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Chapter Four

(Blair POV)

"Let's go out." I furrowed my brows at Danielle.

It was just her and I, we were sitting on her bed eating chips.

"What?' I asked confused.

"Let's go shopping, do our hair, get our nails done.. It'll be fun" She went on,

"That sounds great, but I got no money."

"My boyfriend is Liam Payne. I have money nim rod" She joked, I laughed at her bad joke and got up. "Hey, can I ask you something?" I gave her my full attention

"Sure" I replied.

"Well, you've been here for about a week now.." OMG. She wants me to move out. "Why don't you just move in" WHAT?

"W-what?" choked out.

"I have a extra room at the end of this hall, we can decorate it how you want, Liam and the boys can go back to your house was douchebag isn't home and grab your stuff an-"

"-Danielle, that sounds amazing.. But.. He'll find me" I replied looking at the ground.

"I think I know a way he won't" She smirked coming closer to me and playing with my hair. I was confused..

"How would you feel about going.. Blonde?"



"I LOVE IT!" I exclaimed looking in the mirror at my new hair . She just smiled widely.

"I knew you'd look hot, blonde" She replied. I just gave her another hug.

"Thank you so much!" I cried again. She laughed before taking her seat for her turn.

She couldn't do much because of dance and had a certain look to be doing. So she got a short trim and some dark red tips done, they straightened it for her, and she looked very good.



About 4 hours later, I was walking around London with Danielle, dressed in this .

I've never referred to myself as the 'sexy' or 'hot' type, but today, I'm feeling different. I feel like that.

Danielle and I have accomplished a lot this afternoon. She's bought me like a whole new wardrobe, she got my hair done and even bought the stuff for my room. I told her not to, but when I went to that bathroom she paid.

I was thankful for her.

"Liam just texted me, they're on a break, wanna meet them for lunch?" She asked me.

"Sure" I replied as we crossed the busy street.

We walked until we hit White Spot. Mmmm.

"Well looky here" Liam teased when he saw us. I heard Niall whistle as a joke.

They were all here, Niall, Zayn, Louis, Liam and Harry. I noticed him looking at me, and I felt the blush coming to my cheeks, but I looked away before he could notice.

"I like the blonde." Liam said as he held a strand of it. I laughed before taking a seat next to him. With Danielle on his other side.

"So guess what." Zayn started,

"What?" Louis replied.

"Little Mix's Canada tour got cancelled because Jesy got really sick, so they're coming back next week." The boys all smiled, but I was confused.

"His girlfriend is in the band." Liam whispered in my ear, I guess he could tell I had no idea what they were talking about.

"Louis, where's El?" Danielle whined as she took a sip of her water.

"In Paris, coming home next week." He replied. I knew who Eleanor was, I saw lots of pictures of her and Danielle in the house.

And you know what else I learned? The house I'm staying in, isn't even Liam's. It's Danielle, all the boys apparently have a big ass house together, but they also have there own smaller flats. The big house is like just a place they can sleep and have fun at, that's also where they rehearse and their clothes done.

How many houses does one person need?

"-Blair!" I snapped from my thoughts to see Louis looking at me.

"Yeah, I'm here!" I replied making everyone laugh, except Harry who looked like he was studying me like a math text book.

"I said, Eleanor wants to meet you." He told me, I smiled

"Good, I want to meet her too-" Before I could finish my sentence, Danielle cut in

"-Blair's moving in with me!" This made them all cheer.

"So, I guess you're sticking around?" Zayn asked, I nodded my head.

"Guess so"

We all continued to talk as we waited for our food. When I saw the food coming, I was excited. But when I saw who was carrying it, my heart sunk. I ducked under the table and crawled to the back by everyone's feet.

"Blair, what are you doing?" Liam asked, as he looked down at me, I nudged my head to the right, he looked up and got it right away. "Say nothing about Blair" He told the group.

"Sorry about the wait guys, I'm Trevor." He heard him talk and my heart was beating like crazy. "Isn't there someone missing?" he asked, OH GOD.

"Yeah, she's under th-" Liam kicked Niall right away.

"She just went to the bathroom." Liam covered.

I watched Trevor's feet walk away, and I yanked Danielle down to me.

"I need to get out of here. Now."

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