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Chapter Thirteen

(Blair POV)

"But that doesn't work!" I argued, still laughing.

"Yes I does!" He fought back. We both just laughed.

"Harry, you can't make chicken noodle soup with milk, it's not like tomato" I explained to him, he just cracked up more.


"- No buts" I cut him off. He laughed before kissing me. Both of us still laughing in the process.

2 weeks today we've been together.

"I'm clearly interrupting" We both jumped apart as we same Zayn walking to the fridge.

Yes we're at the boys place.

"Nahh, Hi Zayn" I greeted, he waved at me before getting his bottle of water.

"Uh, Simon wants us to go through a quick fitting with the new chick" He told Harry, I furrowed my brows.

"What happened to, Claire?" I asked looking up at Hazza.

"She quit, she's pregnant again." He muttered to me. I nodded my head. "Have you met the new girl?" Harry asked him, as Liam now entered the room.

"No, Liam has. He knew her."

"Oh yeah.. Hey Blair, when's the last time you saw Khloe?" Liam asked looking at me, my heart sunk. We haven't spoken about her in a while.

"Long time ago, why?" I asked him.

"She's out new stylist." I nearly choked. He made it sound like it was nothing.

"OH MY GOD! Where is she!?" I asked excitedly. Everyone laughed.

"In the room where we normally do this." Liam replied.

I got out of Harry's grip and honestly ran down the halls. Why does this place gotta be so big?

"Khloe!?" I stopped in the doorway. Her blonde hair was to me, and we were both smiling widely when she turned.

"BLAIR!" She ran over to me and embraced me in the tightest hug ever. "Oh my god! How are you?" She asked pulling away. " I thought you had brown hair?" I laughed at her.

"I did, changed it recently. I'm good, how are you?" I replied the question.

"I'm great, not to sound rude though, why are you here?" She asked, I laughed.

"I'm dating Harry retard" I smirked, flicking her cheek. She blushed.

"Well I didn't know that!"

That was true, we haven't told any fans or anything about us. I was scared to. I wasn't ready for all the hate.

"So when did you and Trevor end, then?" She asked, as we sat on the couch. I sighed and was thankful when Harry came in and sat on my lap?

"Get off!" I laughed, shoving him away. He sat next to me and pulled me onto his lap and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Now that's what I like to see, not her and some ass hole." I blushed at her words before leaning my head against his. He left a simple kiss to my shoulder before the rest of the boys came in,. "Do you normally stay for these things?" Khloe asked me. I nodded my head.

"I do" I replied. She smiled before grabbing my hand "Well I might just need an assistant." She smirked.


"Come on, this was our dream.. I'll need the help anyways, there's 5 of them. And I think that would be awkward if I were to measure around your boyfriend" She smirked. I laughed before going with her.

"So what ones are they trying on?" I asked looking at the options.

"Now that you're here, you can do Harry's jeans."

"Management wants then skinnier?" I asked, feeling bad for my boyfriend for what he's about to experience.

"I guess so.." She muttered. Handing me the pairs.

"Wish me luck"


"I cant breath in these" Harry choked out. I was on my knees behind him, getting the length done.

"I'm sorry." I apologized for the millionth time.

"How come I'm the only one getting these?" He whimpered.

"I am too!" We looked to our right to see Khloe doing the same thing to Louis. He didn't look impressed.

"Sorry guys, I just take orders." She said, looking very concentrated in her work.

I decided to be a brat and make this more sexual then it needed to be.

"Baby.. Can you turn to me, please?" I asked innocently. He turned so he was in front of me. I smirked t myself before started,

I brought my hands to his hips, and put 2 fingers in his pants to see how much space there was. I looked up at him batting my lashes, as he bit his bottom lip. I measured the length of his inner thighs , and I could tell his breathing was hitching off. I looked back up at him to see him glaring. I just giggled lightly before continuing.

"I think we should make this a bit tighter" I whispered.

"Please no." He begged. I laughed before standing up and kissing him passionately.

"Sorry you got excited babe." I whispered before heading over to Zayn for his shirt measurement. I looked back at my boyfriend who was smiling to the ground.

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