Chapter XI: Secrets Are Coming Out And Deals Are Being Made

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-1 year later-

"Oh, c'mon! Please! May I see under your eyepatch?" Mabel pleaded Will while Dipper was sitting in the doorframe, rolling his eyes. "Mabel, I don't think it's a nice image. That is what the eyepatch is for." He said and both Will and Mabel turned their heads to Dipper, not acknowledging until now that he was in the room. He giggled and went over to the counter and grabbed a mug. He filled it with coffee and sweetened the coffee with exactly a half of a tea spoon of sugar. He mixed the sugar with the coffee and took a big sip from the coffee. He put his mug down and went over to Will, wrapping his arms around his partner's waist. He laid his head on Will's chest and closed his eyes.
"Comfortable?" Will asked with a smile and Dipper groaned lightly. "Why did you stay up so late last night? Now you're all tired! And you were actually getting your shit together at sleeping!" Will scolded and Dipper groaned. "I'm sorry." He muttered and Will rubbed his back. "You don't have to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong towards me. Now let's go upstairs. Maybe you'll manage to take a nap." He said softly and Dipper nodded. Will ruffled Dipper's hair, while smiling. Dipper let go of Will and picked up his mug of coffee. Will took Dipper's free hand and they went upstairs, in Dipper's room. He put the mug on the desk and sat on the desk chair. Will sat on the bed, but soon stood up and walked over to Dipper.
"Darling?" He asked and Dipper pulled out a notebook and started chewing on his pen. "I thought we clarified that you're gonna try to take a nap." He said and Dipper turned to look at him. "Oh, right." He said and closed the notebook. He smiled at his partner as he walked over to the bed. Will smiled widely and joined his partner. He sat down and took off Dipper's glasses, putting them on the closest shelf. "There you go." He said and chuckled. "Alright. You're right. I'm tired." Dipper said when he realized that he forgot about his glasses. Will giggled and laid down. Dipper laid down with his head on Will's chest and yawned. He wrapped his arms around his partner and closed his eyes. "Dipper?" Will muttered and Dipper groaned in response. "Me and Mabel are gonna go to the cinema tonight so if I'm not here when you wake up, you know where I am." He said softly and Dipper smiled. "Have fun you two!" He said cheerfully and Will smiled. "Thank you! Now just go to sleep!" He demanded and Dipper yawned again. "Alright!" He said and drifted into a dreamless sleep.
He yawned and opened his eyes. The room was dark, apart from the lamp on the desk, which was illuminating the room. He sat up and wondered where his glasses were. He remembered shortly after and took them from the shelf Will put them on. He put his glasses on and looked around the room as he put his bangs out of his face. He yawned again and stood up. "Hmm...all alone." He thought aloud and sat down on his desk chair. He looked at the photoframe that was in the middle of the desk. In the frame there was a picture of him and Will, laughing with theie arms around eachother's shouldera, which Mabel took and framed the other day. He smiled.
"How lucky I am! Mabel was right, all that Bill crap was leading to something good after all." He thought aloud happily and then his eyes caught sight of Will's tattoos. "What is that?" He said and took the frame in his hands, looking closer at the tattoos. "So familiar..." He muttered absentminded and grabbed Journal 3. He opened it at the pages with the symbols that kept him awake for a long while now, and flashed the black light at the page. The symbols appeared and they were matching Will's tattoos. His eyes widened in shock. He looked around until he found a plain board next to the desk and reached over to it. He remembered all the files were still on the desk and rushed over to it. He opened a drawer from the desk and pulled out a bunch of polaroid and a box of pins. He dropped them on the desk and started looking through them until he found the one he wanted. It was a picture of Will he took earlier this summer, but what caught his eyes were the tattoos from his partner's arms. He pinned the picture on the board.
He went over to his desk and ripped a page from his notebook, which had some of the symbols he was trying to decode on it, and pinned it near the picture. He took his notebook and wrote down: 'He knows the code. Lie 1.'
He started looking through the pictures until he found one fo him and Will at the pool, from last summer. What caught Dipper's eyes was the very familiar symbol tattooed on his lover's chest: The Bill Cipher Wheel. The one he technically knew nothing about until two years ago and yet, as far as Dipper could recall, he had that tattoo before he met Dipper. Dipper pinned the picture on the other side of the board and wrote on his notebook: 'Knows about Bill. Lie 2.'
He looked at the framed picture one more time before writing in his notebook: 'No evidence of his existence until 2 years ago.' He sighed. How could he think that it was gonna be alright. Dipper ripped off the notebook page and pinned it on the board.  An idea came to him. He started writing and after a little bit he ripped off a few pages that read:'He seems to know what you're thinking.', 'I stopped having nightmares since I started dating him.' , The symbols started appearing since I started giving him the journals.' , 'The symbols are only on the pages about Bill.' , 'Bill is short for William(oodly).' and ' He never told me his first name.' ; and pinned them on the board. He took a sketch of Bill's Wheel and pinned it aswell.
He went over to his desk and looked through a pile of sketches of Bill and pulled out one, pinning it in the middle of the board.
He went back at the desk and looked through the polariods. He found one of them, which was taken ar a Northwest family's party. One detail caught his eyes: "William's" hat. It was...floating above his head?! Dipper pinned the picture on the board and looked down at the shirt he was wearing. The shirt didn't belonged to him, he just borrowed it. It was a yellow shirt with an eye on it and a black bowtie. The eye was looking up, giving the impression it was looking at Dipper.
