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Chapter Twenty -Nine

(Blair POV)

"Wake up princess." I could hear Harry humming in my ear but I was tired, so I grabbed my pillow and hid my head underneath it, I could hear Harry chuckle but I kept my eyes closed

"Baby it's 1 already" He said,

"Good, then why the hell are you up?" I groaned, to only hear him laugh again.

"No, love, 1 in the afternoon." Now this got my attention. I sat up fast and looked around my room. There was melting ice cream in a bucket on the floor and the tv was still on.

"Can I go back to bed now?" I asked , flopping myself back down.

"Nope." He smirked, pulling the blankets off of me, I winced at the cold air.

"You're mean" I pouted,

"So I've been told." He smirked.

I could feel his weight now on top of me and could feel his lips leaving kissed along my neck making me giggle,

"Noooo" I moaned, still laughing.

"Get up, then" He murmured, slowly bringing his lips down my chest.

"And if I don't?" I questioned, playing with his hair. His head came up and there was a smug smirk on his lips.

"Then you're all mine" He said, slowly peeling my sweat pants down.


It was an eventful afternoon.


"AND WE DANCED ALL NIGHT TO THE BEST SONG EVER!" Khloe and I sang, in the kitchen making cupcakes.

"That song is just so catchy" She said. I nodded my head.

"Niall makes a good business man, hey?" I smirked, hinting at something. But she didn't budge.

"Mhmm, Harry makes a good nerd, eh?" She replied.

"Kay stop. I know something's going on with you guys." I said, setting my bowl of mix down. She blushed.

"What?" She asked, like she hadn't heard a thing.

"Khloe I've known you since pre school, I can read you like an upside down book" I said. She sighed.

"Okay just don't tell!" I screeched when she gave in.

"AWEH! Khlo that's so cute!" I said hugging her.

"Don't say a word." She warned.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because I don't want people think I'm the slutty stylist." She muttered.

"Um, I'm kinda a stylist and I'm dating Harry" I said to her..

"I know, it's just.. I don't know... please don't" She mumbled.

"What about Harry?" I asked innocently.


"Okay fine.. No one." I said licking the spoon.

"HIIIIIII!" We both jumped when Perrie came running in, taking the bowl and dipping her finger in and licking it.

"Hey babe" I said in a seductive tone, making her laugh.

"Well hey there baby" She returned. Khloe just laughed at us,

"Helloo" And next was Danielle to come in.

"DANI!" I screeched jumping in her arms.

"Missed you too?" She said, I smiled at her before noticing the door opening.

"Hey gals" Eleanor said warmly before joining us.

"I swear no matter what happens, we always end up in a large group." Khloe exclaimed, I nodded my head.

"I have a dilemma" Perrie blurted out, looking at the ground. I walked over to her and lifted her chin up.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I think I'm pregnant." She choked out making Eleanor drop the bowl of mix.


"What?" My thoughts exactly.

"I'm not sure, I just feel really sick these days,  and my period hasn't come yet." She went on.

"How long has it been?" Danielle asked.

"I should've had my period 3 weeks ago."

"No, like.. When was the time you and Zayn.. you know.." She trailed off, more awkwardly.

"I'm going to say, the time that it happened was probably a month ago, we've had sex since then but-"

"-To much info" Khloe cut her off.

"Perrie this is crazy! Why haven't you done a pregnacy test or something" I said, she blushed.

"Because I don't want it to be true.." She whispered, her voice cracking on the end.

"Why?" I asked, rubbing her back. ."Zayn and I aren't ready for kids! He's not home half the time, I'm in a band , we're 19 for god's sake!"

"If you think about it, by the time it would be here, you'd both be 20" Dani said trying to cheer up the mood.

"Do you want me to book a doctors appointment?" I asked her, ignoring Danielle's comment.

"I don't know.. I want to tell Zayn, and I want him to be there with me.. But at the same time I don't.."

"I think you should." Eleanor said, I nodded my head.

"Maybe you girls are right.. I'll tell him tonight.."


"PERRIE'S PREGNANT!" I jumped from the bed, when I heard Harry running down the hall to his room, where I was reading a magazine.

"Huh?" I answered confused, as he came in the doorway out of breath.


"O-ohh.." I muttered,

"Why do I feel like you already knew that?" He asked coming to sit next to me. I just bit my lip and went through the magazine some more.

"She might have mentioned it" I said, he sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, taking the magazine from my hands.

"She didn't want us to say anything.."


"All the girls knew."

"Well thanks for cluing me in" he pouted, I smiled.

"Love you?"

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