More Presents

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Chapter Forty - Three

(Blair POV)

My eyes fluttered open as I pressed the sheets against my bare body some more. I'm going to straight up with you..

My whole body hurt.

But then I noticed something, Harry wasn't here. I looked around and noticed a piece of paper on my desk. So I got up, with the sheet still around me and waddled my way over.

Morning beautiful, You looked to peaceful to wake.. I just went to grab your present. Be back shortly, I love you & last night was amazing!


I found myself blushing while reading that for some reason. But I must agree, last night was perfect.

I figured he wouldn't be back for a while, so I took a quick shower and changed. The hoodie was Harry's and it was very large on me.

That's why I loved it.

I opened the bathroom door and made my way back to my room. I nearly shit myself when I went in there.

"Oh my god!" I gasped in awe, rushing over to my bed. To what I'm assuming was my "present".

It was the most precious golden labrador puppy I have ever seen. And it's mine.

"Harry she's adorable!" I said picking her up, she put her front paws on my chest and licked my face making me laugh. "Aren't you.. You're just the cutest thing" I murmured to her, Harry just smiled.

"Now you have a cuddle buddy when I'm not here." He said, I put the pup down and threw my arms around his neck.

"I love it, thank you so much!" I pressed my lips to his before sitting on the floor with my new puppy.

I didn't think he remembered what I said awhile ago about a dog.. But he did.

"Lucy" I hummed, kissing the top of her head. I looked up at Harry with a smile plastered on my face.

This was great.


"I hate saying bye to you." I pouted, giving him another hug.

"I'm not much of a fan of it either." He said, kissing my head.

"See you next month" I replied with a sad smile. He sighed,

"I love you"

"I love you too" I replied leaning up and kissing him softly.

I watched him walk down the hall to the elevator before heading back inside.

I flopped on my couch and let a few tears fall, but that changed when Lucy jumped up on me and licked all over my face.

"I guess I need to buy you some things, huh?" I smirked, reaching for my phone.

"Hello?" She answered.

"PERRIE come dog shopping with me!" I whined.

"Dog shopping?" She sounded more then confused.

"Yeah.. Harry got me a puppy for my birthday" I replied, still in awe about it.

"That's so cute, is he gone?" She asked. I sighed..

"Yup.. He was gonna stop by your place, Zayn wanted a check up on you from him." I smirked,

"That's funny. Well when he leave's I'll come by to your place?" She offered.

"Sounds good, lav ya!"

"Lav yew!"

I hung up my phone and spent some quality with my new baby.


"She's so cute!" Perrie exclaimed, squatting down as Lucy was sure to meet her at the door.

"I know, hey?"

"Why'd he get you a dog, though?" She asked.

"I told him a long time ago I wanted one.. I didn't think he'd get one though."

"Well shes' adorbs." She said, I nodded my head in agreement. "What do we need to get?" She asked me.

"Just a few things.. A bed, food, dishes for her food and water, treats, a collar, leash, some toys.." as I continued to go through my list. I realized how much I really needed.


I picked Lucy up and all 3 of us were out the door.

Oh yes, she was coming with me..


"I've never seen someone buy so much stuff for a dog." Perrie said as I put the new collar on her. It was aqua blue with black spots.

"I'm spoiling this dog" I smirked, putting all the stuff in my car. I got a lot.



Dry Food

Wet Food




I told Harry, and he wanted to see.. So I sent him a picture, and as of right now.. he's calling me.

"Uh oh" I muttered, Perrie furrowed her brows before I answered.

"Hey babe" I answered innocently.

"How much did you buy for that dog?" Getting right to the point I see..

"Not a lot.." I muttered, petting my puppies head, as she was sitting on Perrie's lap, on my couch. I put him on speaker so she could hear.

"Did you spend over $100?" He asked. I gave Perrie a frantic look.

"Nope.." I face palmed myself.

"How much?"

"$97.89" I muttered.

"Blair!" I jumped making Perrie laugh.

"What? She needed it" I pleaded.

"Yeah.. But not the most expensive stuff you could find"


"Why'd you bother getting a bed? We all know you'll bring her into bed with you." That was true. "And she's a puppy.. How the hell is she going to eat all that food." Fair enough. "And do you honestly expect her to play with the t-" I just hung up on him.

"Oh, he seems thrilled." Perrie teased, I laughed,

"He'll get over it." .... "I hope"

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