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Chapter Thirty - Three

(Blair POV)

"What if they arrest me, or what if I'm even put in prison, what if I'm in the same cell as Trevor!.. Or what if-"

"No offence, but shut up." Harry cut me off. I just sighed before walking through the door.

"I'm just really scared" I whispered. He stopped walking and turned me to face him. He did nothing but cup my cheeks with his large hands and put his lips against mine leaving my body feeling numb.

"I know, and no matter what happens, you know we're all gonna fight for you." He told me, kissing my forehead before we made our way to the office.

(Khloe's POV)

"JAIL!?" I shouted, totally confused when Niall told me what was going on.

"Guess so, Harry texted me." He muttered, trying to kiss down my neck again.

We were currently in bed, he was trying for a round 4, but now I wasn't happy with it.

"Stop, we're not having sex when my best friend might be put in jail" I snapped, trying to push his bare chest away from on top of me.

"C'mon, Harry will take care of it."


"Okay, fine.. Let's go."

(Perrie POV)

"Can they even do that?" I asked Zayn, taking a fat ass bite out of the sandwich I made myself. And smiling down at my little bump . It wasn't much, but I loved it anyways.

"I have no idea, it's Trevor's lawyer." He answered, keeping one hand on my belly and his head on my shoulder.

"Well, should we go down there and help?" I asked, taking one more bite and giving the rest to him

"How do we help?"

"We can go in as witnesses." I was cut off by my phone vibrating.

Khlo : Niall and I are heading to the station, you comin?

"Let's go, Niall and Khloe are going." I said, standing up, he furrowed his brows.

"Do you notice that they're weirdly close?" He asked with a smirk in his tone. I smiled.

"She'll spill eventually."

(Eleanor POV)

"El, come on. They need us!" Louis pleaded some more. I sighed.

"Why should I? She always rude to me anyways." I protested, he groaned.

"Yeah but.. But you and Harry are close, and this is going to destroy him if she's taken away.. Please babe." He kept going.

That was true, Harry meant a lot to me and I knew Blair meant everything to him..

"Fine. Let me grab my purse." He leaped with joy and smashed his lips to mine.

"Thank you!"

(Danielle POV)

"This is bullshit!" I snapped, driving very fast down the free way. Liam was in the passenger seat.

"I know," He muttered, still on his phones. But I slapped it away. "Hey!"

"Our best friend might be going to jail and all you're doing is sitting around on your phone! " I barked, making a turn.

"What do you want me to Dani? It's not going to make a difference if we just freak out about it. I'm trying to stay calm for her." He told me. I just rolled my eyes. "There you go again! Just rolling your eyes at everything I say!"

"Don't start Liam."

(Blair POV)

Tears swarmed my eyes with every word they said. They didn't let Harry come in with me because this was private apparently.

"Do you admit to it?" Mr. Johnson asked.

"I want a lawyer." Was all I gave him, he glared at me.

"Ms. Carter, I will ask you again. Have you ever put your hands on Mr. Graham."

"She doesn't have to answer that until she has a lawyer." I looked back and a sigh of relief passed through me when I saw Liam coming through.

He was always good with this stuff.

But next came in everyone else

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, giving each of them a hug, and a smile plastered on my face.

"We figured you could use a few witnesses" Perrie smirked, I just laughed before hugging her again.

"Yeah.. I think 9's enough" I smirked. I looked forward and saw Harry up with Liam now, talking with Mr. Johnson. I decided to go up and join them.

"Who are all these people?" He asked looking at me.

"They're my witnesses." I smirked. His face went pale and I smiled.

"O-oh." He choked up.

"I'll get my lawyer to call you." I snickered before taking Harry's hand and we all left.

"Well that was fun." Khloe smirked. I laughed.

"Oh yeah... very fun." I replied making them laugh.

"I don't see the whole point of this." Zayn added.

"Neither do I, they really have nothing on me.. The only times I ever put my hands on Trevor was when he was coming after me." I said, thinking about it.

I never hit him for the hell of it.

"So why don't you just tell them it's self defense?" Louis asked, I couldn't help but notice Eleanor didn't look pleased to be here.

"I plan on it."

"Hey, Liam. Can you take my car home? I'm gonna ride with Blair" Harry spoke up from beside me.

"Yeah, sure." I noticed Danielle roll her eyes ..

Not again..

I got in the passenger side, because Harry insisted on driving. So that's what we did.

"Why'd you want to ride with me?" I asked as we went down a dirt road. He just looked at me with a smirk before pulling over. I watched as he got out and opened my door for me to do the same.

"What are we doing?" I asked him. I watched him open the back door as well.

"I want to try something" He said, bringing me into the back seat with him.


"No more questions.." He muttered bringing me on top of him and kissing me with force, I just laughed.

"Really? In the car?"

"I want you"

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