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Chapter Three

(Blair POV)

"Here, you can borrow these." Dani said sweetly as she handed me some of her clothes.

"Thanks again" I whispered. She gave me a sad smile before giving me one last hug.

Don't cry, Blair.

"I'm so sorry, Blair" She whispered before leaving the bedroom. I sighed again, before getting undressed.

(Harry POV)

I wasn't exactly sure what I was thinking. All I knew was that her name was Blair and she apparently got in a bad car accident this morning, and that's why she's all bruised up. Do I believe her?


Am I going to bug her about it?


Dang, her car wasn't even dented.

I dropped the whole thing and went into the bathroom. I could still see the blood from when she was washing her hands.


"Li, where did you say my hoodie was?" I called to the living room.

"Bedroom" I nodded my head before jogging up the stairs to Danielle's room. I walked down the hall to only hear light singing coming from inside. The door was slightly open so I just peeked my head inside so only see Blair getting dressed.

".. And I told you to be patient, and I told you to be fine. And I told you to be balanced and I told you to be kind, cause in the morning I'll be with you, but it'll be a different kind..."

She continued to hum along to whatever song it was she was singing and my eyes continued to wander over her body. I think the bruises on her arms and hips caught my attention the most.

Someone had a tight grip on her ...

"What the hell!?" I looked up to see her blue eyes piercing into mine. Oh, if looks could kill... I'd be dead.

"W-what are th-those?" I choked out. God damn Harry, she doesn't even know you! You don't know her! She doesn't even know your damn name.

"That's non of you business" She hissed before throwing the shirt over her head and pushing passed me.

"Wait!" She stopped at the top of the stairs and turned to me with her arms folded over her chest.


Yeah, she's mad.

"Sorry, that was very out of line for me to ask, I uh- I'm Harry" I brought my hand out but she didn't budge so it awkwardly fell to my side. "You uh- you have a very nice voice." I got out, even though that not what I was paying attention to..

"Thanks." She replied flatly.


But that passed when the doorbell rang. Thank god.

(Blair POV)

Wow. Woww. WoooW! Creep.

"Thirtsy?" I jumped when Liam came into the kitchen where I was being a loner. The other boys of the band came over and I wasn't in the mood to be sociable

. "Sure, thanks" I muttered as I took the bottle from his hands. (Water)

"Why don't you come meet the lads?" He suggested.

"Because the first one I met, spied on me while I was changing!" I snapped, he groaned.


"And I have a fat bruise on my face" I finished. "Danielle has some makeup you could probably use" He said.

"Liam, I'm a lot paler then she is. I would look ridiculous"

"Suit yourself, you know where we are" He gave me a side hug before taking all the water bottles out to the living room.

I rested my head against the counter and groaned in frustration. And to make it worse, my phone started ringing. And it was in the living room, where everyone was.

"LADY! A BOY NAMED TREVOR IS CALLING YOU!" I didn't know who called that out, I'm pretty sure it was the blonde one. Niall? I think..

I raced into the living room, not caring about who was looking at the bruise on my jaw that was left earlier this morning. And surely. Trevor was flashing on the screen.. I looked at Danielle and Liam and they clearly didn't know what to do.

"Are you going to pick it up?" I looked over and noticed the boy with a beanie on asking me. Louis? Sure.. I didn't answer. I just pushed decline and flopped myself on Danielle's lap, making the boys chuckle lightly.

For the passed 2 hours he kept calling, it was getting stupid

. "Who is he?" Zayn finally asked me.

"My boyfriend" I muttered.

"He's probably worried about you, since the car accident."

My eyes shot up to Harry's. His eyes were digging into mine, digging into my soul. I think he knew that the car accident story was a pile of bullshit, but I wasn't going to tell him that



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