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I'd never felt such stupid awkwardness before, I was seated on one of the cold seats in the hospital, waiting to see doctor Elizabeth Green, the obstetrician doctor Tyler handed me over to.

I looked like a teenage single mother,
everyone was there with their partners, except for myself and Blondie, who was on Skype with her's.

I didn't give a damn but the disgusted looks, the glares and the looks of sympathy was getting on my nerves.

Someone took the seat beside me, I turned to look.
I couldn't hide my shock when I found Jake sitting there and starring apologetically at me.

"Sorry I'm late. I just had an emergency meeting with my clients."
He apologized.
To me, it did not matter but I wouldn't want to say that to the hearing of those who were starring at him like they just saw a god.

"It's okay."
I shrugged, looking away.

Everyday, Jake became less an asshole to me, more thoughtful, attentive and caring.
I knew it wasn't about me, it was about his child and I wouldn't matter to him after it's born.

"Mrs Blackwood."
I looked up, as much as I hated that name.

"The doctor will see you now."
I rose and hastily walked to the doctor's office with Jake hot on my tail.

"Good morning doctor."
I gave a polite smile but her attention wasn't on me, it was on Jake, standing behind me.

I was used to this, I ignored her and took my seat in front of her.
Admittedly, she was hot, no. Sexy, More than I was, but Jake Blackwood never hooked up with unattractive women, I was at the bottom of the line compared to those models that always clung to him.

I drowned out whatever Dr Green started to say.
I wasn't interested, in the past week, I studied two books on early pregnancy, I knew the do's and don'ts of my first trimester. I only visited the doctor because I wanted to see my baby.
Mom also helped, she gave me a pep talk and some books I was yet to read.
Jake poked my side, startling me momentarily.

My gaze fell on Dr Green and I concluded she didn't like me and was only putting up the professional facade.

"Do you sometimes or often feel dizzy or lightheaded?"

I crossed my arms and leaned into the seat.

"Any other feeling aside from the normal?"
I shook my head, I felt fine.

She pulled out a pair of rubber gloves.

"Let's see what we have in there."
She motioned for me to stand up.

I did, eager to get this over and done with.
"Baby, are you still mad at me for not being here on time?"
Jake threw his arm around my shoulder and squeezed me closer to him.
I was confused at first but caught on quickly.

I shot him my best glare and shrugged out from under him.
"This is about your child too Jake, the least you should've done was clear your morning schedule."
I answered, pretending to be upset.

If he wanted to piss her off, it shouldn't be difficult.

"Please hike up your shirt and get on the bed."
Dr Green said with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"I'm sorry, the meeting couldn't be postponed."
I scoffed and proceeded to climb on the very high hospital bed, I hiked up my shirt and laid down.

"Rosie, I'm sorry."
Jake said, I bit my lip to stop from smiling.
Dr Green squirted some cold gel on my stomach.

"Please stay still."
She snapped. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. Jake's hand pushed my hair out of my face, I waited for him to take his hand away but it remained there.
His other hand took possession of my hand.

I wanted to wiggle away but held myself back.

I closed my eyes and waited patiently.
"Is this your first child?"
I nodded at the same time Jake said "yes."

I bit my lip nervously, what if I wasn't pregnant? What if it was something else?
Stop it Rosie!

I feel pregnant.
I want to be pregnant.
I am pregnant.

I recited to myself.
"There we go."
She pointed at the now blue screen. I starred criticality, trying to understand what was on the screen.

"Here's the head and tinny limbs."
She pointed at the blue-black screen.
I still didn't get her.

"I'm supposed to make a copy for you."
She stopped the machine and wiped the gel off my stomach with a tissue.

"Would you like a video or just a photograph?"

Jake and I said at the same time.
I sat up and accorded him briefly, I was surprised to see he wasn't looking all bored and in a hurry to leave. In fact, he was concerned and intrigued by the bluish screen.

She went back to her desk and sat down.

"I'm sorry, I thought we would find out the sex of our baby today."
Jake said.
I shook my head.

"Not yet, the fetus is too young."
I answered for Dr Green who was still busy trying to copy the empty disk.

"Dr Quinn made me understand you already had supplements."

She ejected the disk, put it inside a disk case and handed it to Jake.

I dropped to my feet.

"Okay. Avoid strenuous jobs, staying on your feet and greasy foods that make you feel nauseous."

I nodded.
Jake took my hand.

"Your next appointment is two months away."
She scribbled something on her notepad.

"Thank you doctor."
Jake tugged me out of her office.

Oh my God!!
The entrance to the hospital was blocked, security men were trying their best to stop them from getting into the hospital premises.

"I fucking pay those dummies to keep these busy bodies away from me!"
Jake growled, his fingers curled into a fist.

Poor Darren, he was frightened at Jake's fury.
I watched as they crowded our car, hitting the glass furiously to get attention.
I kept my face forward and prayed to God that they wouldn't break the glasses.

"Darren get me out of here this instant."
Jake barked.

Darren nodded and mumbled incoherent words.
He honed, pulled back a little, then accelerated with more speed.
They scampered away, making way for us.
I sighed in relief as they were now out of sight.

"I pay you well to carry out only one simple instruction and you can't fucking do it."
I turned to see he was on the phone.

"The next time you're sorry, I'll find someone else who wouldn't be."
He snapped and put the phone down.

I didn't know Jake hated paparazzi that much, not wanting to be the next scapegoat, I scoot away from him.

He picked up his laptop that was sitting between us and opened it. I thought he wanted to work but he opened the hard disk drive and inserted the new disk, titled 'Baby Blackwood'.

Selfish brat!
I knew wouldn't have access to that sonogram again.

I looked out the window, trying to make as much distance between us as possible.

I was sure nothing would make me love Jake Blackwood, I might be attracted physically to him yes, but my heart was under lock and key.
Jake was too egotistical, too selfish and too hot! I gave myself a mental smack on the head and I still hate him and whoever had a hand in taking everything we had after dad died, I hate him for what he did two days after our wedding, I hate him!!!

No matter how good-looking, how muscular, how tan, how much charisma Jake Blackwood had or how caring and thoughtful he'd become, I hate him....
Something crawled up my neck slowly, startling and scaring me at once, I screamed and whipped my head around to see what it was.
I turned in time to see Jake withdraw his hand

"Now that's not the reaction I get in bed."
He said, smirking knowingly at me.
I glared at him despite the blush covering my neck and cheeks.


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