Yes or No

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Chapter Five

(Blair POV)

"Was that Trevor the same Trevor as the Trevor you're trying to hide from? That Trevor?" Danielle went on as we fast walked through the restaurant, making sure to dodge any sign of.. Him.

"Yes, that's my boy- ex boyfriend. I honestly had no idea he worked here." I replied as we pushed through the door and practically ran.

"Well dang." Was all that came from her mouth. I laughed before we ran down the street.

(Harry POV)

"Excuse me, boys." I stated as I pulled from my seat to head over to the men's room.

On my way I happened to bump into our waiter, Trevor I believe his name was.

"Sorry man" I apologized before continuing my way.

"Wait!" I stopped and turned around to him


"You're close with Liam Payne, yes?" He asked me. I furrowed my brows at him. Really?

"Yes, we are in the same band." I told him, even though I could tell he couldn't care less.

"Has he introduced you to a Blair Carter, yet?"

This guys was weird. And he seemed like a mean man. I knew the car accident was bullshit and the marks on her hips were left by a person, and I was curious to who it was. I knew that her "boyfriends" name was Trevor, but- WAIT. Trevor? Why is this Trevor asking about her, when she's ignoring a Trevor.

"Heard of her." Was all I said to him.

"So you don't know where she would be?" He asked me.

Was he the abuser?

Do I tell him?

Oh God,..

"No, I haven't. Sorry man" I gave him a pat on the back before leaving. When I looked back he look frustrated. His hands were in fists and he was biting his lower lips. Hard.

I just saved her ass.

(Blair POV)

"I've never been so happy to be home." I said as I flopped myself down on the couch. Danielle just laughed.

"I'm happy I know what dude to be watching out for." She said. I heard the fridge door open and shortly after she came to the living room with 2 water bottles.

"That's him." I told her, she sighed.

"I was so confused why you ducked under the table like that, but now that makes sense." She joked,

"I'm sure he wouldn't recognize me if I just put my head down, because as far as he knows, I have brown hair.. But I didn't want to take the chance." I said, she nodded her head.

"I understand. He's hot though." She smirked, I just threw a pillow at her making her laugh hysterically "I'M KIDDING!" She shouted, I continued to laugh before we heard the doorbell ring. We both stopped and shared the same look with each other,

"I'll get it." She whispered before slowly making her way down the hall.

I didn't hear her scream so I guess she's not dead. There for, I don't think it was Trevor. I heard her start walking down the hall, but I heard someone with her.

I was nervous for some reason.

She appeared and shortly after, so did..


"What're you doing here?" I asked, trying not to sound rude, him and I don't seem to get along much.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" He ignored my question, and asked his own. I furrowed my brows but got up.

If he came here and ditched the boys at lunch to come here to talk. It must be kinda important.

We went in the backyard and I looked right at him

"What is it?" I asked him.

"I had a talk with our waiter.. Trevor."

"Oh?" I'm not giving in.

"He asked about you."

"Alright?" Play it cool, Blair.

"Do you know him?" . Yes.


He stared at me for awhile, he studied me. I already know that he knows that something is up and that he doesn't believe my car accident story, I could tell he knew that was fake the moment I told him. But I don't think he knows it Trevor, he's just implying.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" I was taken back at his question.

"Is that a legitimist question?" I smirked, trying to lighten up the mood. His cheeks turned a rosy pink and I laughed. I patted his back before answering him

"Trust me, there's no story to tell" And I began to walk away, but his words made me stop in my tracks.

"I didn't ask for a story, I only asked for a yes or no."

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