What date?

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Chapter Ten

(Blair POV)

I had just finished getting dress when I heard a knock at my bedroom door.

What the ....?

Before I could go to it, it opened up to reveal the one and only Harry Styles.

"Hi Harrrryyy!" I cheered as he pulled me into a warm hug.

"I thought we agreed you weren't going to stay here by yourself?" he muttered as he pulled away, I smirked.

"I'm not alone, silly." I joked, he glared playfully at me.

"You know what I mean."

"It's fine, I've only been on my own for about an hour" I told him as I continued to go through my clothes. He sat on my bed.

"So I have a question.." He trailed off.


"So there's this party.. And the band was invited, but we kinda need.. dates.." I could feel my stomach tingling.

"Keep going.."

"And I don't have a date." Just ask already, Harry.


"So I was curious if you'd maybe be my date?" He asked innocently. I looked at him and smirked.

"I'd be honored, Harold." He glared as I used his full name. "What about Niall? Who's he taking?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I'm not sure, that's why I was hoping you could help me with that, too?" He replied sweetly. I sighed,

"Harry I don't know who to ask.." I mumbled. I noticed him playing with my phone, I didn't bother taking it away, he wouldn't know my password. But when I heard the music ding, I groaned.

"Hey, we have the same password" he smirked

"Do you we really?" I asked him confused, he nodded his head.

"Hey what about her?" Harry asked showing me a picture on my phone

"Khloe? I don't know.. I haven't spoken to her in awhile.. I'm pretty sure she's in Uni for fashion designing anyways.." I muttered, feeling sad now.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, we just always promised each other we'd go together because we both wanted to be fashion designers.. But once Trevor came into the picture, we grew apart." I told him,

"I'm sorry" He said rubbing my back.

"Don't be, I haven't seen her in like a year and a half." I said.

"Why don't you try and get in touch again?" He suggested.

"Like I said, I'm pretty sure she's in uni doing her own thing" I repeated.

"Hmm, wanna grab a coffee?" He changed the subject.

"But I-"

"- C'mon, all you're doing is going through your clothes, I'll buy?" He asked with a cheeky smile, I groaned before giving in.



"I'm officially scared of your fandom." I said honestly to Harry has we entered Starbucks. He just laughed.

"I don't blame you, they're feisty." He agreed,

I let it go as we went in line.

"What do you want, love?" I smiled. I love it when he calls me 'love'.

"Chai tea, pleeeaasse" He smiled, keeping an arm around me. I guess he hadn't noticed it was still there? "So when's this party, you were talking to me about?" I asked him, hoping he wouldn't notice

"October 23rd" He replied.

"Harry! That's in 2 nights!" I snapped at him. He chuckled.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know until this morning that we're supposed to have dates."

"You're supposed to? Or you want one?" I smirked at him, he tried to hide a blush but failed miserably.

"Doesn't matter. I still got one" I just laughed at his reply before the lady gave us our drinks.

"Wanna come back to the house and finish a pizza that Niall never got around to eating?" He asked me. I really wanted to, but I told Danielle I'd be home when she got back.

"I would, but I think I'm gonna stay at the house." He nodded his head understandingly and walked me home.


"Or invite yourself in." I asked confused as Harry came inside and shut the door.

"I told you, I wasn't leaving you home alone." I just laughed at him.

"Whatever, make yourself comfy Styles"

I noticed him following me upstairs, but I didn't care. He's been in my room a thousand times, and normally he's going through drawers each time.

"What do you want to do? Something that doesn't involve playing with my bra's please." He just laughed at me.

"Movie?" He asked me. I nodded my head.

"What one?"

"You pick."

"Prepare then Styles, you're gonna be watching a chick flick" I warned him, he just shrugged before sitting up on my bed.

"Give me 3 options and I'll pick?" He suggested,

"Fair enough... The Lucky One, The Vow, or Up All Night tour?" I said with a smirk.

"I thought you said chick flicks?" He asked.

"Technically it is, now pick."

"The Lucky One."

Throughout most of the movie I was going off about how hot Zac Efron was, I mean c'mon. He's a sexy  beast. Admit it. But I started to feel rather sleepy, so I leaned my head down on Harry's shoulder, something I seem to do every time we see each other. And like usually, he adjusted himself so he could put his arms around me so he could keep me close to him. Which I didn't mind. I closed my eyes, and let myself drift.

"Awe, how cute." I heard Danielle's voice but I didn't open my eyes.

"Is she sleeping?" Harry whispered, it was hard not to smile.

"Yes, any luck with the dance?" What?

"I told her we needed dates to go."

"But you don't need a date to go..?" She sounded rather confused. And now I was too.

"I know, I just wanted to go with her.. I didn't know what she would say if I just randomly asked her.."

I would've said yes.

But that's very cute that he did that.


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