Chapter XII: Demons Don't Have Feelings... Or, Do They?

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Quick Author Note
Ok so there is gonna be this part in latin and to make sure you all understand what I wanted to say I'll put the translation in the brakes after it but since Google Translate it a bitch please don't check the accuracy of it.
Now let's go back to the story shall we?!
-End of note-

Dipper fell into his knees and Bill let go of his hand. The pain slowly disappeared and Dipper was panting as he looked up at Bill with his eyes narrowed at him. "What did you do to me?!" He asked with venom in his voice. "Just a little something to make sure you'll last more than 10 minutes in my dimension." Bill said as he turned his back to Dipper. Dipper glared at him as Bill continued: "Now, I guess you'd like to pack some things so hurry up. And I'm taking this." He said and took a vial from Dipper's desk and left the room, leaving Dipper alone.
Dipper stood up and looked at the door. What did he do?! He just made a deal with Bill!! How could he let Bill trick him like that?! His thoughts were screaming angrily and his head was hurting, to Bill's delight, who was in the kitchen now.
Mabel entered in the kitchen and approached Bill. "Are you and Dipper alright? I heard you two yelling, from outside, actually mostly Dipper." She said and Bill looked at her with the corner of his eye as he waited for the blender to finish. "Did you hear what we were talking about?" Bill asked and stopped the blender and went over to the counters to pick up a glass. "No, I only heard yelling." Mabel said and Bill smirked for himself, but his smirk was gone when he turned to Mabel. "Well, me and Dipper are fine, but if you're curious what happened, and I know you are, you should talk with your brother as I'm in no position to tell you that."He said as he poured a white liquid in a glass. He drank all the liquid in one sip as Mabel was going up the stairs.
Meanwhile, upstairs, Dipper started throwing his clothes and books into bags, while holding back tears of anger. He was furious at himself for falling for Bill's tricks once again. The door opened and Mabel peeked inside. "Are you alright bro-bro? I heard..." She began but Dipper cut her off coldly: "You heard the yelling, didn't you?" Mabel nodded and was about to say something, but Dipper spoke first. "Mabel, I'll go in a trip. I won't go alone, but that's sort of an insignificant detail right now."He said and Mabel squeaked happily as she entered the room and wrapped her arms around her brother, pulling him into a bear hug.
"Your first trip with your boyfriend isn't a big deal?! Are you kidding, Dip dop?! You must be kidding!"She said, a bit too loud if you asked Dipper, cause he clearly wasn't in mood for a certain demon to come around and torment him in his last hour in this dimension, especially considering that that dream demon gets to torment him until he gives his last breath. A part of him actually wanted Bill to kill him, but a bigger part of him realized that as long as he's alive everybody was safe, so he had to stay alive for as long as he could. "Mabel, I...we aren't coming back from this trip." Dipper said softly and Mabel pulled away and took a few steps back as her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hands. "Dipper...where are you two going?" She asked as tears started forming in her eyes. Dipper ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders as he whispered:
"The 2nd dimension." "What?!" Mabel yelled at her brother. "I've been tricked, Mabel. This was the only way to keep you all safe." He said without looking at his sister. "Dipper what are you talking about?" She asked but Dipper still didn't looked at her. "Bro-bro?" She asked and answer came but it wasn't Dipper who answered: "He is talking about the deal he made with me to keep you safe." The twins turned around and saw Bill, in the doorframe, with a smirk plastered on his face. "At least you, huh?" He added and Dipper narrowed his eyes at the demon, while Mabel looked perplexed.
"What are you talking about?" He snarled and the demon smirked wider. "Oh, don't you know?" He asked and Dipper was boiling inside. "I'm the reason Fez and Sixer are dead." The demon finished and tears forming in Dipper's eyes and they slowly started dripping down his face. " MONSTER!" Dipper growled and Bill barely could contain his delight. "Aw, I'm flattered! Now hurry up! I'm losing my patience!" He said coldly and his smirk disappeared.
"Well then maybe you need to learn to be patient, Bill, because I still need to say goodbye to Mabel!" Dipper said and Mabel turned to him and said: "Did you say Bill? As in..." "Yes, that Bill." Dipper cut her off and Mabel covered her mouth with her hands. "But...but, you were dead! I saw grunkle Ford erasing you out of existence!" Mabel said and Bill rolled his eye. "Neither of you ever wondered how Fez got his memories back, really? Not even Sixer?" He asked and the twins looked at eachother, before looking back at Bill and Dipper was the one who answered: "No. We were all too glad for it to wonder how it happened. But I suppose it makes sense. And it must've drained you, hence why you stayed in grunkle Stan's mindscape for 20 years. But I'm curious, how didn't he notice you?" Dipper asked and Bill chuckled. "I hid, duh." He said and started tapping his foot against the floor, grwoing impatient. Dipper observed the demon's gesture and turned to Mabel.
