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Chaper Twenty - Seven

(Blair POV)

I wasn't hung over. I didn't have a hangover, and I didn't feel sick. But a huge part of me really didn't want to get out of bed. It was nearly noon and I was still stuffed in Harry's bed, that I had kicked him out of last night.

I really don't know why I over reacted. I mean, I've let it go through my head now and honestly, he was trying to protect me. Sure it pissed me off that he's known for about 2 weeks and hasn't said a word about it, but I know why.

"Blair, love, we're going to Starbucks and then maybe the studio.. Do you want anything?" I heard Perrie's accent flow through the door.

"Hang on, I'll go with you" I called back, crawling out of bed.

I got dressed and met the girls down stairs. Danielle gave me a sad smile,

"What?" I asked not sure what was happening.

"He feels really bad you know.. Liam woke up and he was sitting on the couch, he didn't get a second of sleep." She said, opening the door,.

Great. One more thing to feel awful about.


"Do you guys think we can just order coffee to go?" I asked, as we waited in line.


"And bring them a coffee, too?" I asked again. They smiled at me.

"Sure, I'm sure they're tired and want a coffee break." Eleanor said, I smiled at her as she ordered hers and Louis' usual.

I ordered my vanilla mocha and Harry's regular tea he normally buys.

"Let's go." Danielle said, piling into the car.

They drive to the studio was normal. Though, I found myself rather quiet.

I honestly felt horrible for my temper last night. And knowing he didn't sleep last night over it, hurts.

"And here we are"

We walked inside, each of us giving Paul a smile. We went through the back and saw the boys. They weren't singing, they were taking a break.

I noticed Harry talking to Niall so he hadn't seen me yet. I began making my way over and noticed Niall nudging Harry. He looked back and looked shocked to see me. I watched as Niall awkwardly walked away,

"Tea?" I offered quietly to him. He took it from my hands and took a sip.

He looked exhausted. He had bags under his eyes, and you could tell he was ready to pass out any moment now.

We stood there, before I broke and put my mocha down and just hugged his torso. I heard his cup rest on the table before feeling his arms wrap around me.

"I'm sorry for last night" I murmured into his chest. He kept his arms around me, bringing his head down and kissing the side of my head.

"You don't need to apologize, love" He whispered, I sighed.

"Yes I do." I said pulling away from him. "I over reacted when I should've known you were just trying to protect me, and not let me worry about something like that." I finished, he just looked down.

"I still should've told you that I knew though, regardless of what it was." He replied. I just walked closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I love you, and I'm safe with you." I said, making that million dollar smile come out.

"That's all I was trying to do" He murmured before closing the gap between our lips.

"AWEH!" We both jumped before clueing in that the microphone in the room was still on and everyone could hear us. I blushed before hiding against Harry.

"We have a problem though." Niall said, as they all came into the room.

"What?" I asked.

"We still need to get that bastard back in jail.. For good." He finished.

That was very true.


"Why exactly do I need to do this?" I pouted, looking in the mirror . My stomach was dancing.

"Because he wants you, darlin'" Zayn smirked as we walked down the stairs. Every one was down there, Harry didn't looked happy but it had to be done.

"Remember, tell him what he wants to hear, Harry and I will be just around the corner, listening through the mic on your dress. We'll hear everything and it will all be recorded. Once we have it, all 5 of us will be in there to get you." Liam said. I nodded my head, feeling like I was going to puke.

"You're going to do great, I promise I'll be there soon." Harry whispered, leaving a long kiss on my head. I sighed.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

I walked outside and hopped in my car. I was happy to see Liam and Harry get in his, Niall , Zayn and Louis getting in another.

Here goes nothing...

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