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Chapter Fourty - Two

(Blair POV)

"Breath Blair, it's just Harry.. You've seen him before... But you're just weirdly excited and want to tie him to your bed.. But you're not going too... So breath..." I told myself in the mirror.

He was going to be here any minute, and I changed my outfit about 16 times, before deciding for the final time.

I knew Harry loved it when I wore crop tops, that's why he told his mum to get me some for Christmas. So I decided that's the least I could do.

"Tied to the bed? I like the sound of that." I jumped, and almost shit a brick when I heard someone behind me. I turned around and I smile was plastered on my face.

"Babe!" I screeched. He dropped his bags, and opened his arms. I laughed before running and jumped in them.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and hugged him tightly as his hands supported my ass.

"I have missed you so much" He said, spinning us around, I just giggled. "And you look stunning"

"I've missed you too" I replied, not exactly ready to let him go.

"Can I please kiss you?" He begged, I smiled before pulling my head back and crashing my lips to his,.

Oh dear god, I have missed him.

"You're lips taste like peppermint" He smirked, pulling away,

"That would be the chap stick" I replied, he shrugged before kissing me again. I gasped when my back hit the wall and I was pushed against it. My legs still around him as he deepened the kiss.

I pulled away, totally out of breath, he just gave me a big cheeky smile before leaning in, kissing me rather slowly and softly.

He's a bipolar kisser.

"So what was this, tying me to the bed?"


"I like this place." Harry said, as I gave him the short tour. It wasn't that large, but that's why I liked it. It was only me living here.

"Me too" I replied, giving him a smile. But I found myself dazing at him.

"What?" He asked

"I'm just really happy you're here" I said, blushing after it.

"Me too, let's make the most of today" He told me, leaning down to kiss my cheek. I nodded my head before heading to the kitchen.

"So how does it feel to be in your 20's?" I smirked, he groaned.

"I feel old" He pouted, hopping up on the counter. I laughed at him.

"It's okay, you're still hot." I snickered, he glared playfully at me before looking around the room again,

"So.. I was thinking dinner, and then come back here.. And be together.." He murmured, coming over to me. I got butterflies in my stomach.

It's felt like forever.

"Sounds perfect."

"..And I'm not giving you your birthday present until tomorrow morning, before I leave." He said, I furrowed my brows at him.

"Why?" I asked, with a giggle in my throat.

"Just trust me." He murmured, I shrugged it off before I heard my phone ringing.

I dashed from Harry's grip and picked it up.

"Heelllloooo Perrie Perrie sauce." I smirked into the phone, she laughed and I heard Harry snickering from the kitchen.

"Is he there?" She asked, I just smiled at that thought.

"Yeah, he got here a few hours ago" I told her,

"Cute, I don't really know why I called.. I just felt lonely" She said. I sighed. Zayn wasn't coming until next week.. Harry said he was lucky he could sneak out today.

"Don't be, we'll hang out tomorrow" I told her, she sighed loudly.

"Okay, have fun with your boy. Use protection"

"Don't I always" I smirked, she gasped.. "bye babe" And then I hung up.

I walked back to the kitchen to see Harry on his phone. He put it down and then mine vibrated. I had a twitter notification,

@Harry_Styles :

Feels so good to be home with my girl @BlairCarter , love you baby <3

I smiled widely before replying to that.

@BlairCarter :

Glad you're home too Marcel ;) @Harry_Styles :* xx

I heard his phone vibrate on the counter and he checked it, laughing after reading it.

"You're a goof" He said to me, I just put my hands up in surrender.

"Sounds about right."


"It's so pretty" I said, looking around the resturant .

"Not bad at all" He replied, pulling the chair out for me,

"Awe what a gentleman" I teased, he laughed.

"Aren't I always?" He snickered.

"Hello, I'm Martina, I'll be your waitress tonight, and- oh my god, are you Harry Styles." I nearly groaned.

Not again..

"Hello" He replied, not sounding very thrilled, "My girlfriend and I are just trying to have a quiet dinner" he replied politely.

"Of course" She replied, she looked at me and gave me a rude look making me roll my eyes, "What can I get you guys for drinks?"

"I'll just have a ice tea" He said, "What do you want?" He asked me.

"I'll have the same" I replied giving her the best smiling I could. But she definitely didn't reply it.

But I really don't care.

"Here you are" And she returned moments later.

"I don't want to drink it" I muttered when she left, harry laughed.


"I'm scared she spit in it."

Harry laughed before taking it, dumping it in the plant beside us, and put half of his in my cup.


We decided to order a big plate of food to share, so our waitress wouldn't try and poison it.

"That was so good" I said, leaning back in my seat, patting my stomach. he smiled at me

"It was.. I'm ready to get home" He said, winking at me. I smiled widely

"me too!"

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