting caught in his neck.
"What is your name?  Mabel asked and Dipper swallowed nervously before stuttering: "D-Dipper P-P-Pines." "How old are you?" She asked, ignoring his strutting. Dipper clenched his fists and he started shaking. "F-Fif-fifteen."
He hardly breath out and Mabel bit her cheek, worried for her brother, but kept a straight face. "And where is Bill?" "Dead." Dipper muttered under his breath and Mabel took a deep breath and said sternly: "Dipper, look at me!"
She grabbed Dipper's face and forced him to look at her. He was shaking and cold sweat was dripping down his neck.  "Grunkle Stan and grunkle Ford are safe, we talked with them the other day! So are Pacifica, Wendy, Robbie, Tambry, and everyone else,heck even Gideon. I'm safe. You're safe! Bill is gone and he can't go anything to us!" She said and Dipper nodded, his vision starting to focus. "Now, I want you to take a deep breath..." She said softly and Dipper looked down as he hardly took a deep breath in and exhaled, slightly calming down. He repeated the process until he stopped shaking and he looked up at Mabel.
"T-thanks Mabel!" He said in a shaky voice and Mabel smiled. "Sure bro-bro, but you should go to a doctor. It just gets worst and worst. And since you don't want me or grunkle Ford help you, then let a doctor help you." She said with worry in her voice and her eyebrows furrowed. "O-ok. I will." He said and Mabel smiled widely and handed him a muffin and a bottle of water.
"Now, eat up and drink all of this! I can help you go to the bathroom without having to deal with anyone, if you'd like to wash your face. You really look like a ghost." She said and Dipper smiled. He took the muffin and started eating, placing the bottle next to him. "Thanks Mabel, but I'm ok."

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