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Chapter Thirty - Seven

(Blair POV)

"Anne.." I said, knocking gently on her bedroom door, her head snapped up and she put the tissue that she was dabbing her eyes with, and let me come in.

"Hi dear." She covered up.

Another thing harry got from her. He's so good at hiding his emotions.

"I didn't mean to upset you or anything, Anne. It's ju-"

"No I know.. That was wrong for me to bring up." She cut me off, I sighed.

"No it wasn't, you didn't know.. I was just caught off guard because I'm not use to people talking about her"

(Harry POV)

Yeah, this might be wrong but I was so fricken curious on what they were talking about, so I had to eavesdrop.

"No I know.. That was wrong for me to bring up." My mother had cut her off, I could hear it in her voice she had being crying too.

"No it wasn't, you didn't know.. I was just caught off guard because I'm not use to people talking about her." Blair replied.

"Oh I just feel awful." And then my mum started crying again.

"Please don't cry.. I promise it's okay" Blair was so good with these situations. I heard adjustment on the bed, so I'm going to guess they're hugging?

"You promise you're not upset with me?" My mom asked. Typical her.

"On my life"

Then it went silent.

"What was her name?" My mum murmured..

Here we go again...

"Aria" Thinking about it.. I didn't even now.

"That's a lovely name"

(Blair POV)

After everything got cleared up, we went downstairs, finished dinner and then Harry and I made our way to the hotel. Anne wanted us to stay the night, but we figured we shouldn't..

We are "celebrating" after all ;)

"I love your mum" I said, pulling my hair out of my bun.

"Yea I can tell." Harry smirked, taking off his shoes and diving onto the bed.

I knew he was watching me, so I decided to just be a brat. I kept my eyes on him as I bit on my lips, un buttoning my jeans, I kept them on and seductively pulled my hoodie over my head. This caught his attention and he was sitting up. I grabbed my scarf and made my way towards him.

I wrapped it around his neck and pulled him to me, straddling onto his lap, grinding myself on him. He let out a fellow moan, making me smirk. I pulled the shirt over my head so I was left in my bra and jeans. Harry began trying to kiss on my chest but I brought his head up. Making him groan in frustration.

"On second thoughts.. I'm gonna shower instead." I smirked before getting up.

"Ohh no you don't!" He said before chasing me into the bathroom.

And.. you know the rest.


"You are so good at that." I said totally out of breath as he rolled over beside me, out of breath as well.

"Yeah, you're not so bad yourself" He replied, catching his breath.

"No like... You're really good at that. With your hands.. Your mouth.. Your-" He cut me off by dragging me on top of him and crashing our lips together.

It was a fierce kiss. Both of us going at it, but I liked it. It was a new side of him I enjoyed.

" I love you so much" He groaned, feeling up my body. I smiled widely before grazing my teeth along his ear lobe.

"I know the feeling."

Knock Knock

We both furrowed our brows while looking at the door.

"Who the hell would be here at 2 in the morning?" I asked, trying to contain myself from the kiss we just shared,

"I have no idea." He muttered.

I got off of him, scurried around the room, grabbed his boxers and my hoodie Gemma bought for me.. As Harry grabbed just his jeans he was wearing before. Leaving his chest bare.

I opened the door and was more then confused to see Danielle there.

"Dani? What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to fix my air, knowing it was probably everywhere.

"Liam's in the hospital." She said, tears down her face. I gasped.

"What!? Why?"

"W-we were at Stan's party with El and Lou and he had to much to drink, His kidney.. I don't know. So I called your mum." She said, looking at Harry "She told me where you guys were and I just don't know what to do" She went on. I pulled her into a hug.

"let us get dressed and we'll come back with you." I said,

"Huh?" Harry said from behind me. I glared at him.

"That's not a problem. Is it?" I said through gritted teeth, he let out a breath before nodding his head.

"Nope, we'll be getting dressed." He said, I smiled before we closed the door.

"I can't believe he's in the hospital." I said, taking off his boxers and putting my stuff on.

"Mhm. Me too." He muttered, I sighed.

"Hey, at least she didn't come an hour ago." I smirked, making his face go red.

"Fair enough."


"He's going to be fine. The kidney just wasn't use to it yet, but he's good to go." The doctor said, I smiled as Danielle let out a breath of relief. "You can take him home tomorrow, we're going to run tests" He said.

"Tomorrow meaning later today, since it's 5 in the morning?" She asked with hopeful eyes. I looked at the clock and holy shit it was.

That's a long drive.

"Yes Danielle, later today" he said before leaving.

I noticed Louis crying, I sat by him and rubbed his back. I could feel Eleanor watching me but I didn't look at her.

"Lou, you alright?" I asked. I was shocked when he choked out and hugged me. It was awkward with his girlfriend glaring at me, but I patted his back.

"I shouldn't have let Stan give him all those drinks." he cried. I sighed before finally hugging him back..

"But he's okay, love, he'll be out in a few hours" I tried to tell him, he nodded his head.

"I guess you're right"

"Aren't I always?" I smirked, he chuckled before getting up and walking around.. Something he did when he was nervous.

"Aweh, are you a sleepy boy?" I snickered, noticing Harry dozing off in the chair. He smiled before pulling me on his lap.

"You where me out" He said, I blushed but didn't say anything. "Cuddle with me" He murmured, I nodded my head before leaning my head against his chest.

"Do you wanna stay here or go home?" I whispered, he sighed.

"As much as I would love to take you back in bed.. I wanna stay til he's up." He said letting out a yawn. I smiled before kissing his cheek.

"OKay" I whispered

He's such a sweet heart.

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