Camping 3

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Chapter Twenty - Three

(Harry POV)

I woke up to have Blair's body pressed against mine, and the 3 big blankets over us.

Wanna hear a funny story?

So, We went to bed at around midnight. Both wearing big hoodies and everything, we got all cozy and went to bed. We woke up at 3 in the morning because we were still freezing. So, we did the impossible, got up and stripped down. She stayed in her bra and underwear and I went to my boxers and then we tried again. And we were much warmer. I guess it was our body heat?

I dunno.

"Morning" I snapped from the flashback as I could feel Blair wakening from beside me. Her head stayed on my chest as the blankets mounted on top of us.

"Morning beautiful." I murmured, twirling a piece of her hair around my finger. I could feel her tracing the sparrows on my chest and I relaxed immediately.

"Sleep better?" She hummed, letting out a gentle yawn.

"I did, did you?" I replied the question.

"Mhmm." She moaned, sitting up more. But because I'm such a pain in the ass, I pulled her back down on top of me and squeezed her close to my body making her laugh.

"H-Harry, I need to breath!" She laughed, I smiled before kissing her cheek and letting her go.

I couldn't help but gaze at her body. The very first time I'd seen it, was when she was changing at Danielle's and I acted like a creepy little boy and spied. She was very skinny, and bruised up. Now, she's filled out her body a lot, and you can barely see any of the marks Trevor had left on her.

She really was beautiful.

But then I remembered Trevor and the conversation my mother and I had talked about yesterday. I didn't know if I should tell Blair or not.

"Can I wear your hoodie again?" She asked me, pulling a pair of shorts up and throwing her hair in a bun.

"Pshft. No." I smirked at her, she stuck out her bottom lip and pouted,

"Pwetty pweeaassee" She begged, crawling back on top of me. I just smirked as she ended up with a leg on either side of me and I held my hands on her hips.

"Naaah." I went on, she glared at me.

"Can I?" She joked, I groaned before reaching to my left for it, and tossing it to her. She smiled in success before sliding it over her small frame, still on me. She bent down and kissed her lips.

"You kept me cozy last night" She said, I just smiled.

"It was a lot warmer once we took off the hoodies and stuff." I murmured, sitting up, resting my forehead on her shoulder. I smiled against it, when I felt her start playing with my hair.

"I love you" She whispered, and again, I smiled widely.

"I love you, and I love hearing you say that" I replied. She placed a kiss on my jaw before we just sat there. We were interrupted when my phone started beeping, telling us to start packing up.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." I moaned, she just giggled in my ear before bringing my face to face hers.

"Me too." And then she kissed me softly. She got off of me and exited the tent, to clean up outside while I got dressed and worked on the tent.

What do I do about Trevor?

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