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Avoiding mom's worried gaze was really difficult.

I shouldn't have held onto her like that, she was too observant for her own good.

"The pink one."

Sam ordered. I quickly picked one pink hair clip and handed it to her.

Urrmm...yea! Sam was fixing my hair, prepping me up for some imaginary ball.


I winced inwardly as she tugged my hair painfully but handed the pin to her anyways.

"Hello ladies."

Dr Eduardo pushed the door open after a small knock.


Sam squealed excitedly, I held back the urge to cover my ears.

"Hi doc."

I gave him a polite smile.

"Here's the older sister to my favourite patient."

He stepped into the room, flashing his billion dollar smile.

"Sam, what are you doing?"

He asked. I could see him trying to hide his smile.

"Princess Rose has a ball to attend, Prince Jake would be here soon to escort her, so I'm prepping her."

Sam said, Eduardo laughed.

"That's great!"

He said and motioned Sam over.

"Don't touch your hair!"

Sam warned before crawling to him.

"Rosie, can I have a word with you?"

Mom spoke for the first time in a while.

I stood up and walked towards her, she led me outside the room and turned around to face me as I closed the door behind me.

"You know, it's normal to have problems with your husband."

She started. I held back a sigh.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Her face held concern and so many other emotions.

I shook my head no, throwing my arms around her.

"Men can be a royal pain in the neck but if you look past their annoying side, you'd see why you love them."

Mom said in encouragement.

She rubbed my back gently.

If only she knew what was eating me up...

Silently, I prayed for the kind of strength mom had.

I pulled out. "You had your check up, how are you?"

I asked her.

We rarely talked on phone, I hadn't called her since that day she brought Sam over to see Jake.

"Better, much better."

I smiled.

"Some good news."

I took her hand and led her back into Sam's room.

Normally, Sam wasn't supposed to have a room to herself but Dr Eduardo had explained that the attacks she used to have might freak out the other children.

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