Filler Chapter: Even The Most Powerful Demons Have Something They Fear

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A loud crush came underneath his feet and Stanford looked down. He rushed over to where he heard the crush and looked at what was in front of him. A tall slender man in his early twenties was laying on the floor, unconscious. His short blonde hair was covering a part of one of his eyes. He was dressed in a black shirt and on top of it was having a yellow overcoat, a pair of black slacks, a bowtie around his neck, black gloves were covering his hands and a tiny top hat was floating at an inch above his head. He groaned and sat up, looking with his gold eyes at Stanford. A smirk formed on his lips as he stood up and said: "Sixer! It's nice to see you after,what, 20 years?" He asked and Stanford looked at him with a mortified look on his face.
"B-Bill?" He muttered and the demon laughed. "In flesh." He said as he leaned closer to Stanford. "How are you alive?" He asked and Bill rolled his eye. "You really never questioned how Fez got his memories back? Really? I'm disappointed, Poindexter!" Bill said with a smirk and Stanford thought about the demon's words. It made sense. Of course Bill was behind it. How else would have Stanley got his memories back after Mabel read him something from her scrapbook? How didn't he think about it earlier? He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and was about to say something but Bill cut him off: "Don't even bother!" Stanford looked at him perplexed and the demon sighed. "Your thoughts are really loud, Fordsy!" He explained and Stanford blushed in embarrassed. "" He strutted terrified and Bill chuckled.
"I'm joking, goddamn it! But your expression gave you away." Bill said with a sly smile on his face and Stanford looked at him suspiciously and equally confused since he had no idea what the demon was talking about. But he let it go. Bill rolled his eye once again and a bright smile appeared on his face when he saw his hands. He initially wanted to get closer to Stanford, he had to, he missed him a tiny bit even if he didn't ever want to admit, but at the sight of his own body, he stopped in his tracks. He examined his gloved hands on all sides and then he looked down at his feet. He examined his shoes, his pants and legs and then he moved to his chest and stomach, paying no attention to Stanford who was looking at the demon with his eyes widened in horror. The demon was too happy to notice the blood that was dripping down his perfectly symmetrical and pleasant to the eye face and he beamed:
"I'm not a triangle anymore! Stanford can you believe it?!" He asked and looked up at Stanford. His smile turned into a perplexed face as he asked: "What? Don't you like it?" He said his voice cracking. As much as he hated to admit it he still had feelings for Stanford, even after all these years and everything that happened between them, deep inside he cared about whenever or not Stanford was finding him attractive. "It's not that... maybe you should look in a mirror." Stanford muttered still staring at Bill like he was some sort of monstrosity. Bill didn't like that look and he wanted to know what was bothering Stanford. He made a full-body mirror appear in front of him and started examining himself from his feet to his top hat, but when he reached his shirt, which was stained with blood, he froze. After a few seconds he frantically examined his face and his jaw dropped when he saw the hole where his left eye used to be was the cause of the blood loss.
"M-m-m-MY EYE!" He yelled and wiped some blood from underneath the hole where his left eye used to be. He looked down at his hand and clenched his fist and his teeth as he growled: "That dumb baby!" Stanford just didn't know what to do. Bill was his arch enemy after all and he ruined Stanford's life, but a part of him was actually sorry for the demon. But he didn't say or do anything. He just watched. And he finally had the opportunity to look properly at the demon and he couldn't deny that the demon was quite handsome. He wasn't feeling anything towards him tho, maybe it was because of his loss of sexual attraction over 40 years ago or maybe it was because Bill was his arch enemy, after all he didn't care, he just enjoyed not feeling anything towards him.
Bill turned around and where used to be his left eye was an eyepatch that covered the hole perfectly. All the blood from his face and clothes was gone, but the demon's face was burning red with anger. His good eye spotted Stanford and he forced himself to calm down. "Much better now. Thank you Stanford, if it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't even have noticed that one of my eyes was missing, since I was used with looking with only one eye for over 1 trillion years." The demon said and laughed shortly before adding: "Actually considering what a narcissist I am I don't think it would've took me that long to look into a mirror."At that Stanford chuckled and that made a small smile form on Bill's lips.
