Twenty Five

107 9 0

Jake's POV

"Goodnight sir."
Connor said behind me and drove off to the parking lot before I could respond.
I didn't care though, I left work a lil bit early, I had a reason to. My boys. Rosalind.
The joy in their eyes when they see me and how fast they crawl to get to me.

I pushed the main door open and practically raced towards the stairs.

"Good evening sir."
Mrs Montero said warmly, smiling at me.

I threw back, walking past her to the staircase.
I was somehow pissed she was delaying my going upstairs.

I hurried to my room to change.
The last time I saw them first after work, Carter refused to let me go, he clung to me, tighter than ever, wailing anytime I made attempt to put him down. Rosalind just stood st the corner, watching us with laughter dancing in her eyes. I had to play with them and put them to bed before going to change out of my work clothes.

I grabbed a quick shower then threw on a pair of black shorts and blue wife beater.
Honestly, I couldn't wait to see the smile that tug the corners of Rosalind's lips as she watched our small reunions everyday. I caught her taking a picture of us once.

I found them in their room, Carter was propped on Rosalind's stomach clapping happily as she cooed at him, she was on her back while Scott was seated beside her head, tugging her hair in different directions.

"Stop that Scott, you're hurting me."
Rosalind scolded playfully.

I pulled out my phone, time to get another photo of my own.

Satisfied with the picture of the heart catching moment, I saved it and stepped fully into the room.

"My soldiers..."
All three heads turned in my direction.
Two eyes lit up and Scott got to me first because Rosalind had to lower Carter gently to the ground.

I picked him up, he giggled then I picked Carter up and spun us around, laughing as they giggled happily.
Now my boys are really identical, the same eyes, hair and smile but I could tell who was who without struggle.

"I missed you guys too and my day was boring until now."
I told them before taking a seat on the lone couch in the room Carter and Scott on each lap, facing each other.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Rosalind get up and run her fingers through her hair to smoothen it out.

Was she braless?
My attention was drawn back to Carter, who tugged the arm of my shirt.
I lowered my head and tickled his stomach with my mouth.
He laughed hysterically, trying to push my head away with his tiny hands.

Is that cookies I smell?
Scott caught the chain around my neck and tugged and I yelped, feigning surprise, they laughed.

"So, did you boys reserve some cookies for me?"
I looked between the three of them, Rosalind, Carter and Scott.

"Yes. They did, by force though."
Rosalind spoke on their behalf.
The first time she said something to me today.

"But you can't have them until they are asleep." she added, crossing her arms.
I frowned. "Why not?"

"They've had more than enough for today. I know you'll share."
She said, stating the obvious. Of course I'd share, I knew how much they loved their mother's cookies and it would be pure wickedness if I don't let them have some of the goodness.

"Ma'am, the water is ready."
The nurse emerged from the bathroom, blue towel in hand.

"Carter, you bath first this evening."
Rosalind said, taking him from me.

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