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Double shit!!

The problem was how to hurry back to Jake's house before the rain starts.
I should've taken my phone along, wishing I could call Clark.
Deciding not to reign on my predicament, I started hurrying all the way through the woods, retracing my path back to civilization.

But the forces of nature were against me, half through, the sky opened with a loud crash and droplets of rain began to hit my skin mercilessly.
I quickened my steps, no need to run, I'd get soakk anyway.

The intensity of the rain hit me with full force as I stepped out of the forest. My heart pounded in my ears, fear for my unborn child made my steps heavier. I should've checked the weather forecast before leaving Jake's house for my favorite spot in the woods, the waterfall. I'd lost myself in the peace and quiet of the woods and fell asleep. What roused me from the very peaceful slumber was the unusual sudden chill in the air. I'd thought something or someone else was there with me.

Mom had picked Sam up like three days back and God! I missed her, the house grew bigger and quieter after she left, it made me want to have my own children, running around the house, breaking things and having little fights, and most importantly, loveing me the same way I loved mom and dad.

Jake replaced the phone he bought her with a huge Barbie doll. Trust Sam to be dramatic, she screamed and started hoping around, chanting 'I love you Prince Jake.'

By the time Jake's house came into view, I was soaked and freezing. I hoped my baby didn't feel as cold as I did.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." I wrapped my arms around my very small bump.
I pushed the main door open and stepped in, sighing with relief.

As if waiting for me to get home first, my body began to shake violently, my teeth chattering, getting warm was the only thing on my mind, my head pounded.
Aww man!
I can't handle a cold.
I groaned and walked straight towards the staircase.

"Woman where the fuck have you been!?"
Jake's voice thundered and for once I was scared of the look in his eyes.
He rose from the last step at the bottom of the staircase.
I didn't notice him.

I chose not to speak, all I wanted to do was soak myself in a hot tub and have a cup of hot chocolate.
I walked past him, up the stairs, I knew I was pissing Jake off but I didn't care.

I could hear his angry footsteps as I reached my room.
First things first.
I walked straight to the bathroom and turned the heat up, then I peeled off my wet clothes, wrapped around my shoulders, the thickest towel I could find.

My body relaxed slightly when I dipped myself into the hot tub.
I held my breath and immersed whole body, head and hair into the water for a few seconds, trying to heat up as much areas as possible.
I laid there, praying to God that I don't fall sick.

When I opened my eyes, Jake was standing there, inside the bathroom hold a mug of steaming hot chocolate with no trace of anger in his eyes.

He handed the mug to me.
I took it like my life depended on it.

I took a large gulp.
I didn't feel it scald my tongue, I was too cold.

He gave me a once over and left.
What happened?
Why wasn't he mad any longer?
I was bracing myself up for some tongue lashing.
I knew he was only looking out for his child.
He was worried about his child and he was pissed that I put the child in danger.
Jake would never worry about a nobody like you Rosalind.

I shook my head.

As the temperature of the water dropped, I reached for my towel and stepped out of the tub.

Sill cold.
At least, I stopped shivering. I dried my body thoroughly, picked up the half filled mug and downed the rest of the hot chocolate.

Jake who was sitting at my vanity table sprung up immediately he spotted me.
I ignored him and walked to my closet to get into something warm.

"You won't be needing clothes."
Jake said.
I paused for a second then went back to finding something to wear.

I felt his hand on my shoulder and almost leaned into his warm touch.
"Rosalind, let me help you."
He whispered.

I turned around to frown at him when I realized what he meant.

"What other options do you have?"
He asked, noting my resistance.
I rolled my eyes.
Of course I had options, I'd put on a sweater and get under the duvet.

"If you don't sweat this cold out, you will catch influenza."
He sounded worried, worried about his child. I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat.

I have no choice in this.
I closed my eyes and sighed deeply.
Slamming the closet door, I turned around to face him.

Well boss, you have to make the first move.


Jake being a warm blooded, no. Scratch that, a hot blooded alpha male, and my treacherous body couldn't resist him, he went on and on until past midnight.

He was surprisingly more gentle than ever as if he was afraid he'd hurt his baby. My body responded enthusiastically to the strangely gentle and almost loving touch.

While my heart and body enjoyed his lovemaking, my mind knew why he was so thoughtful, gentle and somewhat loving.

I forced that cold wall up around my heart again, there was just no way I would let Jake hurt me more than he could.

"Feel better, don't you?"
Jake asked, when he got his breath back.
I didn't answer him but I felt better, I wasn't cold, even a little bit.
I just needed Advil for the headache.

"Rosalind, you barely talk, you're not like every other girl, like Sam or Lucy."

I know quiet girls were somehow creepy, I was told girls should always have something to talk, laugh or cry about but I could care less.

"I'm like mom."
I mumbled sleepily, rolling to the other side. Away from Jake.

"You always do this."
Jake whispered. I frowned but I didn't turn around to face him.

"Do what?"
I bit back a sigh. If I don't sleep now, I might go mad.

I heard him sigh deeply, as if trying to put his words together.

"After sex you turn away dismissively or you hurry to the shower to wash me off."
I didn't answer, I had nothing to say. He was right but I couldn't help it.

"Like most sex workers do."
He added.

That hurt though it was true.
As shameful as it felt and sounded, I was nothing but a whore. I mean, getting married, giving sex and getting pregnant for money....
I was a whore.
Just that, I took half a million dollars for it, I wasn't cheap.

"What's the difference between me and a sex worker?"
I asked quietly, trying to relax my reeling mind.


I closed my eyes and finally let sleep overtake me.

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