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Chapter Fifty - Six

(Harry POV)

I couldn't seem to focus on stage, at all. Every time I looked back, Blair would be totally zoned out on the couch, like she was about to break. I even caught her talking to Taylor, and I could've sworn she was in tears. But I couldn't just leave the stage for it, I think I'd be shot in the face.

"He drives to school every morning, while I walk alone in the rain... He'd kill me without any warning, if he took a look in my brain." I couldn't take it. I just wasn't into this at all. I ran across stage to Lou.

"Feelin sick, be right back." I lied. He nodded his head, and I made a dash for it.

Leaving girls rather curious.

I looked around and Paul almost shit bricks when he saw me.

"Harry! What are you doing!? Get back out there?" He hissed, walking towards me. I panicked before just making a run to the dressing room, I knew he wouldn't catch me.

I shut the door and locked it, breathing heavy.

"Harry?" I turned around to see Blair there, looking rather confused. But so was I when I noticed her eyes were red and puffy.

"What's wrong?" I asked, pulling her into a hug.

"Why aren't you on stage?" She totally ignored my question.

"Trying to figure out what's wrong with you" I murmured, stroking her long blonde hair.

"You just ditched a concert, to ask what's wrong with me?" I could tell she was lightly smiling.

"I'd do anything for you, Blair.. Now what's wrong?" I repeated my question, pulling her away from me and looking dead in her eyes.

"It's honestly nothing.. I Just finally understand something you said to me." She muttered, walking towards the couch. But I was still to follow her.

"And what's that?" I'm confused.

"Remember when you told me, you knew the way Marcus looked at me?" I nodded my head. "Well, I know that feeling.."

"Huh?' I was blank. But she looked at the ground. Her lip quivering. "Blair, who are you talking about?"

"Taylor. I-"

"Taylor and I are done, there's no feelings. Both ways."

"That's where you're wrong. She looks at you, the same way I do." She was telling me, what I said to her. "We even had a brief conversation.." She whispered, finally a few tears spilling.

"What did she say?"

"It doesn't matter, her feelings are still there!" I was taken back when she stood up and faced me.

"I'm so sick of having to fight so hard for this!"

"What's that supposed mean?" I asked.

"Harry. This last 2 weeks has been shit for us! As soon as we make up, something come's back and we're fighting again!"

"What did Taylor say to you!?" I knew right away, Taylor made her over think something.

"Taylor said nothing to me! These are my words."

"No. She said something that's making you think about it."

"No, she said something that's making me realize that I'm the only one fighting, now.." Her words cut deep.


"No, Harry that came out totally wrong, I-"

"Save it. I'll talk to you later." I brushed right passed her and opened the door. Paul was there with his arms crossed at me. I rolled my eyes before making my way back to stage.

She's the only one fighting?


(Blair POV)

"SHIT!" I pretty much screamed when Harry left the room. I picked up the lamp and just threw it.

"Blair? What the....?" Khloe entered the room and I fell to my knees.

"I can't do this anymore!" tears fell and I was almost screaming cause I couldn't catch my breath.

"hey hey hey, calm down.. I'm here" She whispered, hugging me, going on her knees as well.

"I don't want to be here anymore!"

"Where do you want to go, love?" She soothed, helping me to my feet, I was pretty much stumbling because I couldn't walk right with the blurry eye vision.


Khloe froze in her tracks and looked at me with a guilty loko.

"If you're upset because Harry told me to stay out of your relationship, don't be-"


Great.. One more thing.

"Damn." She whispered.

"Is that why you've been avoiding me?" I choked out, tears coming like a water fall.

"All he told me was to not get so involved, he was just upset I spilt about Jessica.. I swear.. That's all."

"He told my best friend to stay out of things?"

"Blair! You're going really pale." My head started to spin.

"Khloe I can't breath!"

"Someone call a doctor!!"

It all went black.

(Harry POV)

We were just in the middle of moments when the music cut off. What the hell? We all looked back and Paul had actually run out onto the stage.

"Show's over boys, ambulance is here."

"What why?" Zayn asked, fans now looking confused.

"It's Blair." He muttered, as the words left his mouth I bolted off that stage.

I pushed passed everyone in the back until I reached where I noticed the paramedics. They were kneeled down, to an unconscience Blair. I noticed Khloe beside her too, crying.

"What happened?" I asked, kneeling right beside her, looking over Blair, in pure panic.

"I'm so sorry! Harry you're going to hate me." I was getting confused, with Khloe crying up a storm. I put my arm around her and gave her a hug.

"Khloe, I could never hate you.. What happened."

And then she told me everything. When she finished I held in the anger building inside me.

"It's okay.. You didn't know." I was able to get out, feeling like my whole body was on fire. She just cried more before looking down at Blair.

"Blair you're going to be okay!" She cried as they put her up on a stretcher. I wiped the tears that were brimming my eyes and followed the paramedics.

How do we go from having sex in the dressing room this morning, and then going to the hospital because she blacked out?

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