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Chapter Twelve

(Blair POV)

"How come the other boys didn't go?" I asked Harry, riding in the limo back to the house.

"Non of them could stand Taylor for more then 2 minutes." He replied, I couldn't help but laugh. He smiled before leaning over and kissing my lips softly. "I can get used to that." He murmured making me blush. I pulled away from him and leaned my head against his shoulder, which made him pull me closer to him.

"Liam's sick?" I whispered, remembering why Danielle didn't come to the party.

"No, that was just his excuse to not go" He replied laughing, I mentally face palmed.

"So why did you want to go?" I asked him, looking up at his green eyes.

"Simon wanted me to go to show her I had a date and blah blah blah" He went on. I frowned.

"So we only went, to make her jealous?" I said, now sitting up and not being in his embrace.

"When you think about it like that, yes, but-"

"-So you used me to make your ex girlfriend jealous!?" I spat.

"No, I-"

"-Paul, can you drop me off at home, please?" I asked the driver. He looked back and smiled.

"Sure thing, love." He replied I gave him a thankful smile.

"Blair, that's not how it was supposed to be like, I was scared to-"

"I know. You were scared to ask me properly because you didn't know what I would say. I know, I heard you and Dani talking." I cut him off, he look speechless."But using me to piss of Taylor, is low. extreeemely low." I finished.

"I wanted to go with you either way, Blair. Not to just piss her off, I just wanted to see you-"

"-You see me almost everyday."

"Yeah , but I can't kiss you out of the blue!" I was taken back.

"What are you talking about?" I asked calmer.

"The main reason I brought you was so I could have that kiss I've been dying for. Telling Taylor we were together, would make it so I had that chance. And god damn, it felt great. Technically I did use you for that, but making Tay jealous was not the reason why I brought you." He went on.

I didn't know what to say.

"Ms. Carter, we're here." I was interrupted by Paul and I sighed.

"I have to go." I whispered, grabbing my bag.

"Can I at least walk you to the door?" He asked.

"N-no, it's fine.. I'll see you around, Harry." I opened the door and made my way to the house.

I closed the door behind me and found myself throwing my bag across the room. I pulled my hair from it's bun and let it be a hot mess. The kiss was amazing, but I didn't think it would start to hurt so soon after words. I snapped from my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door. Before I could open it, Harry was standing there.

He stalked towards me until I was against a wall. His large hands cupped both sides of my face, my heart was beating a non normal rate. I remember when Trevor would do this, but it would end with my on the ground crying.. Harry would never do that.

"I made a mistake and I am sorry. But I'm not leaving." He said with his jaw locked.. My bottom lip trembled but sonly stopped once his lips found mine again.

He was so gentle, I loved it. He asked for that entrance but I declined. He bit on my bottom lip making me gasp, he took that opportunity to sneak in.

Sneaky bastard.

A moan left his throat as I pulled back on his curls slightly. His hands left my face and were now on my hips.

"I'm not going anywhere." He whispered before kissing me again.


"DANIELLE!" I called out, she ran up to my room, "I need help." I whimpered. She furrowed her eyes before sitting on the bed next me.

"What wrong, sweet pea?" She asked me. I sighed,

"I'm really confused with my feelings." I pouted, she smiled before laying down beside me.

"Harry?" She asked rubbing my back.

"Yes, I really like him and kissing him is fricken amazing, but he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend." I told her.

"I'd say you're already together.. You tried to be sneaky last night with him, but we all saw you kissing" She said, I blushed.

"You guys saw?" I asked innocently.

"Oh yes, when you snuck off to the kitchen to get a 'drink'" She smirked, I groaned.

"Anyways ! I don't know what to do."

"It's Harry, he's probably thinking of a way to ask you." She told me,

"You think?" I asked

"I know."

After a few more minutes of talking, she got up to go check on the food she was making, and I got a text from a special someone.

Dimples : Dinner tonight, my place? Xx

Blair : Yes. Big house? Or .. ?

Dimples : No my place xxx London drive .

Blair : Sounds good :) Be there @ 6?

Dimples : Perfect xx



"Hello beautiful" I blushed as Harry opened the door, he gave me a soft kiss on the cheek before letting me inside.

"I like it" I said looking around his place.

"It's a lot more.. simpler.. then the mansion" He smirked, I smiled before strolling over to him and kissing him softly.

"Much simpler."

He smiled before leading me to the dining room.

"Wow, it's a feast." I smirked looking at the macaroni and cheese." He flushed to a shade of red.

"I didn't have time to go out and buy anything" He defended.

"It's fine, I like mac and cheese"


"And then she told me they saw us a lot last night" I laughed, he continued to laugh.

"Is that good or bad?" he asked, with the same chuckle in his voice.

"..Well that depends.. on where we're going with.. this." I hinted. He bit down on his lip before sitting next to me.

"I like you.. a lot. And I love spending time with you, and I'd love to have you as my girlfriend.. But I know, you've had a bad past, and I didn't want to rush you into any other relationship." He said, I blushed before kissing him. I could feel him smiling, but I pulled away.

"I'm ready to put the past behind me and move on.. with you."

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