"Well, somebody's impatient so I guess I'll have to leave. But I wanted to tell you that I love you and that you're the best twin sister I could've asked for. And I'll miss you, so badly, but your and the whole word's safety is more important than that. I'm sorry, Mabel, I really am, but I can't let Bill destroy the universe!" Dipper said apologetically and Bill muttered under his breath: "Cum homines vale et faex! Sicut enim non potest festinare?! Ego sum terebravisse! Redimo magnum in convivio me!" (Fucking stupid humans with their goodbyes and shit! Why can't he just fucking hurry up! I'm bored as fuck! Great fucking job at entertaining me, Pinetree!)"Dipper, you really don't need to do this. We can get rid of him."?Mabel said as Dipper embraced her in a hug. "And he can hear you!"?Bill said and rolled his eye.
"Bro-bro, I'll miss you so badly! Are you sure there is no way I can see you again?"!Mabel said with tears streaming down her face. "No, but you've lived without any interaction between us. Just do it again." Dipper said calmly, but on the inside he was hurting. He loved his sister and that's exactly why he was doing this. He wanted her safe and that was the only way he could keep her safe. Mabel pulled Dipper into a tight hug and cried on his shoulder. "Just come down when you're done." Bill whispered in Dipper's ear and he nodded in response. Bill left the room, with Dipper's bags, and Dipper wrapped his arms around Mabel, who was sobbing loudly. "It's going to be alright, Mabel. You can live without me." He said and Mabel nodded. Mabel pulled away and looked at Dipper. "Awkward sibling hug?" She asked with a small smile on her face. Dipper smiled back and answered: "Awkward sibling hug." They embraced eachother in a tight hug and both patted the other's back twice, simultaneously, and after each pat they both said "pat". They pulled away and Dipper put his hands on Mabel's shoulders.
"Now, you must promise me that you won't try anything. If I leave the deal is off and I'm not in mood to fight that nacho again." He said and Bill's voice echoed in his head: "Stop calling me a nacho!" "Alright, I promise." Mabel said, with her fingers crossed behind her back. Dipper didn't noticed that and he smiled at his sister. "I'll miss you." He said and Mabel sobbed as she said: "I'll miss you too, Dip dop." Dipper turned around and left the room, shutting the door behind him. He went down the stairs sobbing. "What the hell is that?"
Meanwhile, in the room, Mabel was looking at the door. She forgot to uncross her fingers from behind her back and she was sobbing loudly. "Keep calm bro-bro. I'll save you and get rid of that evil triangle even if it's the last thing I do." She said and clenched her fists.
"What the hell is that?" Dipper asked Bill again, who said nonchalantly: "A portal." Dipper looked at the blue mass that was glowing and pulsing and that was replacing the front door of the shack. He looked at Bill again, who looked bored out of his mind and grabbed one of his bags, only one since Bill was holding the other one. He took a deep breath and stepped into the portal, followed by Bill. He found Dipper staring amazed at the mansion in front of him and he chuckled. 'For fuck's sake, stop being so adorable, Pinetree!' Bill thought and smiled.
"How about we go inside?" He asked and Dipper looked at him surprised. "Uhm...yeah." He said and Bill smiled wider. The door of the mansion opened and the two went inside. Dipper looked around but he realized that Bill left and ran after him. They went up the stairs and Bill stopped in front of a huge double door. "This is your room. All the bedroom's dooor's are identical so you'll be able to guess which are the bedrooms and choose a new one if you don't like this one. The rest of the rooms are labeled. You have a study, a library and a laboratory. The unlabeled rooms are empty and if you have any ideas about what kind of rooms we could turn them into, let me know. The bathroom is directly connected with your bedroom, the kitchen and the living room are the only rooms downstairs so it won't be hard to find them. And most importantly..." Bill began and turned to face Dipper. "There is one more floor. Unless it's a life and death situation or I'm telling you otherwise, you aren't allowed to step there. That's my person floor. Nobody goes there but me." He said with his eye slowly turning blood red. "Did I make myself clear?" He asked so coldly a shiver went down Dipper's spine.
"Y-yes." He muttered and a smile spread on Bill's face as his eye went back to its usual gold color. "Perfect then. I know how overwhelming it can be to move to a different dimension so you have two weeks to get used to this. Then we'll get to the reason I brought you here." Bill said cheerfully and walked over to the staircase, leaving Dipper alone, slightly confused but mostly scared.

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