"And I still got it!" He said as his smile turned into a smirk. "What are you talking about?" Stanford asked and Bill stood right next to Stanford, putting his elbow on Stanford's shoulder. "The ability to make you laugh, Sixer!" He explained with a soft smile and Stanford looked at him in shock. "T-that w-wa-was nothing!" Stanford said while blushing madly and Bill chuckled. He was about to make a comment when a voice called for Stanford and they both ran up the stairs where Stanley was staring terrified at a wave of over 10 feet that was coming straight towards the boat, and there was nothing they could do. So they waited for the wave to hit. And it did. Water filled Bill's lungs and he couldn't breath. After a minute or two his eyes closed and he lost his consciousness.
When he opened his eye he was laying on soft fresh grass, completely soaked, both him and his clothes. He sat up and coughed some water of his lungs. A short man, that looked in his late 30's approached him and Bill looked at him confused as he spoke: "Oh, you're awake. We should go now, or she will be pissed." The demon glared at the man and stood up, looking down on the man. "I won't move a muscle until I receive a full explanation of the situation I am in." He said coldly and the man shivered but managed to collect himself enough to mutter: "T-t-there is no t-t-time for that." "Oh, yes there is, or I'll make some."Bill said as his clenched fists bursted into cyan flames.
"I knew I shouldn't have handed this task to a dumb demon." A cold and raspy feminine voice came from behind Bill and not fear, but pure terror, speard in his body. His body froze, not responding to any of his commands. From behind him a woman appeared. She had around 5'7" and her figure was slim. Her pitch black long hair was reaching her waist and was emphasizing her pale, porcelain-like skin. Her dark blue eyes, like the ocean during a storm, were staring straight into Bill's gold eye and her blood red lips were pursed into a thin line. Bill could tell she was angry, but luckily for him, she wasn't angry at him.
"You had one job, you dumb fuck!"She said as she turned around to face the chubby man as he bursted into flames. Bill watched him burn to death, screaming in agony as he was talking his last breath. He was mesmerized by the fire and its creator. So much anger and cruelty. He was delighted. Finally somebody he could have a chat with.After the man burned and the flames vanished into thin air, like they've never even been there, the woman turned to Bill.
"My name is Lucifer Morningstar. You must be William Chiper, oh sorry, Bill Cipher."She said calmly, like all her anger vanished once with the flames. The color of her eyes was still the same, even if they weren't emitting the same pure and untamed anger as before, but Bill was still terrified for some odd reason. He wanted to say something but he had no idea what, nor how. It was like he forgot how to speak. It was like he forgot how to do everything, even breath. And he was curious why. "You don't need to occupy your mind with that. I always have this effect on people. She said and waved one of her hands dismissively. "R-really?" He strutted and he cleared his throat before continuing:
"It must be really fun." He said, slowly gaining back control over his body. A small smile formed on his face and Lucifer chuckled. "It actually is. I knew I had the right person in mind when I thought of you. But now let's get back to business." She said, any spark of amusement in her eyes disappearing and her tone dead serious. "I haven't come all the way here from the 6th dimension for nothing. Fancy a cup of tea?" She asked and Bill raised an eyebrow. "I always fancy a cup of tea." He said jokingly and Lucifer chuckled. "I have a feeling we'll get along really well. But now there are some urgent matters we must discuss. So shall we begin?"She asked as a small table with two chairs appeared. Two cups of tea and a teapot appeared on the table and the two sat on the chairs, Bill putting his feet on the table. Lucifer took the teapot and poured tea until a half of the cup was full and then she put the teapot down. A bottle with a liquid of the color of a transparent caramel and she poured the liquid in the cup until it was full.
