Thirty Two

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Everything was going so fast, from one date after another.

On our first date, I'd taken her to the cozy dinner dad used to take Rob and I every Friday evenings until Lucy came along and stole his heart and all of his attention.

Yes, she loved it, she kept talking about how her dad had her mom all dressed up formally only to take her to a dinner downtown where she felt out of place but he wanted her to stand out because he proposed to her that night.

I thought it was sweet too.
We talked about our old great memories and how I always led Rob into trouble.
I thought it was sappy but the more time I spent with her, the sappier I got.

All dressed up in a red flowery knee length dress that brought out her blue eyes, Rosalind took my breath away.
That night, I wanted to kiss her so badly but after walking her to her bedroom door, I kissed her cheek and said goodnight.

I could tell she was surprised when I asked her out on another date and another, and another.

I enjoyed her company, the sound of her laughs, the way her eyes shone at the sight of the white roses I give her in the middle of every date and how she'd squirm anytime I stare for too long.
I smiled at the thought of what she'd wear to our fifth date. Everything fit her perfectly, from leggings that emphasized her long legs to skin tight trousers that filled out her back side, to hot gowns that drew all my attention to her curves.

Now, I'm the sappiest.
Carter threw a softball at my head.
"Ow! What was that for?"

He laughed at my facial expression.
I laughed too. If Rosalind were here, she'd frown and he'd say sorry immediately.

I looked around, looking for Scott.
Since they started walking, we try to keep them away from the staircase, to avoid fatal or brutal accidents.
"Scott ti tin mommy yuum."

I smiled down at Carter, Scott is in Mommy's room.
I got it better this time.
I picked him up and went in search for Scott.
First, we rushed to Rosalind's room, her door was slightly ajar so I leaned closer and heard her talking to Scott.

"No, I'm not crying sweetie, I know you hate seeing me cry..."

"...I don't want to leave you boys...I hope you understand one day. Please don't hate me, you'd do the same for your little brother, wouldn't you?"

I gave two short knocks and pushed the door wider.

"Scott Blackwood, where are you?"
I pretended not not see Rosalind throw a bed sheet over his head.

"Mommy, what's that in your lap?"
I asked.
Scott giggled and shook from side to side. So much for hiding.
I dropped Carter on her bed and laughed as he pulled the sheets off Scott, making him shriek.

"Mommy "
Carter said and caught her hair with his fingers.
Rosalind mimicked him and caught his hair too.

"You want me to hold you right?"
He nodded, Scott got off her quickly.
I was sure they took turns sitting on her lap and playing with her.

"Come on."
She took Carter's hand and helped him walk on the bed to her.
Scott crawled to me and started making attempts to climb up my shoulder.

What's it with Scott and climbing things?
The other day he fell flat on his stomach while trying to stand on his toy car.
I knew I'd have to keep an eye on him.

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