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Clark was seriously creeping me out with the smile he had on his face.

"What's funny?"

Anytime I looked into the review mirror, I'd catch him smiling at me.

"I'm just happy."
I sighed.

"Then smile to yourself, you're creeping me out."
I crossed my arms like a little child.

"I can't, you're the reason I'm happy."
That caught my attention.

I asked, smiling.

"Errmm... no."
My smile fell.


"My boss seems very happy these days."

He stated, but I ignored him.

"...I think it's because you're carrying his child."


He was a lot happier and almost no longer a royal pain in the ass.
Keyword; almost.
I shrugged, my mouth remained shut.

"Are we having a prince or a princess?"
I shook my head. It was still too early to find out.

"We'll find out soon."
I answered.

He was driving me to the cake shop for our small opening party.
We didn't have friends, poverty makes someone unattractive.
When Sam fell ill, all my friends deserted me because I wouldn't go clubbing or picnics with them, the one that hurt most was when my so called best friend called me a laid back slut with an attitude simply because I had to do two shifts at the cafe and couldn't attend her birthday party.

Mom tried to make me live a little but I found another job at another diner and was hardly at home.

"Rose, we're here."
Clark cut through my thoughts.
I sat up.

"Sorry I didn't inform you earlier, we're opening the cake shop officially today and I'd like you to join us."
He shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I have an errand to run, I don't want to be on the boss's bad side today."

I nodded and smiled.
"I'll see you later then."

I opened the door and stepped out, walking to the shop without a glance back.

Hmmmm.... I knew mom was creative alright, but not to this extent.

She divided the shop into two, the show room and I think, the bakery.
The show room was also the reception, cake dummies and flowers lined the wall on shelves.

Three small sofas arranged in a u-shape, a center table stood in the middle, a black rug dulled down all the bright colors in the room, what perfect harmony.
I smiled to myself.

"Rosie! Over here!"
Sam emerged from the bakery and waved me over. I followed her.

"How are you today?"
I still saw those hairs, they were a little more visible.

She beamed, taking my hand, she dragged me inside.

"Hi mom."
I kissed her cheek.

"Hey baby girl."
Colors and lights were back on her face.

I looked around.
She purchased a huge oven and fridge, the work bench was in the middle, cupboards on the other end.
An air conditioner hung on the wall not too high above the cupboards.

"Nice work mom."
I nodded my approval. I loved it.

"I helped!"
Sam wailed, crossing her arms.

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