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Chapter Twenty - Eight

(Blair POV)

I stayed parked in my car, outside my old house for about 5 minutes. Catching my breath and reminding myself what I was doing to do. I could see in front of me a bit, Liam and Harry parked with lights off.

"I'm going in." I whispered, knowing they could hear me through the mic on my dress. But I couldn't hear what they were saying.

I closed my car door and slowly made my way to the front door. I looked back one more time, knowing I could just leave, but I knew this had to happen eventually.

Before I could even knock on the door, the door opened and there was Trevor looking at me with a smirk. He checked out my outfit before landing his eyes on mine.

"Fancy seeing you here." He smirked, my stomach twirled.

"Can I come in?" I asked him quietly.

"Why?" He asked. I bit down on my lip before taking a step closer to him.

"I miss you.." I whispered, before letting myself in.

I always had a way with that kind of stuff.

I stood awkwardly in the living room as he layed on the couch watching me.

"You can sit you know?" He hissed. I just nodded my head. Not sure on what I was supposed to do now. "Why are you here, Blair?" He snapped, sitting up now.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" I asked firmly. "Aren't I always supposed to give you what you want.. You want me, remember?"

I knew a way to get him really pissed off was to say certain things. Tell him things that were cold but true.

"I would've got you anyways. You just gave in."

"Because I missed you." I whispered.

"What about that boyfriend of yours? The famous one. Henry?"

"Harry." I corrected him, he glared at me.

"WHATEVER!" I jumped at the tone raise as he flipped the table. "Where the hell is he!?" Yup, he's mad.. But I Had to think of a lie..

"He's in LA" I told him. That's when he stood up and stalked towards me.

"So why are you here?" He hissed, towering over me.

"I want you.."

(Harry POV)

"He's in LA" She told him, she made it sound so believable. I looked at Harry who seemed calm.

"So why are you here?" He hissed.

"I want you.." I cringed at her words, but it had to happen.

"FUCK YOU BLAIR! That's bullcrap!" I was startled at his voice. I heard something else break, but she hadn't asked for us to come yet.

"No.." She whispered. "Actually.. Yes, it is." What is she doing? I looked at Liam who looked confused.


"It's true. I really don't want you. You made my life a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from." She paused. "But then I found Harry... He's amazing Trevor, such a gentleman."

"Harry, what is she doing?" Liam asked me. I just shrugged.

"Shut up!" He hissed.

"NO! I DESERVE TO BE HAPPY TOO!" She screamed, that's when we heard a bang and her scream. "Help!" She panicked into her mic.

Liam and I were out of the car in a split second. We ran as fast as we could and bolted through the door. The first thing I saw was her on the ground and his fist in the air, I ran and threw him off of her,

(Blair POV)

His fist left my jaw, and was back in the air, I squeezed my eyes shut but was confused when I felt someone pulling me to my feet. I looked and saw it was Liam. I looked over and saw Harry on top of Trevor,

"He hit you?" Liam asked,

"Y-yea" I muttered, but I couldn't feel the pain. All I could focus on was Harry's fist beating Trevor's fist.

"Harry stop! You're gonna kill him!" I said, and that's when the other 3 boys came in.

I fought against Zayn and Niall as they tried to bring me outside. They put me in their car and sat with me.

Only a few moments later, the cops had arrived. And I was mortified when Trevor AND Harry came out with handcuffs on. I ran out of the car and stopped them.

"You can't take him!" I cried, as they had put Harry in one car and Trevor in another.

"He nearly killed a man, miss, he's coming with us." The officer told us.

"He saved me!" I choked out, tears falling from my hands.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but he needs to be brought down for questioning." I just galred at him before running back to the car.

"Why are they taking Harry?" Louis asked.

"I don't  know but we need to go down to the station!" I snapped, running back to my car and following the cops.


"You are so freaking lucky." I hissed to my boyfriend, bringing him back to my car. He just laughed.

"I knew they wouldn't do much, I technically did the world a favor by almost killing a criminal." He smirked, I glared at him though. "Babe, what's wrong?" He asked, pulling me closer to his side.

"You were nearly put in jail, Harry. How are you not seeing anything wrong with that?" I asked, opening the door to the car and getting in, I waited for him to get in the passenger seat.

"But I wasn't"

"Only because you had 9 people fighting for you!" I snapped. Pulling out of the parking lot. "If we didn't come, you'd be put in a cell with Trevor." I told him, driving home.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry" He said, trying to hold onto my hand, but I pulled it away. "Babe, be happy. Trevor's in jail for good. I'm not, you're safe, we're all safe and can just be happy." He went on. I sighed before pulling over on the side of the road. "What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Pass me the cream in the glove department." I ordered, he furrowed his brows before handing it to me.

I put some on my hand and gently rubbed it on my jaw where Trevor's fist met my bone.

"Did he hit you?" Harry all of a sudden hissed.

"Barely" I muttered, handing the cream back to him.

"ass hole, I'll kill h-"

"You've done enough Marcel." I smirked, he blushed before grabbing my hand once again, this time I let him hold it.

"I am sorry for scaring you like that though.."

"I can't complain.. At least I know you'd go far to protect me." I snickered. He laughed before we continued to drive to Danielle's house.

I didn't want to be bothered with questioned from every one so we went here.

We went straight up to my room and got in the bed. We put on Hang over and just relaxed for the rest of the night.

"Love you baby." He hummed against my head. I smiled before shoving a spoon of ice cream in his face.

"Yup. Love you too" I smirked.

"That was rude." He pouted, I just laughed.

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