"Hm...turns out I'm not the only one who drinks their tea with whiskey." Bill remarked aloud and Lucifer shoved the bottle to him. "Yeah, this is a good way to drink without getting called an alcoholic. It also tastes pretty good. Better than with the traditional stuff." She justified herself as Bill poured a half of cup of tea and a half of cup of whiskey. "Why would you be an alcoholic?" He asked as she took a sip from the tea. "The stupidity of others." She said and Bill chuckled. "Oh, I can relate." Bill said and they both laughed. "Alright, we'll get along better than I thought." She cooed and they both sipped from their cups. "What do you need me for?" Bill asked and Lucifer shook her head. "Right. I want to make a deal with you, Bill." She said with a serious look on her face and Bill took off his feet from the table and leaned in, curiosity being obvious on his face.
"What kind of deal?" He asked and Lucifer smirked. "Oh, so I got your attention." She snickered and Bill chuckled. "You said you want to make a deal. I'm listening."He said simply and Lucifer's smirks was replaced by a serious expression. "I need some help. I can't just go through dimensions to spy on them and leave the Underworld by itself and I also don't trust those dumb demons." She said with her eyebrows furrowed and sighed. "But..." She began and a smile appeared on her face as she continued: "...then I found out about you. You are widely known Bill, and what they say about you." She finished with a whistle.
"And I can assure all the rumors are true." Bill said with a serious expression. "I'm the one who started them." He said as a smirk formed on his face. Lucifer chuckled at that and she said: "Then I found the right person for this job." "You forgot something." Bill said with an eyebrow raised and Lucifer looked at him perplexed. "I can't travel through dimensions. I never could." Bill explained when he realized that the goddess was absolutely clueless about what was the demon talking about. "Really?" She asked confused but waved her hand dismissively when Bill was about to say something. "We'll take care of it. Now let's discussion my end of the bargain." She said and Bill grinned evilly.
"Oh, let's do." He cooed and Lucifer cleared her troath. "I thought I could give you immunity, which means no rules apply to you, in any galaxy, universe or dimension. If anyone questions that they'll get a chat with me. And you'll also get to keep the second dimension and once I conquer it you can do as you please with the fourth dimension." She finished with a proud smirk. "Oh, and I suppose I could give you some more abilities." She added and Bill hummed, thinking about offer. "Do I get some time to prepare for the task at hand?" He asked and Lucifer nodded."Sure thing, even if I don't understand what you need." "That's irrelevant." Bill growled lowly with a dead serious look on his face which Lucifer knew straight away was actually pure rage.
"Or shall I say, who?" She said with a smirk, ignoring that the demon even spoke. "That is not relevant in any way. I get my part done and you get yours done. How? It doesn't matter." The demon snarled but calmed down soon after and glared at Lucifer, who smiled innocently as she said: "Just admit it Cipher, it'll be easier. You know, I was in love too once." "And I'd love to hear what happened but can we have a deal to finish." He said and was about to extend his hand to seal the deal when Lucifer handed him a piece of paper. "Make this and drink it, or all the abilities I'll give you will be futile." She said, letting Bill change the subject, and Bill glanced over the list. "The flower of the dead?! That's basically impossible to find!!" Bill exclaimed loudly and Lucifer rolled her eyes. "Actually there is one in this dimension. And even better on this planet." She said with boredom in her tone and Bill narrowed his eyes at her. "Where exactly on this planet?" He asked and Lucifer shrugged her shoulders. "How am I supposed to know? Find it yourself. You'll feel it when you're near it." She said and Bill shot her one more suspicious look before saying:
"Alright. So do we have a deal?" He extended his hand, which was now lit with a cya  blue fire, waiting for the goddess' response, which came shortly after: "So we have a deal."
She said as she extended her own hand, which was lit in blood red flames, and shook the demon's hand. Their fires collided, turning into a bigger purple flame, which was reflecting in the eyes of the two, who had matching mischievous looks. They were both also sporting big evil grins on their faces. Finally both of them would see their master plans become reality.

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