He looked up, with his widened in horror, at the board. And then a memory flashed in his head. 'The unicorns weren't assholes, they were genuinely scared!' He thought with his mouth slightly opened. 'I'm so stupid! To let him trick me like that! How could I be this stupid?! He must've done something to me!' Dipper scolded himself mentally, but he didn't notice somebody enter the room. Bill went behind Dipper and wrapped his arms around Dipper's waist, but Dipper didn't notice as he was too busy to yell at himself inside of his head. Bill smirked at Dipper's thoughts and chuckled darkly as he laid his chin on Dipper's shoulder. Dipper heard him and froze, terrified.
"It took you two long years, but you finally got me, Pinetree!" Bill purred in Dipper's ear. Dipper shivered and swallowed hard. "Oh, what happened? Did the kitty eat your tongue?" Bill asked mockingly and Dipper took a deep breath before pushig Bill's arms off him. "How are you even alive?" Dipper asked between gritted teeth and Bill's smirk widened. "Grunkle Ford erased you out of existence!" Dipper said louder and Bill bursted into fists of laughter. "Yes, but didn't Fez get his memories back?" He asked and Dipper turned around to face him.
"When he got his memories back he got his mindscape back, just the way it was and that includes with me. Kid, you have no clue how hard it was to make that happen behind everyone's backs and while fighting death!" Bill said with his eyes narrowed at Dipper. Dipper clenched his fists and yelled at Bill: "What the fuck do you want, Cipher?! Why are you here?!" Bill chuckled and stepped closer towards Dipper. Dipper took two steps back, hitting the desk. He turned his head to look at what was blocking his way and when he looked at the demon again he met the demon's gold eye looking into his own brown eyes.
"I think you know why I'm here. And I'm damn sure Sixer told you what I need in order for my plans to succeed." Bill said with the biggest smirk on his face. Dipper stood there perplexed until he realized. A wide smirk appeared on his face as he told to the demon: "You really think I'm dumb enough to give you the equation?" He chuckled and the demon replied calmly: "Who said that? I'll just take it myself." He said as he looked down at Dipper's arm and ran his fingers up and down it ending with locking his eye with Dipper's eyes. Dipper started panicking but then he remembered what his grunkle told him years ago and he smirked as he reminded Bill: "But you can't enter my mind unless I let you." But for his despair the demon's smirk was still on his lips. Dipper's smile faded as Bill said: "Not anymore, Pinetree. Now, I can go trough your mind at anytime I please and I can go in every corner of it." Bill said and Dipper started panicking.
"Then why didn't you do it until now?" He asked with a grin, proud of his new realization. "Do you want to know the truth, kid?" Bill asked and Dipper nodded. "It's tiring." He admitted and Dipper looked at him puzzled. "Look, kid, invading a person's mind against the possessor's will is like hacking a computer. It's complicated. And complicated things are tiring. And yes, under certain circumstances I get tired." He said, answering all the questions Dipper had in his head. "But why didn't you just take the memory while I was alseep or something and then waited for your energy to regenerate? Hold on, does your energy regenerate?" Dipper asked fastly and Bill chuckled. 'Why does he have to be so cute?!' Bill thought frustrated and answered Dipper's question: "Yes, it does and where would be the fun in that!" Dipper narrowed his eyes at Bill and thought angrily: 'You psycho!' Bill smirked at Dipper, as a sign that he heard his thought and Dipper blushed lightly. "If you want to humor me, Pinetree, do it with something I've never heard before." He sang while turning his back to Dipper and slowly walking around the room.
"Now I've started thinking, ..." Bill began as the desk chair moved by itself, but Dipper knew it was Bill who was moving it. Bill shot a look at him and Dipper sat down. He looked at Bill confused but Bill just ignored him. " I really want to liberate this dimension? Yes, of course. Is there anything that feels just as good? I asked myself and if a few years ago I would've said no without any hesitation, now, I wasn't sure." He said and looked at Dipper."I contemplated hours and hours about it and I realized there is something just as satisfying as sitting on a throne and watch people suffer." Bill continued and stopped walking, looking straight at Dipper from across the room.  So I'd like to make a deal with you, Pinetree." Dipper narrowed his eyes at Bill and yelled: "I'd never make a deal with you!" Bill laughed at Dipper and Dipper growled at him: "What's so funny, Cipher?!" Dipper snarled and Bill smirked.
"If you don't even want to hear my demands, I'm damn sure Shooting Star would love to. Or maybe your nephew aswell." He said as he turned around, heading towards the door. Dipper's eyes widened when he realized what Bill meant with his words."Hold on!" He said and Bill stopped in his tracks with an evil grin on his face. "Yes?" He asked and Dipper let his head down, defeated. "I'll listen to your demands." He said and in a fraction of a second Bill was already in front of him. "I won't try to take over this dimension, nor hurt anyone you love or anyone from my wheel and I ask for one thing in return." He said and Dipper looked at him suspiciously and said: "And what do you want?" Bill snorted, trying to hold back a fist of laughter and then he said to Dipper: "Isn't it obvious?" He asked and Dipper tilted his head puzzled. Bill sighed and said annoyed: "I want you to come with me in the second dimension. As long as you are alive the deal is up, and believe me, I won't kill you. You are actually entertaining."
He finished coldly and Dipper pondered the offer. There didn't seem to be any loopholes in it. Bill extended his hand, which was now covered in a blue fire, and Dipper looked at the flames. After a few seconds he looked up at Bill and grabbed it. Bill smirked wider than the Cheshire cat as they shook hands. Dipper was looking into Bill's eye as a sharp pain went through his hand, up his arm and spreaded in his whole body, burning his chest.

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