Thirty nine

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Aside the fact that Jake hadn't muttered a word to me, everything was alright.
But I was was worried about Mrs Montero.
It was almost twelve PM and I couldn't reach her over the phone and she wasn't here yet.
I was worried sick!
She wasn't feeling so strong last night and now I had this terrible feeling at the base of my spine.
The fact that her phone went right into voice mail was getting to me.

I sighed deeply, still digging through my wardrobe, looking for my old clothes.
Yes I still had them. Secondly, I had no plans To leave Jake's house with the things he bought me.
I thought I had them here with me!

I groaned as I hit the bottom of the last drawer.
I sighed and took on the task of folding the clothes and putting them back.

Just as I was pushing the door to the wardrobe shut, Jake stormed into my room.
I knew it was him, with the force exerted on the door.

"Get the boys ready, we have to be somewhere in thirty."
He ordered like a macho boss.
As if on cue, they padded into my room.
The only contact I had with them today was to bathe clothe and feed them, once I was done they ran off to go find their father.

I nodded, brushed past Jake and went to the boys room to pick out something nice for them to wear.
Where in God's name was he taking them anyways?
jean and t-shirts it is.

"Are you planning on following me in that?"
Jake said, pointing at me.
I had the boys ready alright, but I didn't know I was going out with them.
Instead of questioning him, I went to my room to get changed, he was in a hurry and I didn't want to get snapped at.
I threw on a pair of black jean and a yellow Sponge Bob shirt, black loafers.
Then I packed an outing bag for the boys.

"He's waiting outside for you."
Grace told me when I reached downstairs.
I sighed and mumbled a quick thanks, hurrying outside.

Jake's Lamborghini was waiting up front for me.
The door shot open as I stepped closer.
"Hurry up! We don't have all day."
I sighed and climbed in.
Jake sat back with the boys, making me wonder who was at the wheel.

The door closed and the tinted window-like barrier separated us from whoever was driving.
Scott climbed into my lap causing a smile to spread my lips.
"You just remembered your mommy, huh?"
I hugged him closer, willing the tears that suddenly stung my eyes away.

Maybe he was taking us to go sign the papers that would ruin me forever.
I closed my eyes tight, trying to lessen the painful pulsing of my heart.
"Mommy see."
Scott wiggled out of my embrace and pointed at his neck.
A silver chain sat there, it was similar to the one on Jake's neck.

I smiled, leaned in and tickled his neck with kisses.
He giggled, using his tiny hands to push my head away.
I sighed deeply, resting my chin on top of his head.

I could already imagine what my life would be like, exactly six days from today, it'd hurt like hell walking away from them.
I wouldn't love another because I'd be leaving my heart behind with them.

"Jake, where are we going?"
I couldn't help but ask, I was scared and curious.
He kept silent for a while, letting curiosity eat my insides completely before grumbling.

"To the hospital."
That only made things worse.
What were going to do at the hospital?
Does Jake want a DNA test?

"I'm not blind Rosalind, I don't need a DNA test."
Jake snapped angrily.
I kicked myself mentally.
I hate thinking aloud.

Wondering what Carter was doing, I turned in Jake's direction only to find Carter starring at me with something I couldn't comprehend.
I gave him a small smile and motioned him over.

"My baby."
He beamed at that and glided in the leather seat over to me.
I adjusted Scott in my lap to make room for him.
Instead of sitting in my lap, he knelt on the seat and three his arms around me.
"Oh sweetie, do you feel it too?"
I tightened my arms around him, using my other hand to smoothen the soft curls on his head.

"We'll be fine. Just know and never doubt that I love you beaucoup beaucoup."
I whispered the last part and pretended to bite his ear.
He shrieked and laughed as I tickled his stomach.

Scott took one of my hands and was actually pointing at each finger like he was counting and numbering them.
I sat Carter down and used both my hands to show them how to count.
Not like they understood what I meant.
They tried to repeat after me. After a
while of trying to make them get it right, I gave up.

"Cart, do you know you're my first boyfriend?"
Yes, that first day at the hospital, when he opened his blue eyes to look at me, I fell in love with him, that was the first time I felt such overwhelming love, protectiveness, possessiveness, fear, joy... All into one. I felt important for the first time. Someone, this tinny beautiful creature needed me.
I kissed his cheek and then kissed Scott's cheek.

"When you find that special one that lights up your sky, don't be scared to let her know."
I whispered.
Carter kissed me back on the cheek and Scott followed on the other cheek.

"Yeah... Love her just like this."
I said, smiling sadly.
I had no idea what the problem was with me.
Maybe it was because Flynn just Introduced his girlfriend to me, few weeks back.
They were so happy, you wouldn't help but be happy for them.
But then it made me realize how everything I was holding onto belonged to someone else.
The boys, Jake's household staff that now felt like family....

I know you boys will grow up to be hot and irresistible, don't break any hearts.
It hurt to know I wouldn't be here to tell them all that and help them out with girl stuff.
They might end up like their father, cold and heartless and with no clue as to treat a woman right.

"Come on."
Jake said as the doors unlocked and pushed open.
He took Scott and their bag.

I still couldn't get the questions off my mind.
What are we here for?
I followed closely behind Jake and waited as he spoke to a nurse then followed them as she led the way.
We stopped at wardroom nine.
"It's safe to take them in."
The nurse said, cooing at Carter in my arms.

"Okay. Thank you."

I waited for Jake to step into the room first before following behind him.
"Dad, what are you doing here?"
I heard Jake ask as I pulled the door close behind me.

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