Twenty three

95 9 0

Jake's POV

I lost count of the number of times I paced the hallway.
It was half past eight in the morning already and I was loosing it.
The walls were fucking sound proof and I couldn't hear a damn thing.

I'd wanted to go inside the delivery room but Rosalind said she hates me and couldn't stand my presence so the doctors made me wait out here.

Red hair, red kissable lips and two round blue eyes that could get her the world if she wanted.

Yes I didn't start off with her on the right foot but what can a man do?

Initially, I thought she was one of those whores that would do anything for money but after I found out I was her first, I knew something was up and then I met Sam who changed my view of her.

Rosalind was loyal. Not just loyal but loyal to the moon and back.
She loved her family more than herself.
If anyone would willingly give up their happiness and their prime for another person...

It showed, she could die for her sister.
I wanted that kind of love.
I wanted that selfless love that would do anything for me.

Selfish...yeah but I could care less.
I just wanted to be loved unconditionally.

I was slowly loosing it. I have to see her, to know she's alright.
My boys.... I needed to see them, what would they look like? I hope they have their mother's blue eyes....

I shut my eyes briefly and sighed to clear my thoughts.

"Prince Jake!"
I knew that voice.
Before I could turn around, she hugged my knees.
I'd called Madeline as early in the morning as I could.

"Hello princess."
I bent my knees to be eye level with her.

"Are you alright?"
She frowned and pushed my hair out of my eyes.
I nodded and smiled at her cute concerned face.
I dropped a kiss on her head, causing her to smile shyly at me.

Madeline patted my shoulder.
I smiled up at her.

"Hi Madeline."
She was worried too. Her worry lines were prominent.
Rosalind said she had blood pressure problems and shouldn't be allowed to worry too much.
I pushed myself upright and groaned.

"I swear, if they don't let me in there right now, I'm going in to see things for myself."
I couldn't stay still. For fuck's sake she'd been in there since midnight.

"Mr Backwood."
I turned around, ready to give Dr Quinn a piece of my mind but I met Dr Green.

"Congratulations, your boys have been delivered."
She said, finally letting excitement fill her eyes.

"Oh goodness!"
I exclaimed. I am a daddy!! I'm a dad!
I laughed. Indescribable joy and laughter filled me.
I hugged Dr Green then Madeline then I picked Sam up and twirled around.

Ahhh... I love this feeling.

"Mother and children are safe. Come with me if you want to see them."
Dr Green said and turned around.
I took Sam's hand and followed her through several halls and turns.

"One at a time."
She looked between Madeline and I.
Madeline took Sam's hand.

"You go first, Grandma and aunty can wait."
I smiled gratefully and followed her inside.

I first saw her, looking pale and weak with a drip connected to her righ hand.
Then my eyes fell on the small cot by her bed. My boys, the first one wrapped in a purple blanket and baby two in a blue blanket. I remember picking those out myself. They looked so fragile I wanted to pick them up but I could break them.

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