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Chapter Two

(Blair POV)

I closed the front door behind me quietly. Hoping he would be asleep. The house was dark so I assumed Trevor had gone to bed. It was around 10 and I was ready to pass out.

"Baby?" I froze when I heard him in the bedroom.

I walked in to see him passed out. Must be dreaming. The smell of liquor filled the room, I sighed..

He went to the bar ..

I got into bed beside him and turned on my side so I wasn't facing him . It took me while to fall asleep, but eventually, I did.


My eye fluttered open and I was confused when I saw the time. 7 am? I'm never up this early. I noticed that Trevor was spooning me, his hand was over mine as his face was nuzzled in my neck. But the writing on his hand caught my attention...

Samantha : xxx xxx xxxx


I ripped his arm off of me while getting up. He woke up to this and gave me a blank expression.

"What the hell, Blair" he snapped, but never got up.

"Who's Samantha?" I barked.

"Who?" "Look at your hand, asshole!" I shouted. He glared at me before bolting up. I ran to my bathroom and locked it.

Thinking about it now, I regret talking to him like that because I always get in trouble for it...

"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR, BLAIR!" His voice was so loud and aggressive.

I started breathing hard and tears were practically falling already. I knew the door was going to break eventually and I was scared.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed as he came running in the bathroom when the door was down.

I screamed in pain when he grabbed my hair and whipped me into the mirror making it shatter everywhere! I ignored that pain though, as he threw me to the floor and got on top of me. I put fresh claw marks in his bare chest as I tried to push him off of me.

"Get off of me!" I cried as he tried to pull down my shorts.


"Stop moving!" He hissed before his fist connected with my jaw, but I didn't give up. He continued to struggle getting me out of my shorts as I tried reaching for something to hit him with. I screamed at the top of my lungs when I felt something sharp digging into my thigh. That's it! Glass! I reached for the biggest piece I could and stabbed it right into his hip. He screamed in put agony before rolling off of me. I took that opportunity and ran.

I grabbed nothing but my phone and keys, and ran to my car.

I knew where I was going..


I sat in my car in front of the house and threw my hair up. I was still in my clothes from the day before , and was still trying to figure out how to explain this.

I decided to stop being a pussy and just go. I felt awkward because my clothes were ripped, I had dry blood on my legs and hands and I'm all bruised up.

They'll Understand.

I knocked on the door and rang the doorbell fast because I didn't want anyone but Liam or Danielle to see me like this...

"How much- Woah" I nearly passed out when a stranger answered.

He was quite tall, dark curly hair and green eyes. He wore a white tank top so I could see a lot of tattoos. But the 2 birds on his chest caught my attention for some reason. I liked them.

But then I remembered something.. I look like shit right now.

"Harry, who wa-" Danielle stopped in her tracks and Liam shortly followed her actions.

She pushed passed the dude, who's name I didn't catch and just hugged me tightly. As hugging her, I looked up at 'curly' and his expression said nothing but concern, but I didn't think much of it,.

"I'll take that offer to stay here, now."

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