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I put my book down and turned to the direction Sam ran to, I rolled my eyes as I saw Jake swoop her up into his arms.

"Prince Jake, are you alright?"
Jake nodded, kissing her head.

"I got something for you."
He gently lowered her to her feet.

"Really!? What is it!?"
She bounced up and down excitedly.

"It's in my car."
He said, trying to sound mysterious.
she gasped and ran off.
Jake chuckled, he shook his head and finally noticed me.

We said simultaneously.
He followed Sam out.

How awkward!
It's been like that since my first doctor's appointment two weeks back.

I guess that day, I reminded myself why I hated Jake Blackwood.
We weren't friendly or cordial, just polite and still slept in separate rooms though Sam didn't know that, she'd been with me for two days and still had two more left.

Mom missed Sam so badly that she called four times a day, her excuse was she wanted to make sure Sam took her drugs on time but I knew mom better, she missed her baby.

"Rosie look what Prince Jake got me!"
She bounced around excitedly, waving a small carton in my face.

"I can't see it while you're waving it around."
She giggled playfully and placed it on my lap.

A BlackBerry phone?
I forced a smile to my lips.
"This is wonderful Sam, but I think you're too young to own a phone."

Her smile fell. She turned around and stormed towards the staircase.
I knew her destination but I didn't care, as much as I love Sam, but I wouldn't spoil her.

Jake appeared in front of me.

"Rosalind, it's not your place to decide what Sam has or uses."
I kept my mouth shut. What I did with my family was none of his business.

"Thanks for the phone but my sister is too young to be exposed to more technology than computers. She needs to grow up the normal way."
I air quoted normal to emphasize on it.
I couldn't have her stuck to some gadget twenty-four hours a day.

"Sam is keeping this phone unless Madeleine says otherwise."
He snatched the phone from me and stormed off.

Oh God!
I threw my head back and sighed.
Congratulations Jake, I now hate you one hundred and five percent.

I'd told him to stay away from my family, he wouldn't listen to me, he already got mom a car and that was enough.


Sam didn't come down for dinner and she was the reason I had my meals in the kitchen.
When Mrs Montero went to fetch her, she said she hates me and didn't want to see me.

Like the eldest, I had her dinner arranged on an attractive pink tray and took it up to her room.
I quietly pushed open the door and stepped in.

I found Jake there, sitting beside her, talking about God knows what.

"Sammy, sweetheart, I brought your dinner."
Her face concocted into a scowl.

"I made it myself."
I actually made it myself, no sweet talking.

"I don't want your food Rosie, go away!"
I sat on her bed with the full tray on my lap.

"Sam please, I know you're mad at me and all but please eat, you need to take your drugs."

She crossed her arms, still glaring at me. I knew that sign.

"Remember mom said she'd be really hurt if you don't take your drugs on time."
Her frown flattened a little.
Sam is mommy's girl, it used to be mom and Sam, dad and Rosie.

"I'm sure you don't want to see mom cry."
She shook her head.
I knew that would work.

"I know you don't love me Rosie, that's why you don't want me to have that phone."
That stung but I didn't respond, I handed the tray to Jake and went back to my room to get her drugs.
Mom handed them over to me, pleading that I should always remember to give them to her on time.

"...Sammy, you should never think or imagine that your sister doesn't love you."
Jake's voice held me back from opening the door as I returned.

"But she started it!"
Sam retorted.

"She's only doing what she thinks is best for you, Rosie loves you more than she loves herself."
I couldn't believe Jake was giving Sam the talk.

I pushed the door open. Sam was eating from Jake's hand.
As much as I didn't like it, I remained quiet, enough drama for one evening.

Instead of watching them aimlessly, I went to the adjoining bathroom to run her a warm bath, that would do just fine.
Summer was close at hand, I could feel it with fewer rains and warmer breeze.

"I'll take the phone back and get you something else, alright?"
I think Sam nodded because I didn't hear her response.

I left the bathroom and joined them.
They both were starring at me in an unusual manner.
What did I miss?

Jake nudged Sam gently and took the plates from her.

"I'll just take this downstairs and be right back."
He hurried out of the room.

I sat down silently and gave her drugs to her, each according to it's dosage.

"Come, I've run your bath for you."
I said, leading the way to the bathroom.
During the bath and throughout dress up time, Sam stayed silent which was quite unusual.
What did Jake tell her?

"Rosie, I'm really sorry, I don't hate you."
She whispered as she was about to get into bed.

"It's okay."
I wasn't mad, I was just hurt that my sister, whom I love very much would say she hates me.

"Sam, I love you and mom very much. I'd do whatever it takes to make you happy. Please understand that I'm doing what's best for you, I'd never hurt you."
I pulled her into my arms.
She hugged me back immediately.

"Now go to sleep, you need your rest."
I pulled back, she nodded and climbed into bed.

"Good night sweetheart."
I kissed her head and put out the light.

I left Sam's room to go find Jake, I had to thank him.
I was also worried about what he told her, I couldn't let mom know what I did, it'd crush her.

I checked him up in the sitting room, kitchen, his study and the gym in the basement, I couldn't find him.
There was only one place yet to be checked out.
I climbed up the stairs to my old room.

I knocked, to avoid a reoccurrence of the other night.
I waited impatiently for an answer, bouncing from one foot to the other.

The door swung open to a shirtless Jake, he leaned against the threshold and crossed his arms.
My throat went dry.
His pants hung dangerously from his hips, I couldn't tear my eyes away from that kind of body.

I snapped back to earth, blinking furiously to clear my mushy brain.

"What did you tell Sam?
I asked as soon as I got my voice back.
Jake chuckled deeply.

"It's between Sam and I. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
He said and made to close the door.

I caught his arm.
He glared at my hand, clasped tight around his arm.
Not like my hand could wrap conveniently around Jake's arm.

I caught on and quickly removed my hand.

"Thanks for talking to her."
I said sincerely. Left for me, I would've cried myself to sleep or I would not have been able to sleep.

"It's nothing."
He slammed the door in my face.

I was offended but I couldn't get that shirtless picture of him out of my head.

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